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Medical expert warns of disaster if govt eases quarantine restrictions for tourists


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6 hours ago, Soikhaonoiken said:

By keeping the borders closed, and insisting a 14 day quarantine on the forthcoming tourists (if any) will be disaster for the economy which is sinking fast at the moment.. 


The question is which desaster is bigger - the one without Corona or the one with Corona. Contrary to residents tourists visit many different places. They also often enjoy the entertainment industry on a daily basis. They also don't stay here long and get replaced by new tourists. I think the consequences for tourist hotspots could be severe if there is a Corona outbreak. 

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Dear Dr Thira Woratanarat


Allow me to correct your statement  " South Korea, Malaysia and Myanmar, Singapore and Australia were adding hundreds per day." I cannot speak for the other countries however, Singapore latest number as of 27th September 2020

New cases announced on September 27 15

 source : channel news asia 

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6 hours ago, ukrules said:

Look at a map, here's the list of total reported deaths per country in the region as of Sep 28, 2020


Inside the region :


Myanmar 226
Laos 0 ?
Thailand 59
Vietnam 35
Cambodia 0 ?

Malaysia 134
Singapore 27


Bordering the region - a little too far away from the 'special area' perhaps :


Bangladesh 5161
China 4739 ?
Philippines 5344
Indonesia 10386


Why is there a huge continuous region on the map where hardly any people die from COVID?


Clean living and good karma.

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

The issue is not  surviving. It's the cost of surviving. Are you aware that the  disease does have side effects in the young and healthy?  And are you aware that those who are infected require  2-4-8 weeks or more to recover. Have you seen the lungs of some of the infected?

This is a very important issue that is only slowly being recognized. New studies are showing multiple organ damage in a high percentage of survivors. Dr. Faucci mentioned it a few days ago as well. 


So a legitimate question is how often does one actually recover from infection if they have liver, heart, lung, kidney etc damage for the rest of their lives? Is their lifespan impacted? Probably. 


Considering this it would be better for some people to just avoid it altogether if possible. Also better to let others exercise the cautions they personally want to take without criticism. 


For those that feel others are not taking proper precautions then just suck it up and avoid those situations whenever you can. 

Edited by RocketDog
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7 hours ago, farang51 said:


Another media (I cannot link to that one) said in June that the number of deaths fell 8 percent in the period from October to June compared to the year before.


That would be due to fewer road deaths....and the alcohol ban which reduces homicides and accidents of all types

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10 minutes ago, genericptr said:

If COVID is causing serious organ damage that would be a crisis. Is there any reason to believe this is wide spread or is the media just fear mongering by tossing out a few examples to keep the people afraid?


There is abundant evidence of long term sequalie to COVID infections. We do not know yet how loing lasting but many people suffer conditions similiar to CFS after even mild case of COVID.


About half of people hospitalized for COVID show brain changes on MRI months later.


Severe COVID disease is a multi-organ one which affects brain, blood vessels etc. It is NOT just a respiratory disease.

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If the spread of the virus has been contained within Thailand (no one knows for sure).....then there must be almost zero immunity in the population.


If the virus is re-introduced, without a vaccine, Thailand could find itself in the same position as the USA and the UK currently find themselves.

Edited by Surelynot
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7 hours ago, ukrules said:

Look at a map, here's the list of total reported deaths per country in the region as of Sep 28, 2020


Inside the region :


Myanmar 226
Laos 0 ?
Thailand 59
Vietnam 35
Cambodia 0 ?

Malaysia 134
Singapore 27


Bordering the region - a little too far away from the 'special area' perhaps :


Bangladesh 5161
China 4739 ?
Philippines 5344
Indonesia 10386


Why is there a huge continuous region on the map where hardly any people die from COVID?



45 minutes ago, RocketDog said:

Clean living and good karma.

Lies, d*m lies, and statistics.

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7 hours ago, ukrules said:

Look at a map, here's the list of total reported deaths per country in the region as of Sep 28, 2020


Inside the region :


Myanmar 226
Laos 0 ?
Thailand 59
Vietnam 35
Cambodia 0 ?

Malaysia 134
Singapore 27


Bordering the region - a little too far away from the 'special area' perhaps :


Bangladesh 5161
China 4739 ?
Philippines 5344
Indonesia 10386


Why is there a huge continuous region on the map where hardly any people die from COVID?


I give up ... why?

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34 minutes ago, genericptr said:

If COVID is causing serious organ damage that would be a crisis. Is there any reason to believe this is wide spread or is the media just fear mongering by tossing out a few examples to keep the people afraid?

do a seach on 'covid organ damage'.  There are dozens of scientific reports, many just coming out. I consider this the most alarming of all medical findings on the virus since the beginning of infections. To me this puts a whole new face on the problem.

You can judge for yourself.

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7 hours ago, ukrules said:

Look at a map, here's the list of total reported deaths per country in the region as of Sep 28, 2020


Inside the region :


Myanmar 226
Laos 0 ?
Thailand 59
Vietnam 35
Cambodia 0 ?

Malaysia 134
Singapore 27


Bordering the region - a little too far away from the 'special area' perhaps :


Bangladesh 5161
China 4739 ?
Philippines 5344
Indonesia 10386


Why is there a huge continuous region on the map where hardly any people die from COVID?


Reported being the operative word.????

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

"In Thailand, if we decide to follow the proposal to reduce the quarantine time to seven days, it would be an invitation to disaster," Thira warned.

He his ok he don't rely on tourism to make a living , scaring people again not the most intelligent comment .

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9 hours ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

Lets sue him for defamation ( I forgot Farangs can't do that) 

The test for defamation by Lord Atkin in Sim vs Stetch (HL 1936):


"Would the words tend to lower the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking members of society generally?"


The conclusion is it will not because the words do not lower the farangs in the estimation of right-thinking members of the Thai society.  The farangs are already at rock bottom low.

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10 hours ago, GeneH said:

My question is this, are they even testing people in Thailand? I've heard stories of people crossing the Myanmar border with ease and no testing/quarantine. If this is true I would say they should start testing to find out what's really happening inside the country. While I have a bias opinion due to the fact I'm currently locked out of the country from seeing my wife I can only hope there is some solid solution soon because the economic situation will only become worse the longer the country is locked down.

Yes, they do it the easy way if you wear a mask in public. Which all Thais actually do. 

They're of course worried about the economic situation and try to make it as easy for you as possible. But with folks that permanently resist to follow WHO advices it's not so easy. 

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3 hours ago, Moonlover said:


I've long held the view that @genericptr is correct, that the Chinese were bringing in the virus for quite some time before it was officially recognized. The notion that this cannot be true because the death rates did not rise is, I believe a bit of a red herring.


The Chinese would have been sharing the virus with the younger, healthier members of the Thai society. The ones working within the tourist industry. They would have had their 'flu' or their 'cold' and then got on with their jobs with little contact with the more vulnerable members of society.


Thus herd immunity was being created without anyone realizing it.

It's one of the hypotheses, there are plenty of others as well. The other facet to that hypothesis is the coronavirus variant that came through Thailand was a much milder strain than the ones that made such a mess in Europe and America.

IMO there would have to be mass testing of the population for antibodies to confirm the hypothesis, and that's not going to happen with the current government. Its priorities are tanks, submarines and helicopters.

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15 minutes ago, RocketDog said:

do a seach on 'covid organ damage'.  There are dozens of scientific reports, many just coming out. I consider this the most alarming of all medical findings on the virus since the beginning of infections. To me this puts a whole new face on the problem.

You can judge for yourself.

I guess it's only organic issues based on obesity, including pain in your knee caused by arthrosis. Exercising and sun helps a lot. 

Look at them old farts dancing in homes for the elderly in Thailand. Don't they look happy? 

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5 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

It's one of the hypotheses, there are plenty of others as well. The other facet to that hypothesis is the coronavirus variant that came through Thailand was a much milder strain than the ones that made such a mess in Europe and America.

IMO there would have to be mass testing of the population for antibodies to confirm the hypothesis, and that's not going to happen with the current government. Its priorities are tanks, submarines and helicopters.

Sure, sun and warmth is not a good breeding ground for Northern viruses. And it's bloody cold in Central Chinese winters. 

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10 hours ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

This article is nonsense, show me where Australia add hundreds new cases per day.

Only in Victoria the have a few dozens per day in Western Australia we had not a 

local transmission for months Norther Territory had none for months only a few 

in NSW nothing in SA or Tassie who writes this nonsense?

Look again mate, Melbourne had only 5 new cases today and 0 in regional Victoria.

You are right however, this bloke is meant to be a leading Medical expert and he should know better what the true numbers are rather than trying to make Australians look unsafe. Just more Xenophobia sadly

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