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Covid fears vs Starving to death? Tourism businesses give their verdict: Open up Thailand!


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Personally, I'd rather loose my home, car, business, wife and family than take a chance getting covid and you should too. In fact forcing small businesses to go under is not an issue as the large multi-national corporations can do a far better job, so there's really no need for small businesses. ????

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11 hours ago, d2b2 said:

Who stands surprised that those in the tourist industry are willing to put the lives of everyone in the kingdom in jeopardy to line their pockets? 

self interest is their only motive. I get it they are suffering, but must they inflict suffering on everyone else? 

Instead of demanding the borders flung open and everyone in the kingdom risk infection, they and the kingdom would be better served if they demanded the government to provide financial assistance until a vaccine will allow safe entry. 

their demands have a selfish and self centered ring. 

Nearly everywhere in the world tourism comes before health. Why do you think Europe is in such a mess. Now the plan for winter tourism while infection numbers explode.

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Lol lol look at how you go on for a virus that has an 99.8% recovery rate. It affects the old and the normal flu kills more people weekly than covid. 


Yous come on here crying of covid but go kiss and <deleted> prostitutes day in day out after many other been there without the worry of much serious infections like Hep C and HIV which has no cure. 


Kop on <deleted> 

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12 hours ago, d2b2 said:

Who stands surprised that those in the tourist industry are willing to put the lives of everyone in the kingdom in jeopardy to line their pockets? 

self interest is their only motive. I get it they are suffering, but must they inflict suffering on everyone else? 

Instead of demanding the borders flung open and everyone in the kingdom risk infection, they and the kingdom would be better served if they demanded the government to provide financial assistance until a vaccine will allow safe entry. 

their demands have a selfish and self centered ring. 

Self interest is everyone’s motivation. There’s no crime in this; you say some should go hungry so you feel safe right? What’s that if not self interest.

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15 hours ago, hansnl said:

You do know, I hope, many earn a living in the tourist industry, possibly a million people lost their job?

Are their wishes also selfish?

You think only the business owners have problems?

And the government paying for all that might be difficult, less tax coming in, no income from tourism, less VAT incoming because people buy less (no money), and so on.

Isn't your answer slightly egoistic?

Like many other countries here in the UK the government put support and incentive schemes in place which have cost £billions. Whereas the Thai government have sat on their huge foreign exchange funds throughout while people suffer Ranked 12th in the world.

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14 hours ago, sambum said:

"They couldn't charge as much for Thais as they could do for foreigners, they lamented."


What a shame - my heart bleeds for these double pricers.


Suggestion for them -  as you have very few customers now, why not put your prices up AGAIN to make up the shortfall? That'sa bound to work! :cheesy:  

sanbum, I share your feelings about doubling pricing. Another poster suggests this has been lost in translation and perhaps they have had to alter things to cater for thai custopmers. Lets not get away from the fact that people are in tragic circumstances without any governmental support. Today its the tourism industry but export industry will suffer because the world has slowed down.

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3 hours ago, kentrot said:

Opening up tourism is a pandemic risk to ALL (100%) of us who live here

.. just for the sake of the 12% of Thai income from tourism.


Meanwhile there is a stash of wealth within the country estimated at $40 billion US   (B 1,213,200,000,000.00 Thai Baht - that's "Quadrillion" if you count the zeros) which could be shared with it's own starving citizens. 


So where should the country look at this time of crisis to find financial sharing and support, other than tourism ?

That German tourist ?

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18 hours ago, JonnyF said:


More likely is they have 2 menus, one in Thai and one in English and the prices on the English menu are higher.


This was common practice in many restaurants in Phuket when I lived there.

This! I hate this double menu scam...So I now if I get that I take BOTH menus..usually they are laid out the same OR I use google translate where u can scan the thai menu with your camera and it translates real time! Not always the best translation but enough to give u an idea of what it is......before that handy app came out at one of my fav spots that has a double menu, turned to be the same price as when the "chef" brought my usual cashew chicken I used my survival thai and asked "tao rai"(how much) he spoke the price in thai which was a main reason to learn some thai, esp numbers and he said "see sib ha" aka 45 bt..good local price as cashews are $$$ and a fried egg on top....download google translate as its handy indeed and I would write a google maps review on any place that double prices, so that is there forever and many tourists check reviews..I just got a email from google maps-reviews as the one I left for my thai buddys tea shop has been seen 10,000 times!!!

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I dont think they not going to open the border anytime soon, a majority of Thai are willing to sacrifice those who worked in tourist industy for protec themself.

The propaganda about the dirty covid farang worked very well :  I was in bkk this week for an "administrative trip", and from about 10 trips in the skytrain, 3 times people who was sitting next from me or my Thai wife have walk away to sit next from other people.

I have never even once see such a behaviour before. As we was there to meet official, we was both well dressed and perfectly clean and wearing map all the time so its couldnt be the result of our apparence.

Edited by French mate
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On 11/24/2020 at 12:40 PM, scammed said:

catering to foreigners means foreign food on the menu,

and yes there is a better profit in that niche,

no different in principle then mercedes

can charge a much higher unit price, but the volume is not anywhere near toyota

I suppose if a Thai customer orders a 'foreigners' dish they pay the same as a foreigner would.

Just askin'.

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On 11/25/2020 at 1:51 AM, DogNo1 said:

Difficult as it may be, people who worked in the tourism industry should find a different way to make a living to survive.  It doesn't appear that tourism will come back soon and the numbers will never be what they were in years past.  The world has changed and travel will take a long time to recover, if it ever does.  With the huge loss in income world-wide, people will not be able to afford vacations in distant lands.

Tourism hasn't disappeared and won't, IMO. INTERNATIONAL tourism has a problem but domestic tourism is doing well in NZ. As for companies that concentrated on international tourism and charged prices locals could not afford, I've zero sympathy for them if failing. They can reduce prices so locals can afford and do with less profit.


From what I read on TVF local tourism is doing OK. It's overseas tourists that have vanished.

They should be using this time to improve the infrastructure for when farang tourists do return.

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19 hours ago, Tony125 said:

Maybe they will shorten the quarentene requirements as in USA the CDC are looking at doing that.


CDC to shorten quarantine for those exposed to Covid-19



IMO doesn't make any difference whether 1 week or 2. It's time lost from what one would rather be doing and costs as well.

I'm not going anywhere on a 2 or 3 week holiday and spending a week in an hotel by myself and 2 weeks in quarantine on return home.

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On 11/24/2020 at 6:09 AM, webfact said:

The same was true of Jinda L. and Noprada W. who run a restaurant that caters to foreigners. They implored the government to open up the country to improve the economy. 


They couldn't charge as much for Thais as they could do for foreigners, they lamented.


Well I would never be your customer anyway. Should my Thai friends pay less than me ?  

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There are to my knowledge need for workers in the farming communities in The mid /northern Thailand. The covid restrictions hinder laborer’s from surrounding nations to come and work in LOS.

These tasks are regarded as low so job and many that work in the tourist sector on the islands my find this a few steps down. In short there are jobs and there is food for everyone.

Sometimes I find Thais to be somewhat more sedated than proactive hoping this will work out.... Lets worry about tomorrow, tomorrow… “ looking around of the SangSom”

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nothing to worry, infections keep increasing but lets open up (sarcasm )


The Chiang Mai committee said on Sunday that the Thai woman aged 29 had travelled from Myanmar to Thailand and from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai when she was ill and also had a history of going to many places in Chiang Mai. More than 300 people had been in close contact with her of whom 100 were at high risk.


The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration reported 21 new cases in state quarantine facilities over the past 24-hour period on Monday. This is the highest number in several months.

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On 11/24/2020 at 6:09 PM, webfact said:

Covid fears vs Starving to death? Tourism businesses give their verdict: Open up Thailand!

I'll go to LOS and spend my money there when:-

they give me a one year, ( renewable indefinitely ) visa on arrival at a reasonable cost - 1900 baht seems reasonable. No need for any documentation other than passport and bank letter and proof of insurance.

Deposit in the bank of 100,000 to cover unforseen events seems reasonable.

the quarantine hotel is available at 1,000 baht a night and food available off a menu at a reasonable price

I can buy yearly THAI insurance that covers corona and all normal health issues including accidents for a reasonable price ( valid at any government hospital ) 10,000 baht seems reasonable.

can do 90 day report at any police station for no charge.

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On 11/25/2020 at 2:04 AM, DB58 said:

Self interest is everyone’s motivation. There’s no crime in this; you say some should go hungry so you feel safe right? What’s that if not self interest.

You miss the point. The government shut down the borders to protect the kingdom. It is the government's responsibility to provide aid, it is not worth exposing everyone to illness and/or death just to keep the tourist industry's ability to fleece tourists.

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