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Pacemaker and yoga floor exercises


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I recently had a pacemaker fitted and am now unable to do the floor exercises I did, which included full body stretches.    Even leg bending and turning seems to tighten the site of the pacemaker.    

The floor exercises helped greatly with balance and night cramps which occurred following a stroke + rhab over 3 years ago.
Have tried doing the exercises on the bed but it does not give the same benefit.    I do do step ups and down.
I do spend an hour walking in the evening.

Any suggestion for useful exercises I would be grateful.

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17 hours ago, Speedo1968 said:

Any suggestion for useful exercises I would be grateful.

There are some exercises using sticks (aka 'health wands', a broomstick works fine) in these playlists:




Using a stick to modify standing yoga poses might make some of them more approachable too.

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4 hours ago, Sheryl said:

How long ago was your pacemaker fitted?


After 6 weeks you should be able to do pretty much everything you did before.



Last year 15th December, so about 8 weeks.
I did ask the doctor who performed the op and the heart doctor and explained the yoga moves I would like to do, also I asked about swimming.    Their general reply was that such movements, even swimming, were not advised as it may move the pacemaker and thus the wires.
Each time I do a leg and arm bending / stretching movement, either on the floor as normal or on the bed I feel it pulling the pacemaker upwards, even when I don't use an accompanying arm stretch, i.e. just positioning the legs.    Even sideways ( not backwards ) from the body it pulls.    Sometimes the area around the pacemaker is tender after exercise.
Perhaps it's because I am skinny and the pacemaker has nowhere to move ?!
I am limited somewhat to how much muscle power I should use as I lost most of my body muscle following the stroke / rehab, I do exercise walking but nowhere as near as much as before.
My next hospital visit is due 2nd April so will ask again then.


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10 hours ago, onebir said:

There are some exercises using sticks (aka 'health wands', a broomstick works fine) in these playlists:




Using a stick to modify standing yoga poses might make some of them more approachable too.

Many thanks for the link '"onebir".
Reminds me of the scouts back as a child.
Haven't tried but will give it a go however must limit it to front and side of body and not moving it behind the body.
I do use a piece of cloth or belt looped under my foot for leg bending, it helps a little but body stretching gave me a great improvement on my balance and any night cramps.    I used to be able to do a full hour of simple but varied floor yoga moves, to music, at least 3 times a week now I cannot do even 10 minutes because it pulls on the pacemaker.     I do do step ups, turns, leg stretching against a belt / cloth and modified yoga position.

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