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Phuket officials to launch islandwide door-to-door checks for COVID-19


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What occurs in Thailand's political thinking arena makes "Yes Minister" look like a party political broadcast for the highly intelligent.

Really how long would it take for a braincell to reach the conclusion that this is stupidity beyond the realms of belief???

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One can assume that the people doing the testing will have personal protection clothing on. They will also have masks and gloves on (which will be replaced after seeing each patient) on.  The Touching gates, doors, etc., will be safe.


Well, I do say ''assume'' but this is Thailand!


I worry of those asymptomatic carriers and those that have very recently been infected and showing no symptoms who will/may consider themselves free to ''mingle''!


Also, I hope those ''less intelligent'' will have it carefully explained to them that this does not give them freedom and they are not passed as ''cured''!


''Invasion of privacy'' as has been mentioned?  A stupid comment by one who is unaware of the danger this virus threatens!

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3 hours ago, DualSportBiker said:

Not if the process is quick and hands-off. The Singaporean contact-tracing protocol is to trace all people who were close to a carrier for 15 minutes or more. Transient passings are of no concern. The same is true of Taiwan's protocol. 


The message from countries that have excelled at containment is Test, Test, Test. Obviously the testers can't be carriers - that would be... what's the word? Bad.

Since when did having your temperature taken become a covid test? Smh.

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just make sure they are working, and not as a lot of stuff, that was delivered to the EU and Turkey, from China, all substandard materiel.
Does anything good come from China????
STOPP trading with that nation= China!!!!!

Edited by naveren
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22 minutes ago, khunPer said:

It's from Danish language news articles, but I can quickly Google a few:


Google translate from this government supported Danish scientific online magazine "Videnskab.dk" (9th April 2020):

Link to the Wuhan report "The Epidemiological Characteristics of an Outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Diseases (COVID-19) — China, 2020"


Google translate from this Danish report fra DR, National Broadcaster (18th March 2020):


Google translate from this Danish Health-site "Netdoktor.dk" (3rd April 2020):


WHO report here "Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report – 46":


Danish scientists at SSI (Danish governmental vaccination institution) says that there are 30 to 80 times as many Covid-19 positive than official counts shows – bear in mind, that there might different testing methods in different countries – "Rigshospitalet", one of the largest hospitals in Denmark and the most highly specialized hospital, found the mortality rate for Covid-19 at 0.16 percent, or lower...

Source link: "Dødelighed skal formentlig tælles i promiller: Danske blodprøver kaster nyt lys over coronasmitten".

Thanks, but mild symptoms is far from the same as "According to science, 8 out 10 Covid-19 positives don't have fewer, and hardly any symptoms.".


I am with you (and science) that there will be many more infected than statistics indicate though. A problem may be that those with mild symptoms don't have as many anti bodies as those with more serious symptoms, and those fewer antibodies might not be enough to achieve herd immunity. On the upside, normally aggressive viruses die down soon, making it very likely that this virus mutates in to one of the many cold viruses we already have.

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3 hours ago, lensta said:

"Phuket Governor Phakaphong Tavipatan announced the news during a ceremony held yesterday"


F.F.S, why does there have to be a ceremony for every little thing in this country, especially during these times. There is at least 6 of them standing there together. Surely they could have just been delivered to the governors office.

At least they're not pointing at them! Oh, sorry they're HOLDING them!

Edited by sambum
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20 hours ago, Inn Between said:

It seems to me that this approach could add more to the spread of covid rather than helping. If they are going door to door having some type of close contact with people and their homes, doesn't that create the potential to carry the virus to the next person when they'd make contact with someone who is not showing symptoms but has the virus? If there are 3000 volunteers running around from house to house, I can see the possibility of some problems with this approach. 

Maybe, but if the thermometer test is taken outside or in the front door of the house where good air circulation is, and no none touches anyone or anything, questions asked at a distance about symptoms before approaching to read temps, all hands disinfected are each meeting, very good masks for workers and hopefully perspex face screens then I’d say the risk is low.

Given peoples capacity to not self-disclose (Thai and falang) I think going door to door is a good idea.

What a great thing it would be if they had enough pathology personnel and test kits and pathology labs on the island to test everyone as they go door to door but that’s a wish list thing???? then I like the rest of the world we’d really get a solid statistic on what what with this thing.

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only two slight issues with the thermometer method;


- you can have a high temperature but not have the virus

- you can have the virus but not yet have a high temperature


and one possible repercussion;


the testers may come into contact with an infected person early in the day, unless they have enough PPE to change between every visit they could transfer the virus from household to household, to another, to another...


apart from that good to see the authorities doing something...

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Temperature testing is not sufficient to identify virus carriers. Several western and Thai experts have told this already.

But since when are the authorities listening to experts, not the mention from abroad.


By the way, suspecting someone made a nice cut selling those thermometers. Just an assumption

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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

Thanks, but mild symptoms is far from the same as "According to science, 8 out 10 Covid-19 positives don't have fewer, and hardly any symptoms.".


I am with you (and science) that there will be many more infected than statistics indicate though. A problem may be that those with mild symptoms don't have as many anti bodies as those with more serious symptoms, and those fewer antibodies might not be enough to achieve herd immunity. On the upside, normally aggressive viruses die down soon, making it very likely that this virus mutates in to one of the many cold viruses we already have.

Just Googled a few quick links for you – I've read many articles, but I dont store links – with relation to what Danish scientists and experts found. They talk a lot right now about what they call "dark figures" with no symptoms, which they have calculated to 80 percent (so far) – they state the the dark figure is 30 to 80 times as big as the known cases, that's more than 90 percent, i.e. 96 to 98 percent, so only the tip of the iceberg is recorded.

("Statens Serum Institut" is the governmental institution for disease control and vaccination.)


A far more important numbers when it comes to how dangerous the disease is, according to Kåre Mølbak from Statens Serum Institut known infected-death ratio, infection fatality ratio, IFR. So the ratio of the total number of infected - and not just those who had it diagnosed by a doctor - and then the number of dead.

During an epidemic such a figure is far more difficult to calculate. Partly because the outbreak is going on right now and professionals still do not have solid knowledge of the virus and disease, and partly because not all infected get detected covid-19. That is why many go 'under the radar'. This is what doctors call the 'dark figure'.

Had there not been the major corona focus, the TV 2 employee, Denmark's first covid-19 patient, with little stomach and neck pain and without fever would never have been tested in an infectious medicine department. And thus his illness would never have been recorded.

Link: "Efter forvirring om farlighed: Her er, hvad vi ved, om risikoen for at dø af coronavirus".


But I found the article, which my old friend, professor in health at Copenhagen University Arne Astrup wrote about:


A new study reported in the BMJ suggests that 80% of those infected with COVID19 do not develop symptoms at all, and thus do not know that they have had the disease. But in return, they have developed immunity. If only this result is just 40 or 50% it is good news. In addition, there are many who have a mild course.

The Danish language article of 4th April here "Kina tester alle indrejsende: Fire ud af fem coronapositive har ingen symptomer" and the BMJ report is here "Covid-19: four fifths of cases are asymptomatic, China figures indicate".


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2 hours ago, hansgruber said:

That's ok. I'm sweating a lot in this heat anyway. I must look like a feverish sickly farang right now. 

Actually if they come knock at my door, I'm going to insist they have a recent medical certificate from the private hospital proving they have been tested and cleared of the virus. Can't be older than 3 days or I won't accept the certificate. 

They insist on endless reams of paperwork. Let's play that game. 

Ha, that's not a refusal, that's playing them at their own game. And I would agree with you but they are Thai and you aren't...they lose face and you pay. In any other place you'd be right (man's home is his castle & all that).

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1 hour ago, khunPer said:

Just Googled a few quick links for you – I've read many articles, but I dont store links – with relation to what Danish scientists and experts found. They talk a lot right now about what they call "dark figures" with no symptoms, which they have calculated to 80 percent (so far) – they state the the dark figure is 30 to 80 times as big as the known cases, that's more than 90 percent, i.e. 96 to 98 percent, so only the tip of the iceberg is recorded.

("Statens Serum Institut" is the governmental institution for disease control and vaccination.)

Link: "Efter forvirring om farlighed: Her er, hvad vi ved, om risikoen for at dø af coronavirus".


But I found the article, which my old friend, professor in health at Copenhagen University Arne Astrup wrote about:

The Danish language article of 4th April here "Kina tester alle indrejsende: Fire ud af fem coronapositive har ingen symptomer" and the BMJ report is here "Covid-19: four fifths of cases are asymptomatic, China figures indicate".


'developed immunity with mild/hardly any symptoms' is being questioned now. And that could have long term consequences regarding herd immunity.


AFAIK hardly anyone has been infected twice, so I don't think it will have consequences for herd immunity, but the high number of unreported infections makes this difficult to assess.


Oh, and good to discuss this with science in stead of the quite often uninformed opinions and/or just throwing meaningless numbers around, thanks.

Edited by stevenl
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9 hours ago, Greg O said:

Well it's confirmed, they're totally and completely delusional, always have to be the laughing stock of the planet ! Why not do something positive like pay the people who are able bodied and willing to collect the rubbish alongside the roads.


Too much time on their hands ! 


Yuk,yuk ..

I saw some people near Wat Chalong doing precisely that

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21 hours ago, Berkshire said:

n This is a valiant effort, but a tad misguided.  Studies have suggested that up to half of COVID carriers are asymptomatic, i.e., no high body temp.  Yes, we need to test as many people as possible.  But just measuring body temp isn't going to do it.

have they accepted that ‘asymptomatic’s actually exist’ or have they swept that fact under the carpet also. gee the carpet is full of bumps and humps. 

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On 4/9/2020 at 6:45 PM, Inn Between said:

It seems to me that this approach could add more to the spread of covid rather than helping. If they are going door to door having some type of close contact with people and their homes, doesn't that create the potential to carry the virus to the next person when they'd make contact with someone who is not showing symptoms but has the virus? If there are 3000 volunteers running around from house to house, I can see the possibility of some problems with this approach. 

Yes!  LOL

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On 4/9/2020 at 8:09 PM, Chalong circle said:

Me too. but actually a bit concerned by the variations every 5 minutes from one shop to the other...

It’s a surface temperature which can vary depending on walking in sun or shade, if they are checking your forehead wearing a hat or not can make a difference. They are looking for significant increases not minor variations.

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What a moronic waste of time coupled with possibly endangering some. I someone is A-symptomatic that by definition means there are no symptoms yet so even if someone is infected they wouldn't show signs yet but hey themselves are infectious and could infect either those checking and/or those who are checked next...

Think about it...  

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