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Mask wearing etiquette at Jomtien immigration


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As many know the issue of westerners not tending to wear masks while Thais and other Asians wear them at much higher rates has been politicized in Thailand by the health minister in a xenophobic way.  That's unfortunate as there are honest differences in opinions from health experts on the usefulness of the general public wearing masks and of course there are huge cultural differences in mask wearing in general between Asia and the west.


Anyway, as I need to go to immigration soon, I was wondering if masks are now expected dress code at Thai immigration, specifically Jomtien.


I got an answer to this (since deleted) that about half of the client/suspects there were wearing masks which led me to believe that not wearing a mask would be at least acceptable.


That was one random recent report so others are welcome to post their recent reports.


In any case I think it's useful to the immigration office visiting public to know the answer to this, and so far, it seems it will be OK to either wear a mask or not.


Of course over time if the situation changes locally, that current etiquette may change. In other words a "China model" where everyone is basically required to wear masks is in the realm of future possibilities. 


Theoretically you're not supposed to wear shorts there, a separate issue, but the last time I was there the majority of the client / suspects were!

Edited by Jingthing
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1 minute ago, seajae said:

I did my 90 day thursday, didnt wear a mask and wore shorts as I always do, some were wearing masks and some were not. Masks are no good unless you have it and we are being told not to wear them if we dont have it plus the fact you cant get them anywhere so dont see how thay can make it compulsory, then again those in charge are mostly uneducated idiots so you never know


Well if they do make it required, that would be OK, it's their office, but it would be funny if they were to hand them out (or more like sell them) at the entrance provided by someone touching them.


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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Well if they do make it required, that would be OK, it's their office, but it would be funny if they were to hand them out (or more like sell them) at the entrance provided by someone touching them.


how can they make it required when there is a shortage and you may not be able to buy them. If they supplied them outside fair enough although useless

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is  it  ok if  i go in a full hazmat  suit? and then ok at the airport too....I mean lets be honest here a  mask is going to do  <deleted>  all, this actually  might help you,next what about  colours? would red be deemed inappropriate.how  about a soft peach,  hello  kitty stickers?



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20 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Recommendation from the experts not you is not to wear one unless you have symptoms, people like you are jointly responsible for the shortage incl at Bangkok airport

There are naive people about that will believe anything they read, without question...


Do you really think the experts are telling the truth here? The experts are trying to prevent panic. Claiming that only sick people should wear masks suggests they are effective, because if they weren't, why suggest that sick people should wear them. That's quite illogical, but people like you swallow it hook, line and sinker.


Then you didn't consider that you might want to wear a mask to prevent you getting the virus from another person. Wake up sunshine - asymptomatic people are spreading it too.


Then of course there's the question of the quality of the masks. They are not equal.



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17 minutes ago, KhunKenAP said:

They should close the office and give everyone a one month grace period for any required in office reports, renewals!!!!! Can extend later if needed.

That would be great but they really really should forget 90 day reports for now and also TM30 if they haven't already which I don't really keep track of as I've NEVER done one (or a TM28 either ha ha).

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That would be great but they really really should forget 90 day reports for now and also TM30 if they haven't already which I don't really keep track of as I've NEVER done one (or a TM28 either ha ha).

Likewise, and my wife does my 90 day reports. No visits to immigration for me for another 9 months.

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54 minutes ago, tropo said:

Do you really think the experts are telling the truth here? The experts are trying to prevent panic. Claiming that only sick people should wear masks suggests they are effective, because if they weren't, why suggest that sick people should wear them. That's quite illogical, but people like you swallow it hook, line and sinker.


Dear oh dear, there is a difference between someone with symptoms vs someone with no symptoms. People are at the most contagious the first few days of symptoms  hence the recommendation of self isolating for 7 days. Wearing a mask if used correctly will stop those with symptoms from coughing over everyone or spouting off

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Theoretically you're not supposed to wear shorts there, a separate issue, but the last time I was there the majority of the client / suspects were!

Well the overspill waiting area is now outside and it is usually around mid-30s C, so I think shorts is to be expected.

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Did my 90-day report two days ago at Jomtien Immigration.


I also had some concerns about face masks being required. So I got one of those paper masks and put it in a plastic bag in my pocket, just in case they were required.


Very few people there in the afternoon. The new outdoor queue system wasn’t in use. Just went inside and got the ticket as usual from the front desk.


Not that many foreigners with masks, all staff wore them though. The Immigration Officer was very polite to me, didn’t seem to mind me not wearing a mask, even pointed out that my passport was expiring later this year.

I did make sure to not get close to his face though, sat down immediately and stretched my passport over.

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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Well if they do make it required, that would be OK, it's their office, but it would be funny if they were to hand them out (or more like sell them) at the entrance provided by someone touching them.

At  CW, in January, they were handing them out - free. I'm sure they are out by this time.

Ironically, any people I noticed coughing weren't wearing them!

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7 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Recommendation from the experts not you is not to wear one unless you have symptoms, people like you are jointly responsible for the shortage incl at Bangkok airport


err the guy on the video IS THE EXPERT



Michael T. Osterholm, PhD, MPH



Dr. Osterholm is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, a professor in the Technological Leadership Institute, College of Science and Engineering, and an adjunct professor in the Medical School, all at the University of Minnesota. From June 2018 through May 2019, he served as a Science Envoy for Health Security on behalf of the US Department of State. He is also on the Board of Regents at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa.

He is the author of the 2017 book, Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs, in which he not only details the most pressing infectious disease threats of our day but lays out a nine-point strategy on how to address them, with preventing a global flu pandemic at the top of the list.

In addition, Dr. Osterholm is a member of the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) and the Council of Foreign Relations. In June 2005 Dr. Osterholm was appointed by Michael Leavitt, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), to the newly established National Science Advisory Board on Biosecurity. In July 2008, he was named to the University of Minnesota Academic Health Center’s Academy of Excellence in Health Research. In October 2008, he was appointed to the World Economic Forum Working Group on Pandemics.



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5 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Dear oh dear, there is a difference between someone with symptoms vs someone with no symptoms. People are at the most contagious the first few days of symptoms  hence the recommendation of self isolating for 7 days. Wearing a mask if used correctly will stop those with symptoms from coughing over everyone or spouting off

Dear oh dear indeed.


People might be spreading it more when they are showing symptoms, but they can spread it before they have symptoms, and for up to 14 days, hence the 14 day quarantine period (not 7 days). This is the very reason why this outbreak is so frightening. Seemingly healthy people are spreading it, yet you maintain that anyone in the Jomtien Immigration office is "stupid" to wear a mask. People with ideas such as yours are the very reason one should wear a mask. 


The "experts" you trust have already given you a clue - masks do work. Why else would they suggest that people looking after sick people should wear them. I suggest you get your advice from different experts.





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9 minutes ago, tropo said:

Dear oh dear indeed.


People might be spreading it more when they are showing symptoms, but they can spread it before they have symptoms, and for up to 14 days, hence the 14 day quarantine period (not 7 days). This is the very reason why this outbreak is so frightening. Seemingly healthy people are spreading it, yet you maintain that anyone in the Jomtien Immigration office is "stupid" to wear a mask. People with ideas such as yours are the very reason one should wear a mask. 


The "experts" you trust have already given you a clue - masks do work. Why else would they suggest that people looking after sick people should wear them. I suggest you get your advice from different experts.





Why do those same experts also advise that if you haven't got symptoms you don't need a mask?


Oh dear oh dear, let me explain to you , the symptoms are coughing and sneezing, if you're not coughing and sneezing the mask won't stop you spreading it because it won't catch the droplets that you're not coughing and sneezing out of your mouth and nose. Please ask for further explanation if needed.

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as it looks like there is a split between the benefits of wearing a mask from the experts (for clarity i'm going N95 here) depending on which side of the planet you ask on, i'm going to go with the time honored plus or minus points to make my decision:


pros: they work and could save my life and those of my loved ones


cons: they dont work and i may look like a prat to some know it all in tescos


yeah i think i'll leave mine on, i've got thick skin :cheesy:


Edited by GeorgeCross
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