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Expat Snobbery


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The odd thing I find is that driving back into Bangkok from up-country somewhere is just down-right bloody grim. There always seems to be clouds covering the place, with the concrete getting taller and more looming the closer you get. Then add rain and traffic to it all...

Can't help but wonder why I bothered to return after being in that beach/mountain/forest/country paradise.

That's right, to work... :o

But also reckon it's still a blast to live here. Just gone from paradise to not-so-paradise-but-still-miles-better-than-home.

Snobby expats? Yeah, met a few, but they don't last long.

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What the heck does he care what other blokes are up to that he doesn't even know? I'm only wondering what the lasses are thinking inside.

They are probably thinking " what the ###### is that old man looking at" :o

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The terrible 20's, the tulmultuous 30's, the self obsession, who where what why, the horror, the horror.....

I'm glad I survived to my 40's and now looking at 50 shortly. I'm starting to be concerned about the cost of viagra. :o I get jealous when I hear people get it for free. :D

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In my personal experience the over 50's are the nicest expats, they are full of knowledge and wisdom and are too long in the tooth to get all childish and snobby because they enjoy the finer things in life - and strutting about with a satchel hanging off your shoulder, thinking that you're better than everybody else and you know the score is not fine.

I'm over the 20' and 30's expats but still not in the 50's expats category.

Where does it put me in your scale of nice and not so nice expats?

Are you sure it is a question of age? :o

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Bluecat,it probably depends how much time you spend in your busy day smiling at farang and wai-ing shoe shine boys !! :o

I smile very often but not necessarily at farang.

As for wai-ing, I said it before, I very, very seldom do it.

And sure not to the shoe-shine boys or girls,...

But well, nobody knows nobody in a big city like Bangkok.

And hence judgment of others is based on ... nothing but appearance, very often deceiving,... :D:D

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Please post more often, the Avatar gets me going, stare at it for ages.

This avatar was used by somebody else posting here before.

But I'm not sure whom.

I forgot.

Maybe, same guy, different name,... :o

Whatever, it is a nice avatar. :D

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Sorry, sorry, have to say more on this because most of these posts are proving my point. And I don't wai motocycletaxi drivers unless they offer me a 100 Pipers and soda and even then it's more of a subtle nod/bow... And I only give a subtle nod to farang if I see fit to, I often smile at Thai's but generally I'm a miserable, short tempered sod but probably because I see so many idiots here that take it for granted and don't have enough respect.

There is no age group for snobbery but there's a lot of it in my age group, look at ajarn.com, there's a lot of knobheads on there and a lot of the postings are twee and irrelevant, stuff like - 'What came first - the chicken or the egg?' or 'Whats your favourite soft drink' and yet they get all snobby moaning and groaning about teachers without degrees, you know, the ones who do the job that is in high demand because no one with a degree wants to teach kindergartens, or does do it - and who can blame them.

As for my original post, I was in a foul mood for a number of reasons though despite this I'd given a friendly nod passing a fellow farang who in return looked at me as if I had just urinated on his shoes. What a tosser.

Many of you who replied to this were jumping on the bandwaggon but yes, maybe I should chill out a bit and not bother so much about other people.

Finally, Bluecat - that is a fair point, maybe it's a question of attitude - not age.

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Deary, deary me we are very bitter aren't we! Teaching didn't work out for you did it? And now Dad is sending you money to stay so thank the lord you don't have to work anymore.

Honestly I can't believe people can write such tosh about being open minded and stop judging people and then go on to tar so many with the same bitter brush.

Please I would love to know next time you are on the London Underground how many people you see smiling and such like to complete strangers. Never!

Blimey, who's this guy? :o

I have to laugh at this because his arrogant assumptions that he rudely made after seeing that I was younger than him would lead me to say something that would almost certainly get me banned.

The London Underground incedentally is in London where people are understandably unfriendly, and my father would not send me money - he's very old fashioned and conservative and Victorian, I don't get sent money by anyone and teaching (you got that bit right) is working out for me very well and I enjoy it.

You smug, sarcastic, gormless erection.

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Ambassador cannot take critisism.

Teaching is the last resort here in Thailand, its usually get off the bannana boat fall in love go home sell house come back and buy a bar or teach English.

Live and let live, people talk people dont talk so what, not breaking any laws.

You sound like a real silly old fart.

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I have to laugh at this because his arrogant assumptions that he rudely made after seeing that I was younger than him would lead me to say something that would almost certainly get me banned

You're right.

We HATE young people.

They make us feel old.

They should not post here.

We'll do anything and everything to get them banned.

George, please, ban this young guy,... :o:D

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I have to laugh at this because his arrogant assumptions that he rudely made after seeing that I was younger than him would lead me to say something that would almost certainly get me banned

You're right.

We HATE young people.

They make us feel old.

They should not post here.

We'll do anything and everything to get them banned.

George, please, ban this young guy,... :o:D

Woah woah, come on, don't be like that... I was upset at the time and it does look like I have a chip on my shoulder but give me a break, my other posts are not as harsh and I can take criticism but am not very good with mockery - even if I have brought it upon myself a little.

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I was upset at the time and it does look like I have a chip on my shoulder but give me a break, my other posts are not as harsh and I can take criticism but am not very good with mockery - even if I have brought it upon myself a little.

Come on, YOUNG guy.

I'm joking :o:D

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I was upset at the time and it does look like I have a chip on my shoulder but give me a break, my other posts are not as harsh and I can take criticism but am not very good with mockery - even if I have brought it upon myself a little.

Come on, YOUNG guy.

I'm joking :D:D

Oops, didn't notice your smiley's.

I've just sent you a PM and I feel a bit daft now. :o

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The terrible 20's, the tulmultuous 30's, the self obsession, who where what why, the horror, the horror.....

I'm glad I survived to my 40's and now looking at 50 shortly. I'm starting to be concerned about the cost of viagra. :o I get jealous when I hear people get it for free. :D

Is this a trick sentence? "I get jealous when I hear people get it for free."

Shouldn't it read: I get jealous when I hear people get it UP for free.

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Please post more often, the Avatar gets me going, stare at it for ages.

This avatar was used by somebody else posting here before.

But I'm not sure whom.

I forgot.

Maybe, same guy, different name,... :o

Whatever, it is a nice avatar. :D

Bob in the Bearpit uses it. She is his sister.

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