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60 new COVID-19 cases in Thailand, total cases now at 272

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33 minutes ago, Yorkshire Tea said:

Our local temple, outside Chiang Mai is having a fund raising festival this weekend.  Set aside large parking areas in the fields, so expecting many outsiders to visit ????

.....and I’m sure they still will. Every temple shindig this past week or so has been mobbed up here. Ignorance is bliss

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42 minutes ago, Tapster said:



I have looked at this site as well. It looks legit, but how can we tell?


Do you have any source that tells you it's definitive?


Yesterday, someone said that there were 4 cases near me in Phuket. That may be nonsense, but the site you linked to hasn't mentioned any cases in Phuket.


It would be great to have a trustworthy source.



It's been mentioned in the BP paper but reading now the comments there it seems the tracker maybe be lagging.. so much for live ????

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43 minutes ago, Tapster said:



I have looked at this site as well. It looks legit, but how can we tell?


Do you have any source that tells you it's definitive?


Yesterday, someone said that there were 4 cases near me in Phuket. That may be nonsense, but the site you linked to hasn't mentioned any cases in Phuket.


It would be great to have a trustworthy source.



The tracker is a private initiative, but it seems to be populated by some official reports. Obviously it can only ever be as good as and when whatever reports are made. 


The 2 single cases in Phuket and Krabi from Jan/Feb were displayed last week (to my surprise, as i had not seen them in any news source), but yesterday they were not showing. Today they are back again. So trustworthy is relative i guess ....

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2 minutes ago, Senior Player said:

You know nothing. You're not a medical expert. Thailand did nothing to halt the spread as it continued to keep its borders open and unchecked to China for the past four months. I'd rather give credit to Laos and Vietnam for closing their borders the moment they became aware of this serious situation. If you'd been paying any attention at all since this story first leaked from China, you'd know that it has been circulating in China as far back as late November, and that means outside as well. 


You're one of those people that seems to takes great delight at wagging his finger at other countries for not doing enough, without wanting to look closer to home as to why this was allowed to spread globally. If you're actually living (or staying) in Thailand then you know that the Thai government was saying that it wouldn't spread in their country due to their hot climate and strong winds. Basically, they buried their heads in the sand, worried that their economy would suffer due to a lack of tourism, nor did they want to offend their Chinese tourists that were bringing in lost of cash. Meanwhile, plenty of tourists from China have been intermingling with tourists from across the globe in that giant petri dish you call Thailand since December, right up to only a few days ago when Thailand finally stopped its flight to and from China. Think about that for a minute. 


No country can do enough now because the virus wasn't contained within China. On January 29, when Italy detected and isolated its first coronavirus cases – from two Chinese tourists – authorities were sure they had put together the safest protection system in Europe. The following day, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte immediately declared a state of emergency for six months, and made Italy the first country to block flights from China. Scientists believe that the virus had been circulating unnoticed in the country from at least mid-January – thriving because so many of the infected had no symptoms at all, or only mild symptoms like a cough and a mild temperature. This is consistent with recent research suggesting that the virus can be spread by people who do not yet show any symptoms.


Look, I could post lots of info on the "whys" and "how" it spread so easily. Yeah, I'm looking at you WHO and China, but it's not going to alter the here and now. Some of you are of the mindset that this is only a little blip, an unnecessary inconvenience that only requires a simple lockdown lasting only for a few weeks or months and this will all go away. Clearly you haven't understood the scientific models that have come out of the Imperial College London the past few days where the numbers and available data were crunched and the best and worse case scenarios have all been calculated. It doesn't make pretty reading, grim would be a better word. The upshot is you're going to have to be in continually lockdown until a vaccine has been developed and rolled out worldwide, otherwise as soon as you lift a temporary lockdown, the virus will start-up again and each country will be back to square one with thousands of more deaths. That means every country will have to lock its borders and cities for the unforeseeable future and not just for a few weeks or months. A year minimum would probably be a more accurate figure, unless this virus burns itself out naturally and death rates fall by their own accord. Trouble is this is a novel virus, so nobody knows the real longevity or outcome as of yet. 


Put it this way, I'd rather be in the UK now, who at least have expert virologist advisors to their government than in Thailand where ignorance is bliss. Each country is going to have to handle things differently due to the size of its population, healthcare system and economy. The EU is in turmoil right now as they have no system put in place for locked borders, so supplies are not getting through across its Schengen Area Member States but snarling up at their borders instead. Nothing is clear-cut or straight forward as you paint it.


Anyway, I'm done with the "orange man bad" idiots here and armchair critics that don't understand what's really happening around them. Good luck, my fellow farrangs living in LOS, you're going to need it. May your god, or whatever belief system you have, be with you. 


With any luck, I'll be back in LOS in 18 months when this is all hopefully over and the world opens its borders again.

You accuse him of not being a medical expert then go on to tell people how long they will locked down for like you are. ......and please don’t tell me the experts have said a year because they haven’t. 

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1 minute ago, Kadilo said:

You accuse him of not being a medical expert then go on to tell people how long they will locked down for like you are. ......and please don’t tell me the experts have said a year because they haven’t. 

Learn to read and process information properly before reeling off a response,. It'll help you in the upcoming months.

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11 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

You accuse him of not being a medical expert then go on to tell people how long they will locked down for like you are. ......and please don’t tell me the experts have said a year because they haven’t. 

"this is a novel virus, so nobody knows the real longevity or outcome as of yet"

it's a medical fact, so you can't really argue with that.

Edited by Kaopad999
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The UK has also been failing to test properly, mostly only doing it for cases that are hospitalised, not for everybody showing symptoms. Many stories that the official tally may be 2600 cases, but in reality there's probably ten to forty times that number in the general population. Since Thailand has done even less testing, and had instances of the virus much sooner than the UK, I'm very surprised that they're not already carting bodies off the streets here.

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2 hours ago, Tapster said:

Yup, Stage 3 is probably here.

Still, Thailand is doing better than some First World countries (I'm talking about you, United Kingdom!).


We're self-quarantining, because my wife was critically ill with pneumonia two years ago. She's at high risk.

Makro in Rawai, Phuket wasn't going crazy two days ago. Hopefully, Buddhist Thai's won't panic like stupid, spineless westerners.

Go well!!


You can't compare Thailand to UK...population density, commuting to work in urban areas etc is totally different..same as most Western countries

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2 hours ago, Chazar said:

been to  Hua  Hin today not a sign of anything empty bought 48907  toilet  rolls and 25  gallons of disinfectant

You just lost out..........If you had bought 48910 toilet rolls you would qualify for a free pack and 10 bars of dettol soap.........:thumbsup:

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