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Trump posts video of couple brandishing guns towards protesters


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On 6/30/2020 at 5:25 AM, Mama Noodle said:


Yeah um the group of 'protesters' entered a closed gate, marched by several no trespassing signs, and onto these property owners driveway, and this is after WEEKS of violent riots and angry mobs which caused untold amounts of property damage so its a little difficult to find any fault with these people. 


They are lawyers as well. 


Id do the exact same thing, guns and force being the only thing groups like this understand. 

Trump has extra space in his bunker, behind his wall ???? I guess your life has been pretty sheltered-ooooo scary protestors ????

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56 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

He's right. There's no melting pot. That's a myth. People tend to associate within their own groups by nationality, race, cultural, religious and other reasons. That's why you don't see many middle class families moving into the 'hood. People also tend to associate by income and social class. I'm glad you have learned this important lesson. Seriously.

Do financially privileged Democrats move their families to the inner cities? In the name of diversity? Or, rather, do they instead buy properties in gated communities right alongside the very Republicans that they have built entire careers demonizing?


None of the people preaching multi-culturalism are the actual people who will suffer the consequences of it. No, that is for you to bear, the poor working class. That's for your neighborhoods.

Edited by OZinPattaya
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On 6/29/2020 at 5:23 PM, RJRS1301 said:

These people were not rioting, or looting or burning, it was a peaceful protest.

If worried wait inside and have your escape/defense ready, not become confrontational out front and risk stirring people up.


And while you're at it, why not cower in a corner of your own home, endlessly dialing 911? And then hope that the defunded police show up in time to save you and your family.


Risk stirring people up. That's rich. It's the home-owners, right, "stirring people up." Not the angry mob who showed up on your doorstep?

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2 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

I have no idea who is calling for "defunding" police, it certainly is not and never has been me, 

More funding for better training, better diversity and training human rights yes, defunding NO

Cease lumping all people together, so judgmental in some of false assumption


Now you have an idea...

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You can cherry pick any frame from that video, and use it to support your liberal bias.  But the fact remains the Antifa protestors had knowingly trespassed onto private property with threatening actions and words..  Any homeowner would react the same way—given these circumstances.

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3 minutes ago, Isaan sailor said:

You can cherry pick any frame from that video, and use it to support your liberal bias.  But the fact remains the Antifa protestors had knowingly trespassed onto private property with threatening actions and words..  Any homeowner would react the same way—given these circumstances.

So tell me where else in the world (exepct countries we do not like to compare us with) do we see pics like this? Civilian people pulling guns in traffic, at parking lots, getting shot by police trough their windows because neighbour called in a concern call about hearing noises. 


USA is deleted, and have been for a long time. JC how many school shootings? 

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7 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

You can cherry pick any frame from that video, and use it to support your liberal bias.  But the fact remains the Antifa protestors had knowingly trespassed onto private property with threatening actions and words..  Any homeowner would react the same way—given these circumstances.

Except for the others living in that neighborhood.

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7 hours ago, Tagged said:

So tell me where else in the world (exepct countries we do not like to compare us with) do we see pics like this? Civilian people pulling guns in traffic, at parking lots, getting shot by police trough their windows because neighbour called in a concern call about hearing noises. 


USA is deleted, and have been for a long time. JC how many school shootings? 

After a month of mayhem folks are on edge, and for all good reasons.

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12 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

After a month of mayhem folks are on edge, and for all good reasons.

They are on edge all of them for very good reasons. It all started with Great America started with a genocice and it will end with a genocide. My two cents

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3 hours ago, pookondee said:

"We must protect the right to peacefully protest, and any attempt to chill it through intimidation or threat of deadly force will not be tolerated," .


So.. persons and their private property is threatened by idiot angry mobs,

and this is the reply from officials?


A need to protect the rights of protestors?


Really, When will all this insanity end?


Trump, for all his faults, might be the only one prepared (or able) to curtail these idiots.


And just imagine if the Obama admin was in office now.

Those homeowners would probably have  been arrested and carted away, and the mob left free to ransack and loot the house.


Sad times. 


Maybe you should read the quote you used and then try and work out for yourself the dfference between "the right to peacefully protest" that the authorities are (rightly) defending and "idiot angry mobs" that you conflate the statement with.



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3 hours ago, pookondee said:

And just imagine if the Obama admin was in office now.

I wish.  We would not have had the constant divisive, angry, antagonistic lying BS for the past three years that has done nothing - NOTHING - totry and bring the Country together but has, instead, sought to divide,  disrupt set one set against another..



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29 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

I wish.  We would not have had the constant divisive, angry, antagonistic lying BS for the past three years that has done nothing - NOTHING - totry and bring the Country together but has, instead, sought to divide,  disrupt set one set against another..





Of course we had a similar case of a black boy Treyvon Martin being killed in 2012 under Obama. The killer was acquitted. There were protests. Obama took the side of the black protesters and was in no way impartial or conciliatory. In fact the hatred in the black population over the Trevyon Martin case created BLM in the first place.


I thought it was extremely divisive when Obama came out saying "Treyvon could be his son". He actually incited violence. Zimmerman was acquitted and innocent.


The divisions between black and white, left and right long predate Trump.

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4 hours ago, Phulublub said:

I agree.  Which is why it is doubly distressing that the current incumbent seems hell bent on making them worse rather than doing anyting at all to try and bring prople together.



Trump is not a conciliatory Teddy Bear, but do you really think if he talked in a conciliatory way the many people who hate him, Feminists, Leftists, Gays, Lesbians, Transgenders, Socialists, Anarchists, would not act in the way they do?


They absolutely hate Trump. No matter what he said they would try and bring about his overthrow any way they can.

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3 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Trump is not a conciliatory Teddy Bear, but do you really think if he talked in a conciliatory way the many people who hate him, Feminists, Leftists, Gays, Lesbians, Transgenders, Socialists, Anarchists, would not act in the way they do?


They absolutely hate Trump. No matter what he said they would try and bring about his overthrow any way they can.

Why do they hate him?


Before he stood for office, he was nothing more than a reality TV host and I doubt any significant number of your list (or anyone else) gave a second thought to his views.  It is simply and purely from his pronouncements over the past four years that have led to the conclusion of many that he is what he is.


Interesting background coming out from his Neice.  But I guess all the acolytes will dismiss this as Fake News trying to "cash in" on the association.



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