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Thailand rolls toward another big political climax


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16 hours ago, rkidlad said:

It doesn’t give them a ‘legal’ way to destroy him, it gives them an excuse. They can do whatever they like. They’ve proven that again and again. Don’t apply logic or the rule of law here. Might is right. 

Same as the heroin-smuggling MP. It’s clearly written that you can’t be an MP if you have a drug conviction. Nowhere does it state that foreign convictions for drugs are okay. It simply states ‘drug conviction’. They made it up that it’s okay because it happened overseas. They (not the courts) simply made up their own interpretation of the law, even though the man has a conviction for a crime that’s punishable by death here. 

If Wissanu said that this media share nonsense it just that - nonsense; do you think the courts would be pushing for his removal? No, of course they wouldn’t. They’re lapdogs. And that’s the power they wield. Absolute power that continues to go on unchecked. 

I disagree its a legal way to destroy him. Excuse or not its a legal way and Thananthorn did it himself. That is the sad part, this guy IMHO is the best there is sad that he gave them a way to get rid of him easier. 

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18 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

This isn’t an Al Capone-tax-evasion kind of situation. 

How would you feel if we both got caught speeding. You were doing 35 in a 30 and I was doing 135. I was allowed to drive off (with no insurance or license) punishment free, and you were jailed. Would you put your hands up and say, “well, I was careless there. You got me”. Or would you rightfully be screaming bloody murder? 

You don’t get to say ‘the is the law’ when you cherry pick which ones to follow to benefit you. The law applies to everyone or no one. 

I don't know what your deal is, i don't like it what the junta does. But legally they are in their right. He broke a law and now he is open for punishment.


Its sad and disgusting that if your in the opposition the law is used against you. But it is still the law and it is written down. So its not as if he did not know he had to get rid of those shares. He made a mistake and is now paying for it all legal. I hate it but that is how it is.


Yes its bad they enforce the law more for non junta parties. Disgusting even but that is not the point. The point is he knew this before he started all this and still he messed up. I am sad abut that and find it a bit stupid of him. He should have known. 


I would be ok with me being punished, i guess that is the difference between you and me. When i break the law I dont look at others doing the same. I only look at my own situation if i broke the law or not if i did.. then sure i take my punishment. It might be unfair that the other party got away but that has nothing to do with me. I should not have gone to fast. 


I might cry about you not being prosecuted and try to get you to be prosecuted too but that does not make my crime go away. I was still wrong and I deserve punishment.. but so do you.


I guess you and I just have a fundamental different opinion of things. You feel that crimes should be forgiven because other crimes are not prosecuted. I am one that would strive to get all crime prosecuted and not give up anyone. 


How would you feel if someone killed your father (or put in any other family member) and was let off because an other murder was let off too. I guess you would not like that. Instead of letting them both go its better to put effort in to get the one that got away.


If you do what you are thinking about then there might as well be no laws at all and far more chaos would ensure.



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13 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

This isn’t an Al Capone-tax-evasion kind of situation. 

How would you feel if we both got caught speeding. You were doing 35 in a 30 and I was doing 135. I was allowed to drive off (with no insurance or license) punishment free, and you were jailed. Would you put your hands up and say, “well, I was careless there. You got me”. Or would you rightfully be screaming bloody murder? 

You don’t get to say ‘the is the law’ when you cherry pick which ones to follow to benefit you. The law applies to everyone or no one. 

Yet in the usa , its head of state gets to cherry pick which laws to comply with and which parts of the constitution he wishes to adhere to.

Failure to lodge and make available tax returns..not a problem.

Avoid a compulsory draft..go for it.

Self enrichment for himself and family via his office..help yourself buddies.

Yet its America so it's not too bad.

Corruption, dodgy politicians etc etc are rife everywhere in the world.

Immigrants such as those poor souls who died in the container in the uk, are trafficked to all parts of the developed world almost on a daily basis. This cant be happening with complicit agreement from very high ranking officials.

A little bit of righteous indignation, a few newspaper headlines then it will blow over. Difference is it is done with more panache in the west. 

People expecting some sort of snow white bureaucratic Shangri la need to take a lesson in reality. It never did exist in the country they came from ( and never will ). Expecting better in a developing country where they and over half population dont pay tax is a fools errand.

If I was so unhappy with everything I see, read and hear in a country I have moved to then I would move back to where I came from.

Then again it takes 'ticker' to have the courage of one's convictions.

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:

I don't know what your deal is, i don't like it what the junta does. But legally they are in their right. He broke a law and now he is open for punishment.


Its sad and disgusting that if your in the opposition the law is used against you. But it is still the law and it is written down. So its not as if he did not know he had to get rid of those shares. He made a mistake and is now paying for it all legal. I hate it but that is how it is.


Yes its bad they enforce the law more for non junta parties. Disgusting even but that is not the point. The point is he knew this before he started all this and still he messed up. I am sad abut that and find it a bit stupid of him. He should have known. 


I would be ok with me being punished, i guess that is the difference between you and me. When i break the law I dont look at others doing the same. I only look at my own situation if i broke the law or not if i did.. then sure i take my punishment. It might be unfair that the other party got away but that has nothing to do with me. I should not have gone to fast. 


I might cry about you not being prosecuted and try to get you to be prosecuted too but that does not make my crime go away. I was still wrong and I deserve punishment.. but so do you.


I guess you and I just have a fundamental different opinion of things. You feel that crimes should be forgiven because other crimes are not prosecuted. I am one that would strive to get all crime prosecuted and not give up anyone. 


How would you feel if someone killed your father (or put in any other family member) and was let off because an other murder was let off too. I guess you would not like that. Instead of letting them both go its better to put effort in to get the one that got away.


If you do what you are thinking about then there might as well be no laws at all and far more chaos would ensure.



A very mature, honest post. A few noses will be put out of joint, but hey..

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The juntas time will come whether or i am Thailand to see it is a different matter, but there is a growing movement against them, certainly not strong enough yet but it will happen.

You can see the worry they have trying to monitor or make fake news, control the press and internet, another matter we cannot discuss is certainly not helping the mood of the populace 


Hopefully the old guard will still be there to experience the discomfort.


either way i suspect In 10 years time Thailand could be a very different place (for better or worse)

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3 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Yea, my post has gone completely over your head. Had Thanatorn done something seriously wrong (Al Capone reference) then he should be punished. Transferring meaningless shares a few minutes late isn’t something seriously wrong. It’s a misdemeanor. And when you have drug smugglers allowed to continue in parliament, then Thanatorn should definitely be allowed to continue. Even if the coalition wasn’t completely corrupt, I’d say the same. There’s also something we call ‘the spirit of the law’. It applies to misdemeanors. 


Now onto my next reference to Thanatorn’s media shares; doing 35 in a 30 is also a misdemeanor. Some police officers will let you off and tell you to be more careful in the future. It was a comparison to Thantorn’s misdemeanor. But good to know you’d accept going to prison for that. They’d love you inside.


None of my references were even close to suggesting allowing one murderer off because another one was allowed off. That’s a completely false equivalence you’ve made, and asking me that question will make some posters think that’s what I was trying to imply. Again, you’re either being obtuse or you’re being disingenuous. 


My post does not go over my head, i just have a different view about laws then you do. Your solution for breaking the law is to not uphold the law. Great, just not my solution I will never agree that. My solution is to go for equal appliance of the law. I guess you strive for chaos while i strive for order.


My post always go over your head because you keep thinking I am pro junta. I am pro Thanathorn all the way. I just say that he is stupid to have let this happen and that I disagree with what is happening. But the fact remained it was his stupidity that got him there. How could he been so foolish and mess up so badly. I feel real about it as he should have known its not as if these rules are new nor is it new that the law is being used against the opposition.


Not sure where i said id go to jail for 35 in a 30 zone, must be in your imagination. You always imagine a lot when you post especially when reacting to my posts.

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8 minutes ago, robblok said:

My post does not go over my head, i just have a different view about laws then you do. Your solution for breaking the law is to not uphold the law. Great, just not my solution I will never agree that. My solution is to go for equal appliance of the law. I guess you strive for chaos while i strive for order.


My post always go over your head because you keep thinking I am pro junta. I am pro Thanathorn all the way. I just say that he is stupid to have let this happen and that I disagree with what is happening. But the fact remained it was his stupidity that got him there. How could he been so foolish and mess up so badly. I feel real about it as he should have known its not as if these rules are new nor is it new that the law is being used against the opposition.


Not sure where i said id go to jail for 35 in a 30 zone, must be in your imagination. You always imagine a lot when you post especially when reacting to my posts.

“I would be ok with me being punished, i guess that is the difference between you and me. When i break the law I dont look at others doing the same. I only look at my own situation if i broke the law or not if i did.. then sure i take my punishment. It might be unfair that the other party got away but that has nothing to do with me. I should not have gone to fast”


This is where you said it. Right here ????


But of course, you’re reading and understanding posts properly.



Edited by rkidlad
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12 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

“I would be ok with me being punished, i guess that is the difference between you and me. When i break the law I dont look at others doing the same. I only look at my own situation if i broke the law or not if i did.. then sure i take my punishment. It might be unfair that the other party got away but that has nothing to do with me. I should not have gone to fast”


This is where you said it. Right here ????


But of course, you’re reading and understanding posts properly.



Yes that is what I said.. but taking punishment does not mean go to jail. Not sure in what country you go to jail for a 5 mph speed violation. Punishment can also be a fine. Do you no longer read English. Is punishment only jailtime ? I guess my English must be lacking, I always thought punishment and jail time were not the same. Could you please elaborate  and show me the error of my ways.. or if i was right accept i was right and you and you do seem to read stuff in messages that is not there.

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22 minutes ago, robblok said:

Yes that is what I said.. but taking punishment does not mean go to jail. Not sure in what country you go to jail for a 5 mph speed violation. Punishment can also be a fine. Do you no longer read English. Is punishment only jailtime ? I guess my English must be lacking, I always thought punishment and jail time were not the same. Could you please elaborate  and show me the error of my ways.. or if i was right accept i was right and you and you do seem to read stuff in messages that is not there.

‘How would you feel if we both got caught speeding. You were doing 35 in a 30 and I was doing 135. I was allowed to drive off (with no insurance or license) punishment free, and you were jailed. Would you put your hands up and say, “well, I was careless there. You got me”. Or would you rightfully be screaming bloody murder?‘ 


This the the question I asked you ????, and this is the answer you gave ????

“I would be ok with me being punished, i guess that is the difference between you and me. When i break the law I dont look at others doing the same. I only look at my own situation if i broke the law or not if i did.. then sure i take my punishment. It might be unfair that the other party got away but that has nothing to do with me. I should not have gone to fast”
The punishment in this hypothetical question is jail time. It’s really not that hard to understand. 
But great reply. Clearly you’re reading and understanding my words. 
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21 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Did he transfer these meaningless shares in time or didn’t he? We must know. We can’t have a man who may, or may not, have transferred shares late. Even if it was minutes late. Parliament’s integrity is at stake here!


Say what? There’s an MP who faked his PhD and has a conviction for smuggling heroin? (a crime punishable by death in Thailand) Na, that’s alright. That’s alright ‘cos he’s one of us and we have zero ****** morals. 

Always a matter of which party the respective MP belongs to. Enjoying Aussie hospitality on their taxpayers money with a faked PhD is nothing compared to share transferring; a minute late is a minute late. 

The whole things is not ridiculous but shows you the level of political understanding from bottom to top. Go figure, what's next - I am getting pop corn in the meantime. It is showtime all over again; this country is doomed and the worst enemy of Thailand is its political system and society structure! 

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22 hours ago, webfact said:

The similarities are staggering. Both cases involve mysterious share “transfers”.

Just have to wait for the truth to come out... he should have the documentation.

The election was a long time coming, and he should of known of the qualifying rules to run for it.

If he moved the shares in time then no problem, if he didn't then he's been a silly man.

Either way he'll be chased from pillar to post but why give the PM ammunition.

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