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Lopburi gold shop suspect: He's a former cop's son who says he did it for the thrill


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4 hours ago, Guitar God said:

I was going to ask if all you cynics were happy now with all the evidence released and how they found out it was him, but evidently not. 

Thaivisa disease I guess...


I’m guessing you don’t have a hobby and you’re not happy here. 


I’m not picking just on you, this Is for everybody that’s been slagging  off the police and coming up with their own armchair quarterback <deleted> theories. 

You definitely have a problem and you want others to have because you will stay alone with your personal problem 

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8 hours ago, ICELANDMAN said:

Everything is wrong in this arrest, maybe the truth will never come out

I don't see anything wrong with this arrest. I do agree with the second part where you say the truth may never come out. He may never disclose the true reason, but I don't think that should/will be necessary for a conviction.

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7 minutes ago, jonnit said:

I don't see anything wrong with this arrest. I do agree with the second part where you say the truth may never come out. He may never disclose the true reason, but I don't think that should/will be necessary for a conviction.

I think that the identity of the father of the unborn baby the shop assistant, that he shot 3 times, was carrying may provide a clue as to his motive.



Edited by DannyCarlton
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...Ive just watched the local news on TV about this high profile case and watched as the senior police heading the investigation, plus others of the rank of Captain and 2nd Lieutenant presented a vast amount of evidence to the media for them to feast on with no thought whatsoever, it seems, for the prosecutors case, thus giving any defense counsel a huge amount of evidence to either dispute, question the procedures involving property and the analysis thereof..Im absolutely amazed...my two bobs worth.

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7 minutes ago, jonnit said:

I don't see anything wrong with this arrest. I do agree with the second part where you say the truth may never come out. He may never disclose the true reason, but I don't think that should/will be necessary for a conviction.

Ok then think about this who are the victims of this carnage besides the dead and injured, let's look at the financial aspect, how many new buyers will still enter that shop to buy gold with so many ghosts that are waiting for them (Thai mentality very rooted in population on ghosts) so why a professional killer or an amateur killer made such a traumatic carnage if there is no motive behind it or an order. This is to eliminate this hypothesis obviously does not correspond with the efficiency of the police of the speed of the solved case which obviously suits her perfectly. This mystery remains because this carnage to be made public that was not just for a simple robbery as many think is thus making us forget the real reason that there may be many.
The only answer that he is a madman under drug effect does not stand up as he has been well-premeditated, the question remains unanswered why make a carnage?


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6 minutes ago, ICELANDMAN said:

The only answer that he is a madman under drug effect does not stand up as he has been well-premeditated, the question remains unanswered why make a carnage?

It's been answered several times. You just weren't listening. Check out the movie "Jack Reacher".

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10 hours ago, CGW said:

Given their history with DNA testing this "fact" cannot fill one with confidence though - can it?

Or have they now become a honest, competent & functioning Police force?

Anything the RTP says or does should be viewed with caution. More misinformation comes from them than facts. Normally there are some deep pockets influencing decisions and information released. 

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 23 January 202 13h

Direct Public Interview with Mr. Prasittichai Khao Kaew, 38 years old director of the primary school of Wat Pho Chai School
Police General Chakthip Chaijinda, Commander-in-Chief
ask the questions the accused answers .....



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2 hours ago, ICELANDMAN said:

Ok alors pensez à ça qui sont les victimes de ce carnage en plus des morts et des blessés, regardons l'aspect financier, combien de nouveaux acheteurs vont encore entrer dans cette boutique pour acheter de l'or avec tant de fantômes qui les attendent (mentalité thaïlandaise très enraciné dans la population des fantômes) alors pourquoi un tueur professionnel ou un tueur amateur a fait un tel carnage traumatisant s'il n'y a aucun motif derrière cela ou un ordre. Il s'agit d'éliminer cette hypothèse qui ne correspond évidemment pas à l'efficacité de la police de la rapidité de l'affaire résolue qui lui convient évidemment parfaitement. Ce mystère demeure parce que ce carnage à rendre public qui n'était pas seulement pour un simple vol comme beaucoup le pensent nous fait ainsi oublier la vraie raison qu'il peut y en avoir beaucoup.
La seule réponse qu'il est un fou sous l'effet de la drogue ne tient pas car il a été bien prémédité, la question reste sans réponse pourquoi faire un carnage?



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Should be simple to get him to show where he dumped the gold as it sinks and should still be there unless he dumped it in front of witnesses? Ballistics should be able to match the bullets shot with his fathers gun. For someone to needlessly shoot a child and a couple of more innocents while comitting a robbery where they don't need the money, they would have to be mentally disturbed. The BMW would fetch more than the robbery did? 3 innocents dead for a mere 500,000 Baht. RIP, and may their family's find peace and justice. 

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10 hours ago, thequietman said:

1, The gun - check - his FIL's.


2, Gold - check - found in his aunties house.


3. Gait - check - leg injury causes him to walk and stand a specific way


4. Shoes - check - match the prints found on the glass


5. Wife - check - she told the cops that he did it.


6. Admission of guilt - check - He SAID he did it.


The reasons behind his thinking is neither here nor there. This is not a balanced individual. He did it. 

A whole lot of items there not mentioned or in direct contradiction to the report in the op. 


Care to share your sources?

Edited by metempsychotic
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1 hour ago, tomauasia said:

As l said his just another Thai man there's to many of these whacked out Thai fruit loops. His a gun expert in the toy shop. Just a weak dog. Love to cave his head in.

Ah, the old  he did it because he is thai hypothesis.


Hope you dont have pets or children.

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12 hours ago, CNXexpat said:

He should spend some hours driving a motorcycle in Bangkok. Isn´t that thrill enough? And if he wants a criminal thrill, why killing people? I think a death penalty is not good for him. Let him enjoy the thrill of prison life till his end of life.

He could have done a drive by shooting of Big Joke's car for a thrill.

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This got THAILAND written all over it...15 or so years ago(the time when I decided not to ever set my foot again in that cursed cuntry) a story appeared in the paper of a high ranking police or army officer's son who got so angry after being stopped for drunken driving, he went to daddy's home, got a machine gun and shot up the police station...no charges was pressed...enough said...avoid...

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21 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Ok Johnny Cochran.


Everything is true they have his DNA from the scene.

..they have most of all the evidence they need except for the gold, the weapon belonged to his father, the Yamaha M/C he borrowed from his father-in-law, he had the 9mm ammunition in his possession, they should find the gold if he did dump it in the river somewhere, but expect a rush for scuba gear and the rivers inundated with gold seekers..

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