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Katoy Brother


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When I lived out in the boonies, everyone in the neighborhood would come by and stroke the baby's weenies when they got a stiffy - men and women. Everyone just laughed including the boy's family.

What's that about?

Beats me - strange family if you ask me.

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A lot of you live in a dream world.

A man dressing as a woman is crying out for any kind of sexual attention. Two young straight boys may be a little too much temptation. :D

Exactly :D

He may be a great guy but why risk your kids' well-being for the sake of being PC? I wouldn't leave it up to the wife either as she'll just be of the 'mai pen rai' mentality and wouldn't give it a second thought... probably... :o

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When I lived out in the boonies, everyone in the neighborhood would come by and stroke the baby's weenies when they got a stiffy - men and women. Everyone just laughed including the boy's family.

What's that about? :o

I've seen it too, so it isn't that strange. In fact, I believe it is fairly common. Only done to boys tho.

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Most of your questions are answered in the book called "The Third Sex" by Richard Totman. It was a study based specifically on Thai LBs.

As for my own unscientific conclusions, they just are what they are. It's not something they chose, rather it is just an inert feeling from a very young age that they are not boys. Most will have fought that feeling for some time (depending on social and cultural circumstances), but eventually, they out themselves, and become true to themselves, thus blossoming into these beautiful creatures we know as ladyboys. My 2 bahts. I'm sure they will be more then safe with her.

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When I lived out in the boonies, everyone in the neighborhood would come by and stroke the baby's weenies when they got a stiffy - men and women. Everyone just laughed including the boy's family.

What's that about? :D

I've seen it too, so it isn't that strange. In fact, I believe it is fairly common. Only done to boys tho.

sorry I couldn't resist myself :

It's pretty difficult for a girl to get a stiffy don't you think ????? :o:D



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When I lived out in the boonies, everyone in the neighborhood would come by and stroke the baby's weenies when they got a stiffy - men and women. Everyone just laughed including the boy's family.

What's that about? :o

I have been told this occurs in some Middle Eastern cultures also; mothers, whilst bathing a male child often "exercise" his penis.

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neearanam dont take quotes out of context:

my husband's family is issaan thai; the man i mentioned is an alcoholic also. recently we received a phone call that my husband's sister ran back to mom's house as hubby has beaten her. she of course returned a week later. however, my daughter's instincts were right on the spot. and yes, the mai ben rai attitude does sometimes takeover in family situations. on the other hand, some families seem to have their own quiet methods of dealing with family members that are problematic. my point was: just because someone is a katoey doesnt mean that he is a pedophile or pervert or drunken crazy. there are enough of these types in many thai -and western for that matter- families w/o the person being a katoey. u know the types: a good stand up citizen, president of the charity etc etc. types that turn out to be what u wouldnt want your children to have contact with.

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"A working katoey"? Even if he were a prostitute (I assume that's the hint), he'd be making money off of rich adults, not getting his jollies with non-paying little nephews. Would you trust your pre-pubertal nephews around a working female prostitute?

The OP has succeeded with his trolling. Now we're even discussing whether this non-existent troll and his non-existent Thai family has a non-existent prostitute.

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Most of your questions are answered in the book called "The Third Sex" by Richard Totman. It was a study based specifically on Thai LBs.

I have seen this book on sale but not read it. I assumed, apparently in error, that it was less an informative book and more a "sex sells" type book. I am presuming that members of this forum have read it, can you please give me your opinions. I would be particularly interested in the views from actual katoeys either by forum or PM. If it is a book worth reading I will ask UG if he has a copy in stock.

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No flaming intended, but is he a working Katoey? If so, an affirmative would help make one's mind up one would hope. :o

Working as what - bar girl, street walker - that doesn't necessarily make her a bad person but one who is forced to do that to keep herself fed. Is she any worse than any of the girls lining streets like Sukhumvit in Bangkok or Loi Kroh in Chiang Mai just to name but two.

What about the very attractive and pleasant lady boy working for Nivea in Carre Four Chiang Mai - my wife thinks she is gorgeous. What about the lady boy who manages the floor staff at the Brasserie Restraurant also at CM? Is she a bad person because she is working? Is she not to be trusted with children?

When I lived in Samuii I had bar girls working for me who by circumstance went with customers to support their family, I would happily have left any of them in care of my child. The two lady boys in the same bar I would have done the same thing with my SOLE reservation that they would spoil my son so much he wouldn't want to come home.

Until presented with real evidence I will continue to believe that it is NOTHING to do with one's sexual orientation that would put any child in danger. In fact I would probably lean toward the gut feeling that it is more likely to be a otherwise straight male who is repressing something deep within that is more likely to be a pedophyle in disguise.

Has anyone got any evidence that would show ANY sexual assaults on children by a katoey in Thailand?

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Can't be arsed reading the whole of this inane nonsense. When will it be closed?

Yeah God forbid that you may actually learn something useful or expand your mind.

I have no idea when the forum is closed but it will either be:

1) it contravenes the rules of the forum or TV in terms of content

2) it turns into a flame war when ignorant people start to make inane comments like yours

3) it runs cold and dies a natural death

So here is something that you can do to prevent situation #2 - go to another forum like "bar girls where are the best to be found?" or "how much beer can I drink in one night?" where you will be much more at home. Then when situation #3 comes around you can lean back and say "well pleased that's over with now I won't have to bother reading it"

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Hold your horses Crowboy. I read the first posting and then thought it was a wind up. Noone can be that ignorant or bigotted (or rather should be....).

I agree with you whole heartedly, although I have never owned or run a bar I do understand why women are forced to do things they wouldn't do given a choice.

I doubt I will be in need of any bar girls, I am 40 odd years old, mother of two and happily married.

Don't get your knickers in a twist.

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Hold your horses Crowboy. I read the first posting and then thought it was a wind up. Noone can be that ignorant or bigotted (or rather should be....).

I agree with you whole heartedly, although I have never owned or run a bar I do understand why women are forced to do things they wouldn't do given a choice.

I doubt I will be in need of any bar girls, I am 40 odd years old, mother of two and happily married.

Don't get your knickers in a twist.

There are bigots and phobes everywhere! No big deal! Children can even grow past the ignorance of their parents! I agree the topic is 99% wind-up but it did generate some discussion and showed that igotry is still alive and well amongst the non-natives here in the LOS still!

<I started to make some of the same kind of stupid/uneducated generalizations about a group of people -- suit sellers --- and based it upon the origin of these sellers! ... then my good liberal education slapped me in the face and I revised that back to JUST the sellers :o>

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Jet .... I think you missed the point

I know where you boys are going with this; just change the words huh?

ummm being a gay guy .... the way I make my own bigotry go away is to think how stupid people are that say "faggot" are .... get's me away from my own stupid behaviour very quickly .... change the words? no

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