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Whistleblower complaint describes White House cover-up on Trump-Ukraine scandal


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7 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Or what about Jared and his white elephant real estate investment at 666 Fifth Ave in NYC. Out of the blue he gets a fantastic offer from an investment fund that gets its funding from Qatari sources?

But the point is, no one is impeaching Trump or investigating him for criminal acts on the grounds that he's got sleazy children and in-laws.


I forgot about that ghoul!

Thanks for reminding me...and ruining a peaceful Happy Hour!


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32 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

There is a fascinating element to Trump's personality. On the surface he seems quite dim, and with his horrific lack of negotiating skills, one tends to think the same. Same goes for his 30 minute, unscripted rambles. He often comes across as a man who has not read much, does not know much, and does not seem to care. But, when you look at how he is capable to spinning the truth, the diabolical nature of his real intelligence seems to emerge. How he turns an investigation on himself, into a question about the very nature of the whistleblower, for instance. And now?


In audio obtained and released by the Los Angeles Times, Trump says: “Who’s the person that gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy. You know what we used to do in the old days, when we were smart, right? The spies and treason? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”


This is truly fascinating. In many countries, a leader who betrays his country on the level he has betrayed the US, with both the Russian meddling, and this phone call (and perhaps many others we do not know about) would be considered an act of treason, and the perpetrator would be tried, and put to death. Yet, somehow he comes out with the spy stuff. This kind of thing keeps his devotees energized, and many start to repeat the mantra, like parrots. He is a master at this kind of deception, manipulation, and deflection. So, my guess is that he is less dumb than he appears to be. He may actually have an IQ of 100 after all.

There are many levels of intelligence. Trump in cunning and manipulative. That takes intelligence. He must be strong willed and determined to stay on his agenda.


I imagine he would have a very limited scope in general knowledge, though. If he was as scholarly as he likes to tell people, he would have proudly showed off his grades from his formative years. Why wouldn't he? He is a showman. He is a braggart and that gets himself into trouble and looks foolish when he can't or refuses to back up his statements with simple facts. So he isn't very intelligent in that arena. He is lucky that he is surrounded by a lot of people who's job it is to put out fires and preempt them.


He seems to be single minded. His gaff this week on letting out a secret regarding the electrical sensors in the new barrier on the mexican border is a monumental example of that. The US pays large sums of money to hide technology in the new barrier system and Trump blurts it out at a press conference and then suggests a senior law enforcement agent expand on the secret technology. Astoundingly stupid.


I imagine his briefs would be reduced to base information because that is the way his thinks. This = good. This = bad. And this has been highlighted in the past by former staff.


His EQ is low. He can't accept constructive criticism and has been caught on camera mocking people with disabilities because they posed well constructed questions at him. He mocks children and the poor.


So he has intelligence just not at a level mainstream people aspire to be at.



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7 minutes ago, Farangwithaplan said:


He seems to be single minded. His gaff this week on letting out a secret regarding the electrical sensors in the new barrier on the mexican border is a monumental example of that. The US pays large sums of money to hide technology in the new barrier system and Trump blurts it out at a press conference and then suggests a senior law enforcement agent expand on the secret technology. Astoundingly stupid.







Another scenario is that there isn't any sensor technology and it was a planned, disinformation gaff.

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8 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Another scenario is that there isn't any sensor technology and it was a planned, disinformation gaff.

That is always possible. What is the end game for doing that though? The people smugglers or whoever will now do further recon. If there is no senor tech in the barrier then anything the smugglers do to 'overcome' the non existent senor system will work. That would be figured out quickly enough.


However if the President did not let the world know about the wiring and sensor tech, smugglers would be getting picked off regularly and never understanding why.


Can you suggest a reason for how the disinformation angle could be of benefit in this case?



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3 minutes ago, Farangwithaplan said:

That is always possible. What is the end game for doing that though? The people smugglers or whoever will now do further recon. If there is no senor tech in the barrier then anything the smugglers do to 'overcome' the non existent senor system will work. That would be figured out quickly enough.


However if the President did not let the world know about the wiring and sensor tech, smugglers would be getting picked off regularly and never understanding why.


I don't think your suggestion on this occasion holds up.


I shook my head as well when I saw him on TV saying that, just hoping there was a plan instead of a big mouth.

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7 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

There was a time when a president like that would have resigned.

And there was a time when he own party would have thrown him out.

But those times are obviously over. Amazing USA. RIP


Gone for some time - the Dems didn't kick the liar Clinton out!

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13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Wrong. Pelosi waited to act at exactly the right time. Look how much has changed in a matter of a few days. Interesting times indeed.


This information has been circling for a while. Remember Trump's team accidentally sent their crib note strategies to counter these massive claims to the Dems by accident. They then demanded them back. To which Pelosi said "no likely, tiger." (or words to that effect).

Trump also contacted Pelosi personally in an attempt to cut a deal to stop this Whistleblower report from coming to light. Now why would he have done that if he had nothing to hide?


I don't know enough about Pelosi and know little about her deeper politics and leanings but the way she has handled Trump one on one has shown a woman of deep restraint and strong will. I have enjoyed watching her.


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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Wrong. Pelosi waited to act at exactly the right time. Look how much has changed in a matter of a few days. Interesting times indeed.

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The only thing that changed in the last few days is that Biden is as elusive as the Lake Pontchartrain monster. And no wonder. The video of his bragging of extorting the Ukrainians is all over the place. He is in real trouble here, and his electoral hopes gone. Contrast to President Trump strutting around like cock-o-the walk and again rightly so. His donations are through the roof, and people are just so sick of this hysterical "we got him now" that has had democrats hyperventilating for 3 years now. Dare I remind that there is an election next year!

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9 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

I watched this hearing live on Bloomberg. It was truly disturbing right from the get go. Chairman Schiff knew it was all a nothing-burger so fabricated a terrible mafia style conversation to grab headlines. Of course it was completely made up! Not sure these are the headlines he was intending to generate.


“I have a favor I want from you,” Schiff said while appearing to read from a paper. “And I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it, on this and on that.”



Pathetic, dishonest, and embarrassing. Typical behavior from team democrat since the humiliating electoral upset 3 years ago. 

The report at the head of this section has been seriously slanted, the head of the DNI was clear when he said that there was NO attempts to hide the narrative as it was withheld by the legal office of the White House because it involved "executive privilege" and they needed to get extensive legal opinion on how to proceed! Then this Dem wanted the DNI to tell about his intelligence conversation with the President. The DNI refused as it would forever taint the confidentiality of any conversation with POTUS! Then the Chairman got all pouty over the answer, Sheesh! You couldn't make this idiocy up! 

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Trump in reality, is the polar opposite of a patriot. He betrays the national security of his nation for dirt on his opponents, he got five deferments from the draft, when his time came to demonstrate if he was truly willing to put it on the line for his country, or be a coward and seek the easy way out. And if you take into account his five major bankruptcies, the billions he has stolen from investors, his "university" students, small contractors, and take into account the fact that they were mostly Americans, this really makes him the least honorable amongst the population, and not a patriot on any level. Only talk of patriotism to fire up his base. Never a demonstration of the real deal, when his butt is on the line. 

Dr. Samuel Johnson said " Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel".

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Let's be honest for a minute. The only reason this is happening is that the Democrats are STILL p!ssed that they lost a 'can't lose' election in 2016. Especially when they had it all lined up, the first woman president, the 'most qualified candidate ever', and they lost to a loudmouth from Queens.  It still gripes their cookies and they still refuse to accept the result.


Nobody really cares about the Ukraine, or when/if they get a loan, or what Biden's son did to earn his $50,000 a month, or any of that.  It is all a game of counting coup.  The stakes are getting lower and lower all the time, and I think many American voters are going to be mighty turned off by the whole spectacle.

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