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Is anyone missing travelling or even not being able to plan anything?

Keyser Soze666

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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Me too, missing my trips to Cambodia and Vietnam.

Don't get me wrong, the misses and the kids are great, just miss the whoring, smoking, $1 beer drinking sessions in Cambodia and Vietnam every few months.


Don't need the planes to fly, just the Poipet/Aranyapratet land border open will do, I can get the bus.

But it's still gonna be social distancing in the bars and restaurants there, so your trips won't be the same as before, not for a long time, if ever.

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Social distancing with the Social Hostesses ( 1mm) is readily available if ya know what I mean ....yeah be nice to find some sanity somewhere out of here for a while the ignorance gene is highly contagious. I actually started to ride off wearing a mask and only a mask yesterday...

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3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

My last trip to Saigon in an afternoon bar (only customer) the girl had taken me from outside seating to inside seating with the door closed in about 2 minutes. So we could be more private ........ don't think that's ever gonna change.

It will if that bar never opens again and the girls have gone. Don't kid yourself, things won't be the same for a very long time.

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Yes, normally this time of the year i am off to home country for the summer months, but even if i could go, it's not sure i would be able to come back.

So i'm thinking and thinking, perhaps in 1 or 2 months i'll have to flip a coin and take a decision.

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1 minute ago, NCC1701A said:

me too.

i am right there with you.

i am planning to hit the road a second they open travel to other parts of Thailand. 

one way to look at it is to be appreciative of being able to travel when you can. i was taking Thailand for granted as I had traveled so much but now i will be super happy to hit the road. 

at least there is a series of dates May 17 malls, June 1st maybe travel for Thai tourists.   

It's very possible now to travel throughout thailand from what i've seen.

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Ive done several road trips since this foolishness started and it's been interesting navigating to available attractions and finding accomodations but they're available. I prefer to drive over being treated like an inmate...the airlines can pound sand ! No guts to stand up to the government. Flying is the most essential modern service ( look up the essential services act ) The government needs and relies on the airlines yet inhibits them. The concept of social distancing is absurd in any business and complete lunacy in an airport or airplane but hey the embassy officials have done it for years as they're so helpful behind their airlocks , security doors and bullet proof glass ..  

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2 minutes ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

But there will be restrictions, checks in place, etc. Places closed down, social distancing, 10pm curfew, everyone wearing masks, avoiding each other, the list goes on. What really is the point as don't sound like much fun to me??

It's certainly good to get out that's for sure.


You'll need to get used to masks being in place for a while yet, don't think they'll go away anytime soon.


I was recently away, went out for beers / food / saw friends i'd not seen in a while it was great for morale. I will head off again in a couple of weeks for another 4-5 day break somewhere, trying to figure out a trip to Krabi ATM.


Agreed about curfew but i'm up early, go do stuff early then drink in the afternoons so the curfews not an issue for me.

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10 minutes ago, HashBrownHarry said:

It's certainly good to get out that's for sure.


You'll need to get used to masks being in place for a while yet, don't think they'll go away anytime soon.


I was recently away, went out for beers / food / saw friends i'd not seen in a while it was great for morale. I will head off again in a couple of weeks for another 4-5 day break somewhere, trying to figure out a trip to Krabi ATM.


Agreed about curfew but i'm up early, go do stuff early then drink in the afternoons so the curfews not an issue for me.

Sure, maybe still better than nothing, but think I would find the whole experience frustrating, and it's very much settling for second best. And no bars or restaurants are selling beer, so left with the 'back door' option, sorry but just don't see the point.

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2 hours ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

I do realise there are many worse off than me in these difficult times, so don't want to appear as a 'me, me, me' type of person, but I can't be the only one feeling like this?

Yes feeling it very hard of late, never one to ponder or be depressed, but being cooped up in the house since the kids (4) started school holidays around 5 March, although we do have a big house, it's cool and the kids have lots of gadgets, games and toys to amuse themselves with, albeit it the 2 girls have their cat fights daily....lol.


We did have plans to go south to Hua Hin, Ao Nang and then onto Ko Lanta when the kids school holidays started, but we didn't book anything as we waited to see how this Covid-19 was panning out, then they closed the waterholes down on the 20th March that I frequented at least 3 times a week, then the following month they banned alcohol sales for 3 weeks as we know, not a big drinker, but was starting to worry if they extended it because I was down to my last nips, then they lifted the ban, hip hip hooray, I like to know I have the option to pour me a drink at night when watching TV, the thought of not having one when I want one, wasn't pleasing, that said I do go nights without, so I am no alcoholic.


The weather of late hitting the 40's is yuk, but like I said, indoors it's cool although had put on 2 A/C's around 12pm and 2 pm just to send that cooler feeling throughout the house.


I miss going out to the waterholes and listening to the BS and the local gossip, playing pool, as opposed to staying home, although not complaining, have a fantastic energetic wife who doesn't stop cooking, baking etc etc and both the foods and sweets she makes are to die for. We sit at the front and have our morning coffees, talk, and then have a game of badminton for 30 minutes before it gets to hot, then she will go for her workout while I hit the laptop.


We are now planning to go down to Hua Hin, Ao Nang and onto Ko Lanta for 10-14 days, 10 will be on Ko Lanta, just want to sit on the beach under some shade sinking a couple of cold ones, dropping in and out of coma's while the kids have fun on the beach, eat at restaurants, look at some eye candy, get a massage and maybe a boner ????


I also don't want to sound ungrateful as we have all the luxuries one would want in a village in Isaan and when I see my neighbors and how they cope in this weather in their timber huts with iron roofs, I tell myself that prison life in our big prison cell is good and we will get out of here soon, hopefully by the end of the month.


Went and got my flu and pneumonia vaccine today, so ready to go, and when the Dr was jabbing me, I said can you also give me the Covid-19 one as well, she looked at me, thought about it and then started laughing, who said Thai's don't have a sense of humor ?


Hang in there, we are all in the same boat and we are all going to the same destination. An old Greek saying my mum used to say to me when things were down, e.g. "as long as we have our health, nothing else matters", a lot of truth in that.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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Never lose your sense of adventure.  This lockdown will pass soon enough.  Travel restrictions may still apply in some form until there is a widely distributed vaccine.


In the mean time...plan your next adventures!



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