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Front-runner Biden crushes Sanders in Florida, projected to win Illinois


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2 hours ago, Monomial said:


What the DNC or the Democrats want is wholly irrelevant. The only people that really matter in this election are the voters in the swing states, and for the same reasons they didn't want Hillary 4 years ago, they don't want Biden today. Absolutely nothing has changed to make the voters more receptive to the status quo. If anything, the Trump era has made them more angry and radicalized. This is just more self mutilation by the Democratic party, clinging to the old ways and refusing to see the new reality on the ground.


It's time everyone settle in for another 4 years of Trump. Maybe the Democrats will learn their lesson in 2024.

Settle down for more 45? NEVER!

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6 hours ago, opalred said:

they want  to put a lot of protection  around Biden /as trump will try every thing to stop him

They will have to put a lot of protection around little girls, this Biden guy appears to be rather too fond of touching them

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It's occurred to me that even though Bernie had pledged to go to the convention no matter what, the national crisis around Covid-19 may change things. For obvious reasons --


He can't hold rallies anymore.

He had great rallies and that was a big part of his movement.

The mood of the nation has changed to be focused on the crisis and a situation that is becoming like another great depression.

He knows he won't be nominated.

He knows that 45 must go.

Given these changes I can imagine some kind of agreement between Biden and Bernie for him to quit fairly soon and for there to be boatloads of RESPECT (well deserved) shown to Bernie and his supporters at the convention in unity show to end all unity shows.

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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

The 2020 lineup:


Boundless energy, optimism, solid track record, kept promises




Dementia, Establishment Corruption, Thin-skinned Belligerence

Ok, I understand that "Dementia, Establishment Corruption, Thin-skinned Belligerence" refers to Trump. 


I'm not sure what the first part of your post refers to.

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45 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


I assure you there will be zero originality in whatever ensues....it will be a direct lift from

whatever CNN deems appropriate.

With Trump we've had whatever Faux News deems appropriate. 


I'd be delighted to have a President who reads instead of watches television.

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3 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


I'm not convinced that the DNC doesn't want Trump to win.

Are you familiar with the words of Will Rogers?


"I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat."


If you think the DNC is capable of some kind of conspiracy, plots within plots, and planning beyond the next election, you haven't been paying attention.

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16 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Oh please. This isn't the DNC. It's the voters. The democratic primary voters have made it abundantly clear that people are seeking stability and sanity not another <deleted> shoot "populist" like 45 but from the left this time. They took that. It's a disaster! Your theory is obviously wrong. It if was right it would be Bernie creaming Biden and not the other way around. 

No.  I was one of the original litigants in the class action lawsuit against the DNC for rigging the 2016 primary. Their WHOLE DEFENSE was that they are not legally obligated to follow the voters. In a nutshell, they said they are a private organization and there were no laws against it.


The exit polls numbers aren't adding up. There is some buggery going on in this primary. My overseas primary vote was disqualified because "my signatures didn't match." I used the same digital copy of my signature I've been using for over ten years. Repeat: there is some buggery going on in this primary.

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15 hours ago, heybruce said:

Are you familiar with the words of Will Rogers?


"I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat."


If you think the DNC is capable of some kind of conspiracy, plots within plots, and planning beyond the next election, you haven't been paying attention.

Oh, they're conspiring all right. They're just too stupid not to get caught. Case in point, Donna Brazile who gave Hillary a copy of the debate questions in advance.

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43 minutes ago, earlinclaifornia said:

I am sure that trump is toast. His cult will be soon a thing of the past. November 3 can't get here too enough.

If you think Biden can beat Trump I think you will be in for a shock, just like last time

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18 minutes ago, cycolista said:

I wouldn’t say Biden has boundless energy but I do agree, he’s fairly energetic. 

Biden’s upright posture is certainly better than Trump who seem likely to fall forward like the leaning tower of Pisa. 

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