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Thai retailers' plastic bags ban comes into effect

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4 minutes ago, Throatwobbler said:

Well then you will begin to find you options more and more limited. Move with the times or become extinct. Ok Boomer.


Well thankfully most Thais just ignore laws they dont like.....The Thais will not accept this no plastic nonsense meekly like some western countries do....

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26 minutes ago, fforest1 said:

Actually the 7-11s in the USA are dropping like flies......All this no plastic bag rubbish is I am sure a contributing factor along with others... 

"There is no national plastic bag fee or ban currently in effect in the United States. However, the states of California,[1] Hawaii (de facto) and Oregon,[2] and the territories of American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico[3] have banned disposable bags." (Wikipedia)

If wikipedia is correct then the " 7-11s in the USA are dropping like flies" has nothing to do with any ban

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8 hours ago, JohnThailandJohn said:

People act like this is the end of the world yet, plastic bags were only invented in the 60s and probably only common place since the 80s.

Yes, and they were an improvement over paper as you can only carry a couple of big paper shopping bags at a time.  Anything wet inside a paper bag will cause it to melt. Anything heavy will cause it to tear. It is not an ideal way to deal with dog poop. And if I recall correctly, paper bags were eliminated in order to help preserve the rainforests and thus reduce C02 in the atmosphere.  I guess the poor, pitiful trees can go F... themselves now!  

You know, people, true believers, are soldiering on and dismissing the inconvenience of  retailers not providing bags for purchases. But if you think about it, not providing bags is absurd. I don't care how many countries have instituted similar bans. To attempt to do social engineering on this massive scale without FIRST devising alternatives is reminiscent of a  Three Stooges routine, a really bad, not funny Three Stooges routine.


And not a peep about the thousands of people directly and indirectly connected with producing and distributing plastic bags who will lose their jobs? Not a peep from anyone about them!  I guess they can go F.... themselves too!

Edited by rexall
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6 hours ago, Mark mark said:

Well, I have not seen any of my stuff be pulled ! ? Or I would not post this. ... (Like am just a Blogger,… and I do accept the Decision of the Moderators, like we DO have to have them ! … even if occasionally, you might not like their decisions. ) … No conspiracy Theory’s here, just Common sense.


… And I have seen about 50/50 on Likes to Dislikes here ! … Well, maybe even 60/40 ! ? … A Couple of prickly Disagreements, … But well, I seem to still be OK, …  and well, on Topic … and even Relevant I think ? Like this problem of being Given, just HUGE amounts of Plastic bags here in Thailand, ... and NOT having them in Australia and other Places in the world (Have you ever tried to fit a six pack of 0.5 L Good German Beers, in to your shoulder Bag !!!) .... Is a VERY old one and I have been considering it ... EVERY TIME !!!


… But I must make this my last Post for today …. Well for the Week ! … (I have some Plastic Bags to sort out !!! Right !!!  Har Har !!!) ….


… But I DO hope, and Quite Honestly do, that the Plastic Bag Ban works !!! …. Like TIT ! … And IT WILL be good, to see another ? Win For …. TIT ! Right Fellows ! ? …




We ALL just need to think about what WE are doing. ... This is NOT Social Manipulation, or social control here ! The government probably makes money out of Pollution ! ? … So it is not trying to manipulate us, for it’s own selfish reasons here either I think ! ? …


.... We just have to think ! ... about what WE all are doing, ... And how that it DOES affect the world around US, ... distant as it may be from exactly where WE are sitting now. ... But It DOES have to be considered. ...  And this is one of the TV Blogs that just seems to be Steaming on ! without abutment, like a VERY Important Issue here I think ! … Whether you Like it or not I think !!! ...  Like it is WHERE we are trying to make a START ! ? ... ALL OF US ! 


And back to Reality !


... The Lotus little convenience stores have trolleys also you know and 7-11 also I think ? ... So you can get your stuff back to your car if it is not too far away, if you have a lot, and no bag, ... you just have to take the trolley back to the store ! ... And well so does the other Discount  Chinese Thai managed Supermarket that I know ! ... And they even have a Boy to take it there for you !!!


Like it WILL be / IS Easy Really I think. 


And have a nice day, You ALL !!!




... We Human beings ARE very good at adapting to things you know, like this is our BEST QUALITY ! ...


  So we can adapt to No plastic bags also ... I am sure !!! … Like MOST other Western Countries have.



... Like most of the Objectors here, say that they do not use them any way !!! ... It must be just that they ! “Do not like being told what to DO” !!! ??? I guess .... The Male Hormones coming out in them ? ... ... and the Conspiracy Theories begin. ! ? ...


… Male Hormone influenced Thinking from MEN, … IS what made the world GREAT I think ! … What HAS Technically Moved us a GREAT WAY FORWARD !!!


….  (And probably has helped produce all of the Rubbish I guess)


And a Huge amount of Backup from the Women up to date, ... like without them ! … there would not be, US !!! …


… But the Male Hormone charged Thinking of MEN ... I think ? … Is also probably what is going to destroy it !!! (As we know it)


… So see you all there at the end of the world ! … If I make it !!! … And can someone Please bring a few extra plastic bags ! !!! Har Har !!! ... So that I can have something to put my extra stuff in ! ? … Before it all is destroyed … And ends up back in the Oceans also, …  along with all of the other <deleted> that will already be there !!!


Have a Nice Day All.


Mark mark

"Hormones"?  "MEN"?  Lions and tigers and bears!  Oh, my!  

All of this gobbledygook from Mr. Mark is actually quite revealing if you bother to read it. It makes it pretty clear that this bag business and similar issues has a great deal less to do with a genuine concern about the environment than it does with politics. In this case, a particularly nasty and radical type of "social justice" politics driven by "liberal guilt," self-flagellation, and a hatred for Western civilization.  This ideology would be happy to "deconstruct" society as we know it without a clue as to what would replace it, in the fantastic hope that something really, really nice will magically emerge in its wake. 

Edited by rexall
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1 hour ago, Throatwobbler said:

Well boomer then you will begin to find you options more and more limited. Move with the times or become extinct. 


And you said that with such glee, too!  You really enjoyed that, didn't you, youngster?

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Just got back from 7-11. They still gave me a bag.  :thumbsup:


Hope this this isn't only a temporary situation until they run out. I made sure the clerk knew how important bags were to my continued business. Of course, he doesn't own the 7-11, but I asked him to pass it on to the manager.


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Let the people pay for the plastic bags - problem solved,  as happened in Germany and other countries. And it works!


It's up to everybody to buy special bags to carry all the different items at home, re. to the car, motorbike or bicycle.  They are usable for a long time. The alternative - paying for the plastic - makes the people thinking what is cheaper. The overwhelming majority of the Germans carry their own bags into the shop. If forgotten, they pay for their own "stupidity". This the right way to reduce the plastic rubbish.


Therefore congratulation on this regulation of the Thai Government (exceptionally)!


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5 hours ago, zydeco said:

They see you coming. BTW who the heck goes to 12 different 7 Elevens over just a couple of days? That is seriously weird. 

Myself and my family.  They are on holiday from BKK.  4 or 5 in Hua Hin.  The rest in Pranburi, Dolphin Bay and Cha-Am.

I would agree that on normal days, it would certainly appear weird.  With the extended family over the New Year, these are not normal days.

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4 hours ago, fforest1 said:

Actually the 7-11s in the USA are dropping like flies......All this no plastic bag rubbish is I am sure a contributing factor along with others... 

That's absolute nonsense.  The reason so many are now on the market is down to a disagreement with the new owners (Japanese).  Nothing to do with plastic bags. The new franchise agreements are at the root of the problem.  

Do your homework!

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3 hours ago, rexall said:

Anything wet inside a paper bag will cause it to melt. Anything heavy will cause it to tear.

As I'm sure you are aware, there are exemptions.  Hot food and wet produce being  a couple of examples.


3 hours ago, rexall said:

And not a peep about the thousands of people directly and indirectly connected with producing and distributing plastic bags who will lose their jobs? Not a peep from anyone about them! 

There may not be peeps on this forum but there are plenty of peeps from the manufacturers.  Just take a look.

Many are investing billions in recycling plants.  They accept that plastic needs to be reduced but that it's more important to have more recycling plants that can cope with the plastic that is difficult to recycle.

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11 hours ago, fforest1 said:

100% free plastic bags 100% of the time is the way forward....

OMG, please let brain rain on some special TV-members.


They are only able to think about the short way from the shop to their home. Their sentiment: Protecting the environment is not my problem.


What a pity that you don't have a garden where your neighbors would like to drop their plastic bags .... because "100% free plastic bags 100% of the time is the way forward....".

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20 hours ago, Max69xl said:

So,you usually carry around a sixpack of beer? Many supermarkets in Europe have charged for plastic bags for years,but then we're talking about much bigger,thicker bags and much better quality. The type of plastic bags you got at 7/11 and Tesco are/were thin and real bad quality, actually <deleted>. I wouldn't mind pay 2 baht extra for a biodegradable normal sized bag that fits in my trash bin in the kitchen.

You have the wrong end of the stick. I agree entirely with what you say and have said so in previous posts.

The comment about the beer was in response to another poster that made out he could not survive if they stopped giving him a bag for his 10 bottles of beer.

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19 hours ago, HHTel said:

Hey.  That's exactly what I was doing after school.  I remember it well.  The sugar had to be weighed in blue bags.  That's when I realised that sugar had a smell and weevils were common.  Don't think anyone died of it though.

The worst blue bags that I remember were those hidden in crisp packets, a bit chewy and quite unpleasant.

Sweets came in large glass jars, no problem with recycling, people seem to think that "pick & mix" is a new idea.

As you say, we all got by.

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16 hours ago, rexall said:

"Hormones"?  "MEN"?  Lions and tigers and bears!  Oh, my!  

All of this gobbledygook from Mr. Mark is actually quite revealing if you bother to read it. It makes it pretty clear that this bag business and similar issues has a great deal less to do with a genuine concern about the environment than it does with politics. In this case, a particularly nasty and radical type of "social justice" politics driven by "liberal guilt," self-flagellation, and a hatred for Western civilization.  This ideology would be happy to "deconstruct" society as we know it without a clue as to what would replace it, in the fantastic hope that something really, really nice will magically emerge in its wake. 

.... I actually quite dislike the types of people that you are talking about, and they are not me ! .... Like I know just too many of them my self, many of them personally, and a Lot of others only because I have to !  re they are Family, ... and I REAL quite dislike them. ...


I Simpy want to just start it out ! ? ... To give it a Try ! ... WITH OUT plastic bags ! ... Nothing social Nothing Political .... and nothing at all to do with Social Justice ! As the Mates that you talk about might like to classify it !!! And this is NOT MY Idea !!! ... It is just to give it a Try WITH OUT plastic bags ! ..and in a Second world country like Thailand !!! Like lets show them ! ...Can we do it ???


YOU are just letting your Hormones go again mate ! ... Why attack me, ? because I want to give NO Plastic bags a go ? .... Or because I, had a go at Calling your, and the other Refusnic, "Don't YOU ! tell ME what to do" ! Objectors out ???


How annoying can it be to just try to do the right thing !!! ... Like you might even accidentally succeed Right ??? 


... But well, No Replying to the Baiting, ...  or going On, and off topic. ... And Improve the Grammar. .... See you, .... and have a Nice Day.

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17 hours ago, Chazar said:

I  think the  plastic  bag over the head may  be  your  only option by the sound  of  it.....hurry  whilst  stocks  last

... Well, I was going to make a Joke here .. but well in deference to people that REALLY DO have these Problems, I will not. ...  You have a nice day also ... and do not just slip in you bathroom Right ! ... Har har .... The end comes to us ALL mate, ... Though we all just hope that it is later, ... rather than sooner.

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23 hours ago, Mark mark said:

Because I put  them there ! ... That is the way I write ! ... 

But, I WILL change this ! ... I WILL moderate it ... and hopefully make it easier to read. - Thanks, ... thanks for the advice.


(I was getting pretty tired when I wrote that last "So far none of my stuff has been pulled" one, .... and also tired of fending off the criticism, just because I want to try not using plastic bags ! ... And agreed with the Government ! .... So I DID go off a bit with the punctuation and periods Etc. ... Sorry to those that it offended.)


- And I WILL stay on Topic also !  


So, ... Have a Nice Day !

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22 hours ago, Myran said:

Why? It just makes your posts twice as long, more difficult to understand and a chore to read.

But, I WILL change this ! ... I WILL moderate it ... and hopefully make it easier to read. - Thanks, ... Thanks for the advice.


- And I WILL stay on Topic also !  


... So, have a Nice Day !

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16 hours ago, puck2 said:

Let the people pay for the plastic bags - problem solved,  as happened in Germany and other countries. And it works!


It's up to everybody to buy special bags to carry all the different items at home, re. to the car, motorbike or bicycle.  They are usable for a long time. The alternative - paying for the plastic - makes the people thinking what is cheaper. The overwhelming majority of the Germans carry their own bags into the shop. If forgotten, they pay for their own "stupidity". This the right way to reduce the plastic rubbish.


Therefore congratulation on this regulation of the Thai Government (exceptionally)!


"the right way to reduce the plastic rubbish."

Wrong! The Amish are very nice people, don't hurt anyone and undoubtedly don't have much of a carbon footprint or have a significant impact on the environment.  Good for them!  However, going back to the 19th Century and forcing everyone to behave like Amish is a regressive Luddite mentality.  Let's more forward, not backwards!  

  • Invent efficient biodegradable shopping bags from various materials. Provide them at point of sale.
  • Charge for bags or tax them if can guarantee tax money will go to fund research.
  • Devise recycling of plastics and other waste that is truly practical and efficient.
  • Address landfill problem, come up with better ways to process waste that has a long half-life.

Some of these thing may be challenging, but hardly outside of our skill set. Moreover, these projects would create jobs rather than pulling the rug out from thousands of workers involved directly and indirectly in the production of plastic bags.


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46 minutes ago, Mark mark said:

.... I actually quite dislike the types of people that you are talking about, and they are not me ! .... Like I know just too many of them my self, many of them personally, and a Lot of others only because I have to !  re they are Family, ... and I REAL quite dislike them. ...


I Simpy want to just start it out ! ? ... To give it a Try ! ... WITH OUT plastic bags ! ... Nothing social Nothing Political .... and nothing at all to do with Social Justice ! As the Mates that you talk about might like to classify it !!! And this is NOT MY Idea !!! ... It is just to give it a Try WITH OUT plastic bags ! ..and in a Second world country like Thailand !!! Like lets show them ! ...Can we do it ???


YOU are just letting your Hormones go again mate ! ... Why attack me, ? because I want to give NO Plastic bags a go ? .... Or because I, had a go at Calling your, and the other Refusnic, "Don't YOU ! tell ME what to do" ! Objectors out ???


How annoying can it be to just try to do the right thing !!! ... Like you might even accidentally succeed Right ??? 


... But well, No Replying to the Baiting, ...  or going On, and off topic. ... And Improve the Grammar. .... See you, .... and have a Nice Day.

Look a little deeper into your motivations, Mr. Mark.

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22 hours ago, Max69xl said:

You're just rambling. The stuff you write makes no sense. 

OK, but I did not think that I was rambling, ...BUT I WILL change this ! ... I WILL moderate it and remove the excess Punctuation. ... and hopefully make it easier to read. - Thanks, ... And thanks for the advice.


(I was getting pretty tired when I wrote that last "So far none of my stuff has been pulled" one, .... and also tired of fending off the criticism, just because I want to try not using plastic bags ! ... And agreed with the Government !!!  ... Not Rambling I though, but well, .... I could have shortened it I suppose, still it WAS going to be my last ! ? ... So I DID go off a bit with the punctuation and periods Etc. ... Sorry to those that it offended.)


- And I better had stay on Topic also !  


So, ... Have a Nice Day !

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2 hours ago, smedly said:

just got a plastic bag from 7/11



there were crisps in it :stoner:

OMG! ???? Disgusting! You mean you didn't just pour  them in your underwear from the crisps vending machine!  

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5 hours ago, smedly said:

just got a plastic bag from 7/11



there were crisps in it :stoner:

Did you get one of those super size bags ? Then you could use it for a bin liner afterwards .....

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