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Power Buy? Power Lie? Power Die?


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I’m in a complaining mood, but I’ll keep this brief. 1 month ago, I bought a 5kBHT stereo “Tagwood” from Power Buy. The thing crapped out on me, so I boxed it back up and took it back to Power Buy at Central Festival.

I was stopped by the guard at the front door of CF and told that no boxes were allowed to be brought in through that door, I had to go through the basement security check. (I’m upset now, power by is 10meters away). I turn around smiling, and walk half way around the building (ohh what fun! TIT) to the loading bay. There I’m greeted by a female security officer who smiles at me and leads me into and elevator, I say “power buy” she say’s “ka”. We get off the elevator and she leaves. I’m now standing 100 meters down the hall from the original security guard who told me I couldn’t bring a box into the store without it being checked by security.

So I lugged my “unchecked” box down the hall to power buy, nodding my head and smiling at the original doorman. He didn’t understand.

Now I was already prepared to get F*** in the A** by these guys, yeah right give a farrang his money back or make things easy for him, yeah right. So I’m getting myself in the right mindset, so I don’t get upset and start yelling and screaming. The conversation with the sales staff came down to this.

  • Hi this is my stereo, it broke, here’s my warranty card.
  • Oh ok, we will send it to Bangkok they will fix it.
  • Um…. How long will that take?
  • About a month.
  • What? A month, Mai Di
  • Can you give me a refund?
  • no
  • Can you give me a replacement?
  • no
  • But you have two right there on the shelf?
  • no
  • Um. Ok.

So then they tried to take my warranty card, I told them to photo copy it, I’m not stupid I said to him in quick English. I would understand if I bought this stereo from a mom and pop place, but this is CF. <deleted>. Then my girlfriend tells me that in Thailand, you never get a refund. <deleted>!

So the guy tells me he will call me after songklan next week. I say thank you smile and leave.

Just a warning, to all who deal with Power Buy, It’s not like the states, be-ware, and any suggestions of what to do when they call me and tell me that there is nothing wrong with it?


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Sadly this seems completely normal.. I have heard of warranty items being charged shipping to BKK to have a free warranty repair..

I was sold an item in Homepro (20k item) that when delivered did not have all the parts.. seems because it was US import it had a US style gaz adapter and they decided to simply remove that whole part and sell without it.. However instead of merely having the wrong gaz bottle top (fixable) it now missed piping with non standard connectors. The store display unit had a great big advertising board with 5 year warranty on it and the store manager just kept repeating "Mai mee Wallanty.. Import" as though that explained everything. It took a really complete confrontation to make them suddenly find the part they claimed didnt exist.

The electronic store under Big C even has a sign that says in English "No money back under any circumstances" they mean it.. Even if item sold simply does not work right out of the box they feel that this sign covers all possible options.

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yep thats normal for Thailand...

i had a gfx card blow on me, that was still under warranty (had about 6 weeks left on the warranty card) - had to send it to bangkok, they claimed it worked even though i'd tested the card on several PC's at the office. Various phone calls and messing around, in the end the warranty expired without them admitting the card was broken... the next phone call i got was 'your warranty is finished, sorry we cannot fix your broken card unless you pay X baht'

Needless to say at that point i exploded and gave them a serious piece of my mind.

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Well, that's seems to be the story. The GF is batting for me, and she's doing a great job, but I just can't believe anything she say's cause I know it's Power Buy that's lying. Breaks both our hearts.

Currently, The "guy" that survey's these types of problems, will be in the store tomorow, to "determine" if I broke it or it broke on it's own. LOL we all know where this one's going, to BKK on my bill. Althought the GF talked to them and they have promised that they will pay for shipping and handling! Can't wait for the GF's tears when they hand her the bill. Guess I should have seen all this comming, with a country that imitates China in it's web-surfing governence, it's no surprise that "warrantie" means bend over and insert here.

Thanks for the words fellas.

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Just my quickie...."two cents".

I bought a wireless keyboard / mouse combo at Power Buy. Got home....it didn't work as well as I had hoped. I took it back, my Thai speaking acquaintance with me to help convey my thoughts and request for a refund......and 10 minutes later I left with cash in hand. Literally, they took cash straight from the drawer...and only required a handwritten refund form.

All in all....a good experience as it relates to the refund.

That said, for computer parts, there is a smaller shop in CF.....I can't remember the name but it is down the corridor from Power Buy...on the right hand side.....and past a barber shop (which is on the opposite side) if memory serves. They built an external hard drive for me....and were verrrrrrrrrrry knowledgeable about all things computer related.

Hope this helps. :-)



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Well thanks for that information, I will try asking for a refund again before they send the damned thing to BKK. I might have a problem though cause I paid with a Debit Card, from overseas. Also, I purchased the system almost a month ago, I hear they are verry accomodating before 7 days, after that they screw you. We'll see how it turns out. Thanks for the info!~


Edited by Lithobid
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I find the warranties here outrageously good for computer parts, if its got a sticker on it then they will get it fixed or replace it.

Just the other day I fished out 3 hard drives that had given up the ghost after a number of years, took them to a shop I deal with (Didn't even buy the hard drives there) and they all got fixed or replaced for new ones, although I had to pay 400 baht.

Powerbuy are generally a good shop, but if you buy a cheap stereo system and it goes wrong for whatever reason then they will have to send it in for repair, much like most of Europe does.

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any suggestions of what to do when they call me and tell me that there is nothing wrong with it?


If it does got to BKK and "there is nothing wrong with it" :D , ask to have it back, have it shipped to the power buy in CF and then ask the staff there to test it for you :o

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Next time buy a decent stereo - sheesh.

In my experience, if you spend over 140$ on a stereo it should be good. I'd agree with you if I spent $ 2000BHT . And if you suggest a decent stereo, why let me know some brands, prices, and places to buy, otherwise, your post is mute. And #@#$.

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Next time buy a decent stereo - sheesh.

And if you suggest a decent stereo, why let me know some brands, prices, and places to buy

Do your own market research you lazy fark..

otherwise, your post is mute. And #@#$.

Pretty much like the stereo you bought then :o

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You had a valid complaint, got a poor result and was mugged off by sales staff. Just ask to speak to the manager, it always gets a better result. In a shop in your home country you'd ask to see the manager in the same situation wouldn't you? :o

Once they check it and if they find out it blew by itself you should get a replacement straight away, Powerbuy's a big shop it's not as if they are worried about one little stereo. Get the new stereo or your money back (and put it towards a decent brand). :D

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You had a valid complaint, got a poor result and was mugged off by sales staff. Just ask to speak to the manager, it always gets a better result. In a shop in your home country you'd ask to see the manager in the same situation wouldn't you? :o

Once they check it and if they find out it blew by itself you should get a replacement straight away, Powerbuy's a big shop it's not as if they are worried about one little stereo. Get the new stereo or your money back (and put it towards a decent brand). :D

I'd love to get my money back, but they won't give it to me. They will only replace the broken stereo. Is that legal? How can I get them to give me my money back?

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Well, since there is so much bad news reported on Thai Visa, I thought I'd report some good news. The Power Buy store replaced my stereo, in fact they broke store policy, and send my broken stereo to BKK, and switched the serial # stickers so I could get a new working stereo faster. I'm damned impressed!

On top of that, I actually saw a young thai teenager adjust her rearview mirror to see better the other day driving home from work. I was in shock, helmet and all too!


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