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Saudi sentences five to death, three to jail over Khashoggi killing


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There were at least three times as many people involved-I wonder how they rated them to die-likable, looks, family, money, connections...?


kind of a bummer because they had no choice but to participate-if anyone is actually going to die at all that is 

Edited by Redline
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1 hour ago, Skeptic7 said:

Because those being ordered executed by the Crown Prince were carrying out the orders of...the Crown Prince! :post-4641-1156693976:

Oh. You know him?  It could not have been any other person ( brother ) you must know that family quite well lol. 

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12 hours ago, soalbundy said:

5 fall guys, loyalty is a thing of the past, normally there is 'honour among thieves'. The crown prince was probably advised by Trump.

Yea reminds me of when they held all the relatives prisoner in the 6 star hotel and emptied their bank accounts based on allegations of corruption - hell they're all corrupt, but that was a great cash infusion to the predominant members. This guy is seriously blood thirsty, I can't imagine what is going on behind the scenes..

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13 hours ago, soalbundy said:

5 fall guys, loyalty is a thing of the past, normally there is 'honour among thieves'. The crown prince was probably advised by Trump.

Well that did not take long for the US/Trump haters to kick in! Why is it the US responsibility to take care of it? He was not a US citizen. He had a visa for a rage news paper that he some times wrote articles for. He was on Saudi soil. He was killed by his own people. Does the US have to worry about every one that gets a visa, no we don’t? There are people all over the world locked up, killed by their government (Iran, Russia, could go on forever) that’s had a US Visa. If it bothers you so much take your ass to SA and protest.



You bitch if the US gets involved and the old (why don’t you mind your own business) now you are crying and slinging snot because we don’t get involved. Hes not our problem.

Here is an idea, have your country do something about it if it bothers you so much. On, that’s right, they can’t. But no, it’s the hate the US/Trump TDS. I and 99.99 other people could care less about this, bunch of Muslims kill another Muslim, go figure. Take your meds this morning girls!

Edited by allen303
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2 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Trump will. :post-4641-1156693976: of course he has no decency.

It's already starting...

"Today's verdicts were an important step in holding those responsible for this terrible crime accountable," a US Department of State official told reporters after the ruling. 


It's interesting to compare the US reaction to those of other countries or institutions.


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Having lived and worked in KSA for many years Im not convinced by these sentences just yet, I was there in 1972 when the then king's favorite grand daughter was shagging one of the servants, in my opinion nothing happened to her although it was claimed otherwise the servant got his head chopped off was well published infact it was all over the front page of the Daily Mirror

So im calling B/S on this one for now   

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