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my girlfriend wants gold


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The usual line from them is "my mussy not come free" 

When you complain it followed by "not like it here, you know where bus stop is" 

Happened to a good buddy of mine last year. This is just after he purchased a new Mitsu Suv. On her birthday she asked where her gold is. This after 14 years together. 

He weighed it all up and took her to the gold shop. 

One Baht gold, about 24K Baht ish. 

Small change, beer money. 



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Wow, you really are desperate.


When I met my wife, she had issues getting to work during the red shirt riots - so I'd pick her up from work and take her home, but she paid for fuel and dinner.


Sex doesn't come into it. Your partner obviously doesn't think that 'taking care' is enough - they want much more... something I see often with Thai women and ladyboy gold diggers alike...



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16 hours ago, kiever said:

What do you think i should give what she wants ?

She wants security... fancy dinners and hotels are not security... she is afraid in the future that you will dump her for a younger girl and she will have nothing to show for her time invested... it is pretty normal for any person to want some security for their future. 


It is a different type of happy. Rather practical and totally human. 

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10 hours ago, Gracas said:

She has only 'worked' for the OP for 2.5 years (so far).

different job.. different perks.. different pay scale.. hopefully there is some caring involved -  -on both sides.. 


did your mother charge you for meals consumed when you were a kid? did your parents charge you for back rent?

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Give her the Gold Kiever


A real woman is a man's best friend Kiever.

She will never stand him up and never let him down.

She will reassure him when he feels insecure and comfort him after a bad day.

She will inspire him to do things he never thought he could do, she will enable him to express his deepest emotions,

and give into his most intimate desires,


she will make him feel confident, sexy, seductive and invincible.....


.........No wait.....I'm thinking of Beer, it's <deleted> Beer that does all that!...................................:coffee1:

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Gold to most Thai people is a form of saving and also showing their wealth to other Thais. 150,000 to 200,00 I think is to much (she said a friend of her got these amounts of gifts from her boyfriend regularly and why i wouldnt do same ? ) I or 2 baht is good. Also if you start over with a new one then you will have the same problem in the future. If she is worried about the future get a bank account an teach her how to save each month, not easy but can be done. 

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16 hours ago, kiever said:

well i love her but i am not sure if she loves me really ( never understand love of thais). OK, i can spend 150k to make her happy,  it is not a big money for me and it will be one time deal (i hope). 

If it is not big money for you, why not?  Philanthropy is honorable. I have likely spent at least that much over the last 2 years helping out Thai women in exchange for their time and intimacy.  It's all good man 

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11 hours ago, Gracas said:

She has only 'worked' for the OP for 2.5 years (so far).

What sort of pension did you receive from your employer after 2.5 years ?

As for myself I received nothing after 2.5 years.

at least you had the chance of a pension, which you could build up over many years. In keeping with most Thais, she does not have that luxury.  She is probably just covering the future as best she can,  while she can, as she doesn't know how long it will last. As a reaction, it is entirely human.   

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16 hours ago, kiever said:

no never i would do it for a girl in my home country.. but in my home country i would never have a girl at less than half age of mine.

If you had a girl, more than half your age in your country what would you think if she asked for loads of jewellery?

Thais do have an expectation and obsession with gold. BUT Listen to what she is saying ( my friends boyfriends buy for them why not you)   

Give her what she wants and as long as your money continues to flow she may stay with you but don't hold your breath.

A case in my village recently where a farang just got married built a very nice house (in the village) and brand new car. 9 months later, according to her, he apparently, left her. ( she has never lived in the house and stays in the city

She already has a condo in Pattaya ( how she got that no one will tell me or knows)

She is extremely attractive,I call her the black widow. 

Most relationships i have seen here are genuine with the ages about 15 years difference but if you believe she fancies you with a huge age gap then you are deluded


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16 hours ago, kiever said:

no never i would do it for a girl in my home country.. but in my home country i would never have a girl at less than half age of mine.

Kiever, i think this is the thing.

The lady is not with you for your looks, personality or anything else and no doubt given the option she would be with someone her own age. She is with you as you can support her and her family. You get to <deleted> a bird you would never have the chance of doing so in your home company and she grins and bears those bits in return for your financial support.

Her point is that she is doing this, but at some point you might keel over and die and at that point she has been with you for 10 years with nothing physical to show for it. Finding another person like you now she is 10 years older is unlikely, so she wants something for security when you do pass to the other side.

Nothing wrong with it in my opinion, and from your post it seems you recognize she is not with you for your looks. If you dont provide that extra security for her future i can quite understand he looking for a better offer when she still has the looks to do so.

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16 hours ago, rumak said:

You must ask her for something in return.   How about telling her that in return for the gold

she must make louder noises and sounds of pleasure when you are making love.

No need to ask.

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15 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

Sorry but i am not wrong, i am not compared to western society,i am talking about thai society

where ''mia noi'' is a nice word to name prostitutes, or escorts. they are most of the time covered with

gift and money by the ''lovers'' married men, usually at least 2 more older than her.

let me correct it for you

''lazy'' asian women love a male who can provide for them

most of the ''normal'' asian women have a decent job and are financialy independent

then they can really love someone for himself and not for his money.

Where do you live? Look around you in any rural Thai village, where the average wage is 2000 - 3000 baht/month. Then I come along and give ( for example ) support of 10,000 baht/month. You think most Thai women would not jump at that?

My GF is definitely not lazy. If she was, she would not be my GF.

The "normal" you describe is a tiny minority here.

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1 hour ago, sanuk711 said:

Give her the Gold Kiever


A real woman is a man's best friend Kiever.

She will never stand him up and never let him down.

She will reassure him when he feels insecure and comfort him after a bad day.

She will inspire him to do things he never thought he could do, she will enable him to express his deepest emotions,

and give into his most intimate desires,


she will make him feel confident, sexy, seductive and invincible.....


.........No wait.....I'm thinking of Beer, it's <deleted> Beer that does all that!...................................:coffee1:


Jesus! You had me worried there for a minute. All good.

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13 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I don't believe women over age 25 are capable of love for a man (and I'm being generous setting it as high as 25).

Relationships for women are all about manipulation, control and extortion.

Else they wouldn't strictly limit the sex.

IMO your previous history is speaking there.

My GF in 7 years has never limited sex, and she's much more than 25. There are exceptions to your beliefs.

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5 hours ago, kiever said:

many thanks for answers. i want to reply questions
we met with her at lady bar. yes this is a red flag. but so far all was so good. she has no education or profession like  most bar girls. i am 40, she is 23 years old. as i said we have been together for 2,5 years . i dont plan to marry with her because of my private situation. i am not sure this is normal or not for thais but i didnt buy her anything expensive for 2,5 years. should i buy  expensive items in the past for her such as louis vuitton bags ?  i dont think so. i just gave her 15000-20000, sometimes 30000 baht every month. that is all. no expensive items. all was fine until today. 2 weeks ago, she sent me a message by whatsapp " can you buy land for me to protect my future?" and then she deleted her message immediately but i already saw her message before she deleted. i asked her what it  was and she said just a joke. after few days she demanded golds for her and also a "a gold" for her grandmom. it is not sinsod as some of you asked me. i also asked same question to her and she just smile "you think too much you kiniow "  . she said i never bought gifts like that but  boyfriend of a friend of her did . and she claimed that guy is so generous because he also bought a motorbike for her friend and cellphone for her  friend's sister . i  havent ever heard   such requests from her for 2,5 years. i was very confused and didnt like this siuation  how things can change so fast ?. many red flags i can see in this story so i decided to ask opinions of yours here. the only thing i didnt understand is, she never demand such expensive gifts for 2,5 years. never ever. what changed in 2 weeks and why she asked these things now ? i didnt understand. because i didnt buy anything for her in the past and she thinks i should  compensate past ?   if i was not with her she would work at bar so nothing change in her life after me. 

She has a friend who is filling her head full of sh.it. Nothing new. Or she has seen one of her “friends” on Facebook showing off all her gold some mug has bought her and now thinks she is missing out. 

You need to be direct and tell it how it is and if she then still persists show her the door........unless you want to shell out that kind of dosh on a regular basis then it’s open door and expect it carry on indefinitely. 

Edited by Kadilo
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33 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

IMO your previous history is speaking there.

My GF in 7 years has never limited sex, and she's much more than 25. There are exceptions to your beliefs.

This is the gf you provide with a monthly wage and all living expenses?

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5 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Yes. Not all living expenses. Your point is?

My point is she's hired help, same as mine.

You want to put a delusional spin on it, that's OK.


My gf is worth 1,000bht a go to me ...... that's all there is to it.

If she wants more than that, she is free to move on, no hard feeling from me.

If she wants to get a job, pay 50% of everything and limit the sex, I'm OK with that too, I'd have spare cash to pay someone else for the sex.

Edited by BritManToo
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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

My point is she's hired help, same as mine.

You want to put a delusional spin on it, that's OK.

As I've said before, 80% of my assets are in Australia, so my delusions if any are limited.

My GF treats me with respect, as I do her. She looks after me very well.

If you want to treat women like disposable tissues, that's your business. I prefer to treat them like human beings.

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1 minute ago, Dene16 said:

Not much of a looker then?

Was a 9 or 10 when first hired, but like most women in LTRs, 3-5 years and they aren't.

Some of my pals seem to think best to change every year or two, but I'm a bit soft.

Edited by BritManToo
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