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Opinion on a health insurance offer


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I would like to ask for an opinion on a health insurance I am thinking about buying in Thailand.

45 years old.

Working in Thailand, so I also have the SSO card.
Maximum Benefit per year 2.000.000 THB
Inpatient only

Premium per year: 34.000 THB

I know these are not many information and I know I cannot expect a detailed advice on different insurances or insurers.

I am just interested from your experiences if this is roughly the ballpark an insurance like this belongs.
Or if there are any better ideas coming to mind by reading this.

Thanks a lot

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10 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

2m baht isn't much.

That is something that is not easy to comprehend for me since in Europe we don't think in maximum benefit or caps.

All I can do is trying to put that number in relation to friends telling me the costs of their surgeries in Thailand in a good private hospital.
Appendix and hernia surgeries, both around 120.000 THB.
Hmmm? In relation to that 2MB sounds like a lot.

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On 3/19/2020 at 3:32 PM, tfranz said:

Appendix and hernia surgeries, both around 120.000 THB

Apart from appendix and hernia one can have a traffic accident with weeks on ICU, brain operations etc. or one can get cancer with operations, radiation and chemo for months or years.
2M THB will be enough for maybe 99% of people of your age but there's no way to tell if you're among that 99% or if you're that 1%. If you can live with that 1% risk you'll be OK with the insurance offered to you.
April, Cigna, ACS, Davidshield etc are just a few of the many companies who will give you 1/2M to 1M USD or Euro coverage for similar or slightly higher premium (in-patient only)

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