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Trump orders big U.S. troop cut in Germany, official says


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The socialist jobs program that is the US military needs to end.


1.3 million employed ????. A good 300,000 needs to be given their walking papers immediately . If Trump wants out of NATO and out of defense agreements with Korea, and bully for him. Then the trimming of the bloated defense budget can really begin.

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1 hour ago, TEFLKrabi said:

Um, the euro Germans and Italians against some other Euros. We Euros would like to thanks the US for turning up late twice and wish they’d stop trying to start a Third World War. We’d be happy to defend ourselves as we’ve been busy making friends for 70 years, not making enemies. ????????‍♂️

Better late than never, and perhaps look at European history. So called friends today, are tomorrows enemies. As for "We Euros". Are you some sort of spokesperson for all Europeans? 

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Germany needs US troops on its soil like Trump needs a hole in his head, ie not at all.


It's wonderful news the Yanks are going. Good for America, which saves money by putting GIs in much cheaper dreary Poland, but even better for Germany where defense will become an issue and the long hard path to nuclear weapons and a stronger army can commence.


It's long overdue that Germany build a proper defence umbrella itself. It has the resources and technological know-how to become a major nuclear power. Having US troops on German soil, subject only to US law, the way Europeans were only subject to European laws when occupying China is humiliating and unbecoming for a great nation like Germany.


Not that Russia is any kind of threat, though, I'm more concerned about Poland. As it is right now Poland could invade Germany easily. Decades of German political failure will come home to roost unless Germany strengthens its military.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The move would reduce U.S. troops numbers in Germany to 25,000, from the 34,500 currently there.

The war ended in 1945 and Germany is the worlds's 4th largest economy and the USA is still having troops there.  Having any makes no sense. 

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