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Sex Tourist Jailed For 2 Years

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Wednesday, 2 June, 2004, 12:30 GMT 13:30 UK

Sex tourist jailed for two years

Parnell sent sexually explicit messages via email

A retired world-renowned concert pianist has been jailed for two years for attempted indecency offences against children in Sri Lanka.

Brian Parnell, 66, of Haringey, north London, is one of the first people to be convicted under laws introduced to tackle sex tourism.

They allow cases to be brought against UK citizens when offences are committed in other countries.

Parnell was jailed at Wood Green Crown Court, north London, on Wednesday.

He was found guilty on 30 April of attempting to incite a male under the age of 16 to commit a serious sexual act and to commit an act of gross indecency.

Graphic advert

The charges were brought after Parnell was employed to accompany an opera company on a tour through South Asia in 2002.

Before leaving the UK he posted a graphic advert on an e-message group called "Gay Teens of Sri Lanka", appealing for a young Sri Lankan boy to contact him.

This was detected by Sri Lanka's child protection unit and an undercover officer, posing as a 15-year-old boy, began corresponding with Parnell.

Parnell sent a series of sexually explicit messages and obscene photographs to the address.

Officers confronted him but were unable to take the case further as, in Sri Lanka, he had not committed an offence.

The details were passed to the High Commission in London and Parnell was arrested at his London home in March 2003.

The 66-year-old will also be placed under licence for an extended sentence of three years and the judge made an order for forfeiture of computer equipment.

He will also be placed on the Sex Offender Register.

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I for one think some people are missing the point here.

It seems to me that, and about time to, that if a man ( not so much women) commit sex crimes against children in countries other than their own they will be come liable for prosecution at home.

In the U.K. they will be put on the sex offenders register and this has a very high compliance rate because of the penalties for non compliance.

I notice that there not a great deal of sympathy for this man.

Why do you think Paul Gadd ( aka Gary Glitter) wants to live in Cambodia, the climate?

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I think entrapment of these sex tourists is a great idea, get them as they arrive,............If one used to go to Bangkok Chat, a certain person was posing as a teen thai girl, then exposing the perverts that wanted to talk about sex with what they thought was a 14 year old girl...................................

And if you idiots cannot see a connection with the ammount of sex tourists coming to Thailand then you have your head in the sand, i think this is a warning for ALL sex tourists, visiting ALL countries.

Good job done by the person that exposed this creep.

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I for one think some people are missing the point here.

Quite so maerim, It's one good thing thats happening and if the Thai police catch on it would be as easy as pie to hand over the prosecution to the uk authorities.

The point is there are far too many pervs here and it looks like it's going to curtail their fun by nicking them at home regardless of of where in the world they offend.

This is realy good news as there are too many sex tourists in Asia of an unhealthy persuasion, and you can bet that Thailand has more than it's fair share.

It also means you can share info with the police back home in the uk and they may well investigate. For sure the next time I see a Brit taking back an obviously young teen to their room for sex i'll quietly inquire about them and note the passport no: down and pass it on to the uk police.

Ive seen it before and it always stuck in my throat there was nothing I could do. but now :o

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I think we are all in agreement on exposing pedos and that they should be punished to the full extent of the law. There are reports of pedos doing this all over the planet. But this forum is about Thailand not UK or Srilanka. Just because some come here doesn't make it [article]about Thailand. Should this forum give them the heads Up?

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I think we are all in agreement on exposing pedos and that they should be punished to the full extent of the law. There are reports of pedos doing this all over the planet. But this forum is about Thailand not UK or Srilanka. Just because some come here doesn't make it [article]about Thailand. Should this forum give them the heads Up?

I just posted an article in General Section about a "fiddler" who fled from Oz and eventually ended up in LOS. Guess what he was at it again at a school in BKK.

It has heaps of relevance to Thailand, if this is where these perverts are gonna escape to and satisfy their perverted desires. :o

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last week in a phuket go-go bar i witnessed with my own eyes a 29 year old dancer leaving the bar with a 17 year old british male tourist for the purpose of having sex . should i report this evil woman to the authorities ?, as far as i know this sort of behaviour is illegal in thailand .

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last week in a phuket go-go bar i witnessed with my own eyes a 29 year old dancer leaving the bar with a 17 year old british male tourist for the purpose of having sex . should i report this evil woman to the authorities ?, as far as i know this sort of behaviour is illegal in thailand .

The kid would've been in seventh heaven. :o

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last week in a phuket go-go bar i witnessed with my own eyes a 29 year old dancer leaving the bar with a 17 year old british male tourist for the purpose of having sex . should i report this evil woman to the authorities ?, as far as i know this sort of behaviour is illegal in thailand .

The kid would've been in seventh heaven. :o

how do u know it was for sex.. he might have been missing his mother :D

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last week in a phuket go-go bar i witnessed with my own eyes a 29 year old dancer leaving the bar with a 17 year old british male tourist for the purpose of having sex . should i report this evil woman to the authorities ?, as far as i know this sort of behaviour is illegal in thailand .

Wouldn't it be more meaningful to report the 60 year olds who collect 10 year olds quite openly from bars in Pattaya and elsewhere in Thailand? :D

If Thai authorities are not willing to prosecute the barowners and customers, the culprits will be arrested as they step off the plane in their homecountry. I am willing to risk a smashed up camera to get evidence of these 'mutually consenting' beings establishing a 'business relationship'. :o

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