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Diarrhoea-hit family get Bt40,000 hospital bill after eating at “fine-dining” restaurant


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3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

This story doesn't make sense.  Everyone who's lived in Thailand long enough must have been hit with the diarrhea before, or some manner of food poisoning.  I certainly have, one time so severe that I had painful stomach cramps, fatigue, and diarrhea for days.  But I never bothered to go to the hospital and recovered.  So to pay 40,000 bt for diarrhea....bizarre.

Maybe it 40,000 for the clean up operation.

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I always say where I live in the low season be careful where you eat and I dont eat off the markets, recently I've thrown a few things away, bread was one 3 times the loaf had gone mouldy within a couple of days, A bottle of milk I bought last week I had to throw it away.

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Nobody forced them to use private hospitals.

Would have cost them nothing at the local government hospital.

Or they could have purchased a packet of Loperamide (Imodium) for 20bht.

How does Imodium kill bacteria? 

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Nobody forced them to use private hospitals.

Would have cost them nothing at the local government hospital.

Or they could have purchased a packet of Loperamide (Imodium) for 20bht.

i smell a "stinky" scam

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Couldn't agree more.  Had that happen to me during a visit to my kids in Houston.  The hospital bill was 17,000$ (can't remember the exchange rate then), 2 days 3 nights.  A loverly US restaurant. 


Must admit tho, I had been forewarned.  Seems the US of A had more case of food poisoning than any other country in the world - and 11 times that of Thailand.


Glad I live here.

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Nobody forced them to use private hospitals.

Would have cost them nothing at the local government hospital.

Or they could have purchased a packet of Loperamide (Imodium) for 20bht.

I knew a girl had a few too many drinks and went to a private hospital the next day suffering from a hangover, and they charged her 10,000 baht for what was probably a couple of paracetamol.

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3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

This story doesn't make sense.  Everyone who's lived in Thailand long enough must have been hit with the diarrhea before, or some manner of food poisoning.  I certainly have, one time so severe that I had painful stomach cramps, fatigue, and diarrhea for days.  But I never bothered to go to the hospital and recovered.  So to pay 40,000 bt for diarrhea....bizarre.

I came within two days of dying from food poisoning, according to a hospital I ended up going to after a local doctor who probably qualified by buying a white coat diagnosed me as having bronchitis (another doctor once diagnosed a heart attack suffered by a friend of mine as indigestion, but that's another story).


I wrote of the whole experience on Stickman and it was also published in the Expat page of the UK Daily Telegraph. Hopefully, the mods will allow the link as it makes interesting reading. I would mention that it's nine years old.


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5 hours ago, scammed said:

ime, it takes antibiotic to kill off the bacteria, immodium could well make it worse

Very Thai. Antibiotics for everything, I’ve been offered them for everything from a runny nose to a heart attack. Immodium bungs up everything, best drug in the country. 

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2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

I came within two days of dying from food poisoning, according to a hospital I ended up going to after a local doctor who probably qualified by buying a white coat diagnosed me as having bronchitis (another doctor once diagnosed a heart attack suffered by a friend of mine as indigestion, but that's another story).


I wrote of the whole experience on Stickman and it was also published in the Expat page of the UK Daily Telegraph. Hopefully, the mods will allow the link as it makes interesting reading. I would mention that it's nine years old.


Interesting, did they ever tell you exactly which type of food poisoning it was?

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Rich people go to hospital for the slightest thing.  I saw one rich b*tch fell off her sedge way and went to hospital for a grazed knee.


I've had it coming out of both ends but never went to hospital.

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6 hours ago, CGW said:

100% agree, on the rare occasion I do get a bug I take a dose of epsom salts to get rid of the <deleted> as quickly as possible and drink lots of water with some minerals.

Do you get your Epsom salts in Thailand as I have not been able to find any after using the supply I brought with me from the Uk 

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6 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

I live nearby and know this place. It's been on my wish list of places to visit for a while. It looked good and has good reviews (until now). Sea Urchin and Capelin would not be my choice of food but their other stuff looks much safer. I wonder if they'll stay in business much longer as the Ari HiSo's will soon spread word of their sickness. 40,000 Baht for diarrhoea is excessive.  

I just spent a night in BKK Hospital Pattaya with food poisoning, 23800 baht

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