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Non - Immigrant B In Homecountry

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Hello all,

for the last four years on my annual visit home in Hamburg, Germany i always applied for a non immigrant b visa. Never had any problems. This time the lady at the reception said" this is going to be the last". Would it work just to go to a different consulate in germany or even the embassy in berlin, or are they all connected with each other.

Has anybody heard of limits of applying for certain visa.

best regards and thanks for the help.

timo Ruge

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I don't think that there are rules for this per se. Perhaps the consulate in Hamburg was simply given a directive by the folks at the embassy to be more strict regarding the issuance of these visas. One year is a long time though. You may find that this directive will have fallen by the wayside come March 2008, or things may well have tightened up even further... :o

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well, its only 6 more months, just wanted to get informations way before the day i will have to apply for a new one.

If you are saying that you applied for your last visa around September/October 2007, remember, there was a lot of uncertainty and misinformation in the air regarding visas at that time, due to the rule changes regarding thirty-day visa-free entries. What you were told then may well have been speculation due to uncertainty.

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well, its only 6 more months, just wanted to get informations way before the day i will have to apply for a new one.

thanks anyways.

any other ideas, always appreciated.



Whether German consulates/embassy share visa issuance data I have no idea.

An obvious question is on what grounds have you been requesting the visa? That may help in understanding whether they have been generous to you in the past and why you were told not to return. Others more knowledgeable than I may then be able to offer you advice on presentation of your next application.

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Whether German consulates/embassy share visa issuance data I have no idea.

An obvious question is on what grounds have you been requesting the visa? That may help in understanding whether they have been generous to you in the past and why you were told not to return. Others more knowledgeable than I may then be able to offer you advice on presentation of your next application.

I have german clothing and textile company and requested the visa to expand business contacts and buying products on the thai market for that company. Of course my company pays my flights and accomodation during my business trips.

thanks for the answers


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I have german clothing and textile company and requested the visa to expand business contacts and buying products on the thai market for that company. Of course my company pays my flights and accomodation during my business trips.

thanks for the answers


Excellent. Then you may safely disregard what you were told when you applied for your last visa.

Provided you can provide evidence of previous transactions and, ideally, a letter from a regular Thai supplier you will have no problems.

I suspect, however, that the Consul may suspect that your requests for B visas are to circumvent immigration law rather than support Thai artisans and the employees of your German company. You do admit elswhere to living here for 4 years.

But maybe the consul is less credulous than I.

Edited by ChokChaiChas
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