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Jomtien Condo Owners Sue For Sea View


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Does anyone know if the legislation also applies to the opposite side of the Gulf where towering beach-side condominiums and hotels litter the shore between Cha-am and Hua Hin?

Yes, the legislation applies to the whole kingdom of Thailand.

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Does anyone have the Classifieds from yesterday's Bangkok Post? I've already thrown mine out.

On the back page there was an advert for condos for sale at Hua Hin and small type said something about new regulations and that this would be last opportunity to buy.

Also, didn't someone write way back at the beginning of this topic that complainants have 5 years from end of construction to sue to have building torn down if it is built within the 200 metres?

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Does anyone have the Classifieds from yesterday's Bangkok Post? I've already thrown mine out.

On the back page there was an advert for condos for sale at Hua Hin and small type said something about new regulations and that this would be last opportunity to buy.

Also, didn't someone write way back at the beginning of this topic that complainants have 5 years from end of construction to sue to have building torn down if it is built within the 200 metres?

“Also, didn't someone write way back at the beginning of this topic that complainants have 5 years from end of construction to sue to have building torn down if it is built within the 200 meters?”

Yes I was told by Amnat Thiengtham who is the Thai lawyer of Asia LawWorks that a building could be torn down for five years. The would be a Admin Court case for the court in Rayon. :o

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Does anyone have the Classifieds from yesterday's Bangkok Post? I've already thrown mine out.

On the back page there was an advert for condos for sale at Hua Hin and small type said something about new regulations and that this would be last opportunity to buy.

Also, didn't someone write way back at the beginning of this topic that complainants have 5 years from end of construction to sue to have building torn down if it is built within the 200 metres?

"Also, didn't someone write way back at the beginning of this topic that complainants have 5 years from end of construction to sue to have building torn down if it is built within the 200 meters?"

Yes I was told by Amnat Thiengtham who is the Thai lawyer of Asia LawWorks that a building could be torn down for five years. The would be a Admin Court case for the court in Rayon. :o

I have yet to hear of a building torned down by order of the Court. There was only one case that the Court ordered so because of the extension of the building was made without permission and dangerous to the passer-bys. That was Banglumpoo Department Store. This could be another new breaking ground.

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The advert I referred to in my last post is in the paper again today:

Prime Beachfront Condominium, Royal Beach Condo, at Hua Hin. Small print says "Due to the resent laws and regulations of the Hua-Hin Town, the construction of new high rise building is limited. This is truly a one of a kind opportunity for buyer to owns a luxury beachfront property."

'Resent' should, of course be 'recent'.

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Does anyone have the Classifieds from yesterday's Bangkok Post? I've already thrown mine out.

On the back page there was an advert for condos for sale at Hua Hin and small type said something about new regulations and that this would be last opportunity to buy.

Also, didn't someone write way back at the beginning of this topic that complainants have 5 years from end of construction to sue to have building torn down if it is built within the 200 metres?

"Also, didn't someone write way back at the beginning of this topic that complainants have 5 years from end of construction to sue to have building torn down if it is built within the 200 meters?"

Yes I was told by Amnat Thiengtham who is the Thai lawyer of Asia LawWorks that a building could be torn down for five years. The would be a Admin Court case for the court in Rayon. :o

I have yet to hear of a building torned down by order of the Court. There was only one case that the Court ordered so because of the extension of the building was made without permission and dangerous to the passer-bys. That was Banglumpoo Department Store. This could be another new breaking ground.

This law dates back to 1978 and we were the first group in Thailand to ask a court to enforce this 200 meter law. So their can always be other ground to breaking legal action? It’s my understanding that it illegal to live in one of these buildings? You ask for the occupancy permit to be revoked and tenets removed. The building is illegal. Then the court can knot down the empty building? :D
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This might be slightly off topic but I would be very interseted to know if North Point Condominium falls under the same legislation as VT7 in respect to not being able to build within 200m of the mean tide line.

As you may know the south tower of NorthPoint is being constucted only 100m from the mean tide line.

YES! Not only North Point, but their other buildings under construction which are in violating the 200 meter law. Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) Issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479.

By the virtue of the Section 15 of the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479, the Ministry of Interior issued the following Ministerial Regulations: 2. No. 3 of the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 to be amended by the following statement: Setting of 200 meters measured which the following constructions shall not be built: Building of 14 meters higher than road level. :o

Just got the following information from Raimon Land refering to the 200m zone:

This zone is determined/setout by the line of MSL (Mean Sea Level) and from this line 1) out to sea 100m and 2) inward 100m, totaling 200m.

Therefore if a condominium is built greater than 100m from MSL then its OK.

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This might be slightly off topic but I would be very interseted to know if North Point Condominium falls under the same legislation as VT7 in respect to not being able to build within 200m of the mean tide line.

As you may know the south tower of NorthPoint is being constucted only 100m from the mean tide line.

YES! Not only North Point, but their other buildings under construction which are in violating the 200 meter law. Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) Issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479.

By the virtue of the Section 15 of the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479, the Ministry of Interior issued the following Ministerial Regulations: 2. No. 3 of the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 to be amended by the following statement: Setting of 200 meters measured which the following constructions shall not be built: Building of 14 meters higher than road level. :o

Just got the following information from Raimon Land refering to the 200m zone:

This zone is determined/setout by the line of MSL (Mean Sea Level) and from this line 1) out to sea 100m and 2) inward 100m, totaling 200m.

Therefore if a condominium is built greater than 100m from MSL then its OK.

This makes no sense to me.

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Just got the following information from Raimon Land referring to the 200m zone:

This zone is determined/setout by the line of MSL (Mean Sea Level) and from this line 1) out to sea 100m and 2) inward 100m, totaling 200m.

Therefore if a condominium is built greater than 100m from MSL then its OK.”

This is what City Hall lawyer said to the Judge at the Admin Court Hearing. It was rejected! Such a stupid statements dose not impress anyone. Tell them to read the law. Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) Issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479. By the virtue of the Section 15 of the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479, the Ministry of Interior issued the following Ministerial Regulations: 2. No. 3 of the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 to be amended by the following statement: Setting of 200 meters measured which the following constructions shall not be built Building of 14 meters higher than road level.

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"Just got the following information from Raimon Land referring to the 200m zone:

This zone is determined/setout by the line of MSL (Mean Sea Level) and from this line 1) out to sea 100m and 2) inward 100m, totaling 200m.

Therefore if a condominium is built greater than 100m from MSL then its OK."

This is what City Hall lawyer said to the Judge at the Admin Court Hearing. It was rejected! Such a stupid statements dose not impress anyone. Tell them to read the law. Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) Issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479. By the virtue of the Section 15 of the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479, the Ministry of Interior issued the following Ministerial Regulations: 2. No. 3 of the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 to be amended by the following statement: Setting of 200 meters measured which the following constructions shall not be built Building of 14 meters higher than road level.

They must be scared of the 200 meter law. It better to face the law before Raimon Land invest too much money in the foundation or have stories in the air? Their must be some people upset about Raimon Land buildings so close to Sky Beach Condos. It’s going to lower condo values and block some of their sea view?

It is not very smart to rely on some dumb statement from Pattaya City Hall lawyer or employee. They have nothing to lose its Raimon Land money. And their tea party over! :D

They must be scared of the 200 meter law. It better to face the law it before Raimon Land invest too much money in the foundation or have stories in the air then construction stopped? (See Blog: http://stopvt7.blogspot.com/) At the bottom check the older postings you fine a copy of their legal case which was filed in court and the injunction which stopped the construction.

Their must be some people upset about Raimon Land buildings so close to Sky Beach Condos. It’s going to lower condo values and block some of their sea view?

It is not very smart to rely on some dumb statement from Pattaya City Hall lawyer or employee. They have nothing to lose its Raimon Land money. And their tea party over! :o

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Just got the following information from Raimon Land referring to the 200m zone:

This zone is determined/setout by the line of MSL (Mean Sea Level) and from this line 1) out to sea 100m and 2) inward 100m, totaling 200m.

Therefore if a condominium is built greater than 100m from MSL then its OK.”

This is what City Hall lawyer said to the Judge at the Admin Court Hearing. It was rejected! Such a stupid statements dose not impress anyone. Tell them to read the law. Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) Issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479. By the virtue of the Section 15 of the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479, the Ministry of Interior issued the following Ministerial Regulations: 2. No. 3 of the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 to be amended by the following statement: Setting of 200 meters measured which the following constructions shall not be built Building of 14 meters higher than road level.

Makes sense to me. Easy to over come your interpretation of the Building regs by building infront of the High Tide level. All you need to to do is build up the ground around the beach and install your piled foundations as normal. Thats probably why they say 100m infront of mean tide level and 100m behind mean tide level.

Are you sure the Judge rejected this statement by the City Hall Lawyer - thats not what I read from your Blog.

For the record I hope you win your case. But if VT7 does go ahead I think it would be the Nemesis for View Talay - no one would trust them again.

Good luck.


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"Just got the following information from Raimon Land referring to the 200m zone:

This zone is determined/setout by the line of MSL (Mean Sea Level) and from this line 1) out to sea 100m and 2) inward 100m, totaling 200m.

Therefore if a condominium is built greater than 100m from MSL then its OK."

This is what City Hall lawyer said to the Judge at the Admin Court Hearing. It was rejected! Such a stupid statements dose not impress anyone. Tell them to read the law. Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) Issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479. By the virtue of the Section 15 of the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479, the Ministry of Interior issued the following Ministerial Regulations: 2. No. 3 of the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 to be amended by the following statement: Setting of 200 meters measured which the following constructions shall not be built Building of 14 meters higher than road level.

Makes sense to me. Easy to over come your interpretation of the Building regs by building infront of the High Tide level. All you need to to do is build up the ground around the beach and install your piled foundations as normal. Thats probably why they say 100m infront of mean tide level and 100m behind mean tide level.

Are you sure the Judge rejected this statement by the City Hall Lawyer - thats not what I read from your Blog.

For the record I hope you win your case. But if VT7 does go ahead I think it would be the Nemesis for View Talay - no one would trust them again.

Good luck.


Yes I'm sure! :o I was setting in court at the April court hearing. Pattaya City Hall and VT7 lawyer at the end of court hearing admitted the 200 meter law was correct but said it should not be enforce. Then created confusion by asking where measurements should start. "Mean Tide Level" is a term used in “environment law” and will have no effect in the final decision.

The case was left open (where does measurements begin?) because Administrative Court can probe into why this law was broken by a government office (Pattaya City Hall)? It’s an investigative court and in most countries they do not have such courts.

Bob what area of Pattaya do you live? In Jomthien or North point area?

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Just got the following information from Raimon Land referring to the 200m zone:

This zone is determined/setout by the line of MSL (Mean Sea Level) and from this line 1) out to sea 100m and 2) inward 100m, totaling 200m.

Therefore if a condominium is built greater than 100m from MSL then its OK.”

This is what City Hall lawyer said to the Judge at the Admin Court Hearing. It was rejected! Such a stupid statements dose not impress anyone. Tell them to read the law. Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) Issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479. By the virtue of the Section 15 of the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479, the Ministry of Interior issued the following Ministerial Regulations: 2. No. 3 of the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 to be amended by the following statement: Setting of 200 meters measured which the following constructions shall not be built Building of 14 meters higher than road level.

Makes sense to me. Easy to over come your interpretation of the Building regs by building infront of the High Tide level. All you need to to do is build up the ground around the beach and install your piled foundations as normal. Thats probably why they say 100m infront of mean tide level and 100m behind mean tide level.

Are you sure the Judge rejected this statement by the City Hall Lawyer - thats not what I read from your Blog.

For the record I hope you win your case. But if VT7 does go ahead I think it would be the Nemesis for View Talay - no one would trust them again.

Good luck.


Let's see if I am understanding Ground Engineer: If measurement can be taken 100 meters into the sea, does that mean I can build a hi-rise in the sea after 100 meters? That would certainly be amazing!

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Just got the following information from Raimon Land referring to the 200m zone:

This zone is determined/setout by the line of MSL (Mean Sea Level) and from this line 1) out to sea 100m and 2) inward 100m, totaling 200m.

Therefore if a condominium is built greater than 100m from MSL then its OK.”

This is what City Hall lawyer said to the Judge at the Admin Court Hearing. It was rejected! Such a stupid statements dose not impress anyone. Tell them to read the law. Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) Issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479. By the virtue of the Section 15 of the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479, the Ministry of Interior issued the following Ministerial Regulations: 2. No. 3 of the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 to be amended by the following statement: Setting of 200 meters measured which the following constructions shall not be built Building of 14 meters higher than road level.

Makes sense to me. Easy to over come your interpretation of the Building regs by building infront of the High Tide level. All you need to to do is build up the ground around the beach and install your piled foundations as normal. Thats probably why they say 100m infront of mean tide level and 100m behind mean tide level.

Are you sure the Judge rejected this statement by the City Hall Lawyer - thats not what I read from your Blog.

For the record I hope you win your case. But if VT7 does go ahead I think it would be the Nemesis for View Talay - no one would trust them again.

Good luck.


Let's see if I am understanding Ground Engineer: If measurement can be taken 100 meters into the sea, does that mean I can build a hi-rise in the sea after 100 meters? That would certainly be amazing!

Not saying it would happen in Thailand at present but it happens in Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan. Its called land reclaimation.

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Not saying it would happen in Thailand at present but it happens in Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan. Its called land reclamation.

Land reclamation demands that maps and maritime charts are redrawn. So, the low, mean and high tide positions relevant to the reclaimed land move also according to the nature and extent of the reclamation.

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Just got the following information from Raimon Land referring to the 200m zone:

This zone is determined/setout by the line of MSL (Mean Sea Level) and from this line 1) out to sea 100m and 2) inward 100m, totaling 200m.

Therefore if a condominium is built greater than 100m from MSL then its OK.”

This is what City Hall lawyer said to the Judge at the Admin Court Hearing. It was rejected! Such a stupid statements dose not impress anyone. Tell them to read the law. Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) Issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479. By the virtue of the Section 15 of the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479, the Ministry of Interior issued the following Ministerial Regulations: 2. No. 3 of the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 to be amended by the following statement: Setting of 200 meters measured which the following constructions shall not be built Building of 14 meters higher than road level.

Makes sense to me. Easy to over come your interpretation of the Building regs by building infront of the High Tide level. All you need to to do is build up the ground around the beach and install your piled foundations as normal. Thats probably why they say 100m infront of mean tide level and 100m behind mean tide level.

Are you sure the Judge rejected this statement by the City Hall Lawyer - thats not what I read from your Blog.

For the record I hope you win your case. But if VT7 does go ahead I think it would be the Nemesis for View Talay - no one would trust them again.

Good luck.


Let's see if I am understanding Ground Engineer: If measurement can be taken 100 meters into the sea, does that mean I can build a hi-rise in the sea after 100 meters? That would certainly be amazing!

Not saying it would happen in Thailand at present but it happens in Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan. Its called land reclaimation.

Land reclaimation is a whole different ball game and not worth considering now, if ever. Thailand is certainly not similar to any of the countries you mentioned.

Let us know when you and Raimon Land decide what you said about measuring 100 meters into the sea and 100 meters away from the sea is a lot of nonsense.

Also, if between high and low tides is Crown Land, am not at all sure that any measuring from mean or low tide would be allowed.

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Just got the following information from Raimon Land referring to the 200m zone:

This zone is determined/setout by the line of MSL (Mean Sea Level) and from this line 1) out to sea 100m and 2) inward 100m, totaling 200m.

Therefore if a condominium is built greater than 100m from MSL then its OK.”

This is what City Hall lawyer said to the Judge at the Admin Court Hearing. It was rejected! Such a stupid statements dose not impress anyone. Tell them to read the law. Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) Issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479. By the virtue of the Section 15 of the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479, the Ministry of Interior issued the following Ministerial Regulations: 2. No. 3 of the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 to be amended by the following statement: Setting of 200 meters measured which the following constructions shall not be built Building of 14 meters higher than road level.

Makes sense to me. Easy to over come your interpretation of the Building regs by building infront of the High Tide level. All you need to to do is build up the ground around the beach and install your piled foundations as normal. Thats probably why they say 100m infront of mean tide level and 100m behind mean tide level.

Are you sure the Judge rejected this statement by the City Hall Lawyer - thats not what I read from your Blog.

For the record I hope you win your case. But if VT7 does go ahead I think it would be the Nemesis for View Talay - no one would trust them again.

Good luck.


Let's see if I am understanding Ground Engineer: If measurement can be taken 100 meters into the sea, does that mean I can build a hi-rise in the sea after 100 meters? That would certainly be amazing!

Not saying it would happen in Thailand at present but it happens in Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan. Its called land reclaimation.

Land reclaimation is a whole different ball game and not worth considering now, if ever. Thailand is certainly not similar to any of the countries you mentioned.

Let us know when you and Raimon Land decide what you said about measuring 100 meters into the sea and 100 meters away from the sea is a lot of nonsense.

Also, if between high and low tides is Crown Land, am not at all sure that any measuring from mean or low tide would be allowed.

Tammi or anyone on the post, can you please post a copy of the Building Regulations where it states that the 200m zone is measured from HTL going inland only. Likewise I will ask Raimon Land to send me a copy of their document stating the 200m zone is measured either side of MSL. That should settle the argument.

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No one going to measure from mean or low tide! Go talk with a surveyor and you find out. All over the world they use high tide markers and normally these markers are set well above the real high tide line. And so you move some sand it will not change the location of and high tide marker. Do you know about surveyors markers? Do you understand how they are used?

Who stupid are you? To believe its 100 meters onto the land and 100 meters into the sea and that how you get 200 meters. I know the judge isn’t and he throw a piece of paper the lawyer handed him back into his face, when he made such a stupid statement.

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Seems to me that developers are running scared. It's going to be an interesting year or two. Now I wonder how many people who have had condos built within spitting distance of their homes and within the 200 metres from the shoreline will have the guts that Jomthien Complex group of 10 had and go to court?

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No one going to measure from mean or low tide! Go talk with a surveyor and you find out. All over the world they use high tide markers and normally these markers are set well above the real high tide line. And so you move some sand it will not change the location of and high tide marker. Do you know about surveyors markers? Do you understand how they are used?

Who stupid are you? To believe its 100 meters onto the land and 100 meters into the sea and that how you get 200 meters. I know the judge isn’t and he throw a piece of paper the lawyer handed him back into his face, when he made such a stupid statement.

Dear Stopvt7, please be careful what you say. We don't want you banned from the forum - your posts are too valuable. :o

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Dear Stopvt7, please be careful what you say. We don't want you banned from the forum - your posts are too valuable. :o

Dear Stopvt7, Tammi is right. Not only that, don't reveal too much of what you and your lawyers have in mind. Normally, when one is in legal dispute, one talks less of the strategy in order not to let the other side be prepared to defend on what is coming.

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You Right! Sorry!

I’m in the fight for JCC and we are willing to share pass knowledge. I will not give away any further planes in our case. But let be clear about are group. It has blazed new ground and everything I said city hall knows. I real want people to understand Thailand a country of laws and you do not have to let big money developer run over you rights. You to can make a change! We will fight for the law to be enforced concerning land a join are condo.

If everyone shares the same set back line 200 meters from the sea we all will share a great view equally. These 200 meter line was set for safety reasons and does local government care about it the short term? Or this tea parties more important?

My self city hall could have it both ways. By obeying the 200 meters law and still have tea parties. If you don’t share with them your life would be difficult in getting a permit and their inspector would live with you stopping construction for any little violation. Real or not! This is the way it happens in many parts of America. My father was a big contractor and he would buy these “peace agreements”. Not for the reason of break of a laws. But, peace agreements with city inspector, so you could work without face expense false building violation charge. These things have been going on for thousands of years! “Same same but different”

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Just occurred to me that if indeed VT7 is illegal then VT5 is illegal and maybe other hi-rise condos as well and, if this is the case, then surely City Hall will have to remedy by having the buildings vacated, and having the developer remove the building(s). What I am saying is that it shouldn't have to be up to the public to bring cases to court. It's City Hall's job to see that permits are legal and if permits are found to be not legal then City Hall must be duty bound to reverse. Yes?

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Just occurred to me that if indeed VT7 is illegal then VT5 is illegal and maybe other hi-rise condos as well and, if this is the case, then surely City Hall will have to remedy by having the buildings vacated, and having the developer remove the building(s). What I am saying is that it shouldn't have to be up to the public to bring cases to court. It's City Hall's job to see that permits are legal and if permits are found to be not legal then City Hall must be duty bound to reverse. Yes?

No I would not expect city hall to take any action. It up to the people who rights are being violated the start the action. They told JCC if they did not like the issuing a building permit to VT7 for a 27 story condo, sue them. We accept their change and sue city hall for the questionable issue of a building permit.

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Just occurred to me that if indeed VT7 is illegal then VT5 is illegal and maybe other hi-rise condos as well and, if this is the case, then surely City Hall will have to remedy by having the buildings vacated, and having the developer remove the building(s). What I am saying is that it shouldn't have to be up to the public to bring cases to court. It's City Hall's job to see that permits are legal and if permits are found to be not legal then City Hall must be duty bound to reverse. Yes?

No I would not expect city hall to take any action. It up to the people who rights are being violated the start the action. They told JCC if they did not like the issuing a building permit to VT7 for a 27 story condo, sue them. We accept their change and sue city hall for the questionable issue of a building permit.

Correction: We accept their challenge (not change) and sue city hall for the questionable issue of a building permit
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Any one know how many buildings greater than 14m high within 200m of the High tide mark City Hall has given permition to build? Quite a few I would think?

I would like to split them into 2 catergories.

Those greater than 5 years old which can remain by law if thats correct.

Those less than 5 years old which have the potential to be pulled down.

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Any one know how many buildings greater than 14m high within 200m of the High tide mark City Hall has given permition to build? Quite a few I would think?

I would like to split them into 2 catergories.

Those greater than 5 years old which can remain by law if thats correct.

Those less than 5 years old which have the potential to be pulled down.

Take a look at the Amari building behind Harry J Beans, there is no way that is 200 hundreds meters away. Also take a look at Northpoint or Northshore (forget exact name) soi 5, not 200 meters either. The Amari building is not quite finished but Northshore was up years ago, well over 5 years ago, it's just that it was only completed with new developers a couple of years ago. It appears as though VT3 might be OK, it is well back and is probably legal. In Pattaya you would have to go halfway up any soi to 2nd road to clear the 200 meters at high tide mark.

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Actually come to think about it - I remember the advertsing blurb when Northshore was launched saying that due to changes in the planning laws, it was going to be the only building of its kind (presume height, distance from sea) to be finished in Pattaya. Then lo and behold, we get the View Talay place barely a couple hundred meters further down the beach, the Amari extension popping up and now Northpoint in Naklua. So presume there has been some 'perceived' change in the planning law as I seriously doubt that Raimon Land as a public company is going to go down this road (with Northpoint), unless the actual law had been changed, as it pertained to the 200m distance. However I guess thats the crux of the Pattaya City arguement - they changed the law, but it remains to be seen if this is valid versus what the central government had in place from what back in 1978 or whenever.

Should make for an interesting situation from the sidelines. So now you have a major public company caught up in this as well as one of Thailands largest hotel groups, not to mention any other projects that have not been launched yet that may be in planning stages.

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