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COVID patients who refuse treatment in field hospitals face legal action


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5 minutes ago, Blumpie said:

No kidding.

It's no wonder the case count is so low in Thailand.  

How many times do you have to be dropped on your head to not look at that photo and see the major problem?  That's like a concentration camp.

Imagine your neighbour playing that crappy music BOOM BOOM BOOM, and on the other side a foot away the lady is puking.  

Dear god, hell on earth.  

And do they really believe all those people in those places go keep lying whole day on bed ...... no entertainment , no internet or whatever .... no-no  they go wandering around 

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6 hours ago, Kaopad999 said:

This really angers me.

I wonder what their reasons were for refusing.. Thinking that they're above the law, or what? 

Or What?  it is basically they think " their <deleted> don't stink "  Hi-So don't do camping!????  Field hospital! 

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3 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

There was a thread on this just a few days ago, the Thai government will provide free tests to Thai's provided they fit the criteria, that is, being exposed to a high risk person/area and they must also show symptoms.


There are exceptions to this rule of course, such as target pro active testing in a hotspot areaS where everyone gets tested. But if you want a walk in test then that criteria applies.


That is not what I hear when I listen to Thai news broadcasts. They say "or", I have heard it many times. I don't listen to English speaking Thai news so I don't know what they say there. I wonder if that is a mis-translation.

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3 minutes ago, david555 said:

And do they really believe all those people in those places go keep lying whole day on bed ...... no entertainment , no internet or whatever .... no-no  they go wandering around 

Maybe they could film an adult movie for foreigners "Two weeks of hot isolation".  

Look for it.  Everyone needs a hobby.  

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12 minutes ago, Mung said:

The most effective way to preventing the spread is to tell those who are infected to remain at home in isolation, and only when they become seriously ill to go to hospital. You need to free up beds and limit the exposure to other people. 

but there's money to be made at these hotels aka hospitels

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9 minutes ago, MikeyIdea said:


That is not what I hear when I listen to Thai news broadcasts. They say "or", I have heard it many times. I don't listen to English speaking Thai news so I don't know what they say there. I wonder if that is a mis-translation.

According to the NHSO, people are considered to be at risk of Covid-19 when they show one or more of the following symptoms: fever with a temperature over 37.5 degrees Celsius, cough, runny nose, sore throat, loss of sense of smell or taste, and shortness of breath.


They must also have a history of linked to one of the following three risk factors, including have visited Covid-19 high-risk areas in the 14 days before developing any of the symptoms, have stayed in or visited places/countries with Covid-19 cases in the 14 days before developing the symptoms, and work in quarantine facilities.



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5 hours ago, Yorkshire Tea said:


The whole household probably already infected by the time you find out you have it ???? 


If one in the household thinks like you, yes. If everybody thinks like I do, no.


Yorkshire, your neighbour Captain Tom Moore was killed by one who didn't care enough, didn't know.

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42 minutes ago, MisguidedPangolin said:

I really wish for you to be forced into such a place. It would give you an education, enabling you to see what you currently somehow manage to fail to.

The difference is i don't go out drinking in Thong Lor during a global pandemic, and then refuse to quarantine after catching  Covid-19 which most likely would have been avoidable in the first place. 
It's nothing more than pure arrogance from the Hi-So's,  while other poorer Thai's have absolutely no choice in the matter.
it's simply unfair to have a two tier rule based on class and wealth.  This is what angers me. 
If you have lived here for long enough you will know that this is a common theme.

Edited by Kaopad999
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7 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

According to the NHSO, people are considered to be at risk of Covid-19 when they show one or more of the following symptoms: fever with a temperature over 37.5 degrees Celsius, cough, runny nose, sore throat, loss of sense of smell or taste, and shortness of breath.


They must also have a history of linked to one of the following three risk factors, including have visited Covid-19 high-risk areas in the 14 days before developing any of the symptoms, have stayed in or visited places/countries with Covid-19 cases in the 14 days before developing the symptoms, and work in quarantine facilities.



Officially fever start at 38 degrees Celsius 37.5 is only higher temperature ..... check the internet  many references about fever temperature ...... but of course at 37.5 you could be on the way to it ????

Body temperature: Normal ranges in adults and children (medicalnewstoday.com)

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Trying to be fair?  I certainly understand if you have the means and don't want to be in a field hospital especially if you don't have any signs?  In that case I'm sure the government can come up with some solution?  Second thought forget I said that!????.


From what I'm reading government hospital are running short of beds thus the reason for the field hospital but as note you have no signs and now you are being group with those that might common sense would kick in that doesn't sound right again I'm sure the government can come up with some solution? Second thought again forget I said that!????.


Government hospital the purpose for the field hospital is not to take beds thus having to refuse others for other needed services that would also include private hospital. So what is the solution?  surely the honor system doesn't work home quarantine really! doesn't happen in the West it isn't going to happen here. The reason for the outbreak is because people have been breaking the rules!  Since the outbreak was caused by some of the leaders of this government surely they must have thought of a solution if the <deleted> hits the fan?  Second thought again forget I said that!????


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Just now, david555 said:

Officially fever start at 38 degrees Celsius 37.5 is only higher temperature ..... check the internet  many references about fever temperature ...... but of course at 37.5 you could be on the way to it ????

Maybe I'm not sure I just copied and pasted the article, not my words

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Just now, Bkk Brian said:

According to the NHSO, people are considered to be at risk of Covid-19 when they show one or more of the following symptoms: fever with a temperature over 37.5 degrees Celsius, cough, runny nose, sore throat, loss of sense of smell or taste, and shortness of breath.


They must also have a history of linked to one of the following three risk factors, including have visited Covid-19 high-risk areas in the 14 days before developing any of the symptoms, have stayed in or visited places/countries with Covid-19 cases in the 14 days before developing the symptoms, and work in quarantine facilities.




I hear on Thai news in Thai that they say "OR" and wonder if its a mistranslation and you quote an English source... Doesn't prove anything about mistranslation, does it?


I'll carefully listen to the Thai morning news tomorrow, let's see if they have changed Brian. I'll post.


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7 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Maybe I'm not sure I just copied and pasted the article, not my words

Understandable .... and Thai s have a habit to make their own rules .... 

Link added

Body temperature: Normal ranges in adults and children (medicalnewstoday.com)

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6 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

When I could easily quarantine at home

And how could the authorities be sure that you in fact would do that, especially given the sheer amounts of idiocy we have seen from western people around the world acting like stubborn little boys who don’t want to wear their masks? 

Maybe it would be easier to accept that a pandemic comes with inconveniences, what a surprise. 



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6 hours ago, MikeyIdea said:
6 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


Would you be happy going to a ‘field facility’ and risking exposure to further variants when mixing with others who have tested positive ????


For asymptomatic people there is no reason to isolate anywhere other than at home (and the whole household isolates). 





And the whole household gets it, not isolates. This is the new even more contagious strain


Don’t you think everyone in the house has that ‘even more contagious strain’ already ?


Unless the ‘patient’ was taken to an isolation facility the moment they became contagious transmission to those with whom they are close may well have already taken place. 


Of course, this may not be the case and those in the same house tested negative, in which case, they who tested positive when living in close proximity with those who’ve tested negative really ought to be taking a second conformation test, they may well have presented a false positive - even more reason not to be holed up in an ‘isolation facility’ with scores of others who have tested positive.




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3 minutes ago, cocoonclub said:
6 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

When I could easily quarantine at home

And how could the authorities be sure that you in fact would do that, especially given the sheer amounts of idiocy we have seen from western people around the world acting like stubborn little boys who don’t want to wear their masks? 


They can’t, thats the problem, it's too difficult to police (in Thailand or anywhere else).


But, isolating those ‘few’ who have gone for a test is false... there are scores of others roaming around who have not been tested....  it's probably been happening all year. 



There are no right answers.... there is no perfect answer. But, I don’t think isolating a few hundred asymptomatic people in a large hall, in close proximity, using the same toilet and washroom facilities is anywhere close to a smart solution. 


3 minutes ago, cocoonclub said:

Maybe it would be easier to accept that a pandemic comes with inconveniences, what a surprise. 


It would be interesting to hear your opinion if you are forced to leave your home for 14 days and share a large sports hall with no AC, in proximity with others, sharing washing and toilet facilities, no access to outdoors... and all those around you have also tested positive for a virus some of whom may have variants you have not, some of those variants could be worse placing you at greater risk.... 


Would you be ok with that inconvenience ? Or... what a surprise, isolating at home is a better option for those who can?


Are you happy being told ‘we think you are a liar thats why you are forced away from your home’.... because ultimately, the ‘field isolation facilities’ are forced containment of those with a virus so dangerous those in there only know they have it because of a reaction to a test most of us know nothing about... 



I’ve more than accepted the inconveniences of the pandemic - It cost me a job, it cost me months away from my family, its cost me a lot of money.....  I’m ok with all of that, thats the inconvenience of a pandemic. 


I would not like to faced with being placed in conditions I consider place me at greater risk because, that is not an inconvenience, that is something I consider more dangerous - fortunately I have the chance to transfer and quarantine at a hospital, but many don’t.


















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Guest Harm Hendrik Reitsma
7 hours ago, Kaopad999 said:

of course no one wants to be in any type of hospital.

But these regulations have been put in place to slow down and prevent the spread of this horrific virus. and of course take stress away from government hospitals 

IT is not horrific and kill only elderly with disease like Obese OR other weakening disease. So no panic, you van be safe of maintain measures and wat healthy! Don't be do afraid, you may het hartattack.


7 hours ago, Kaopad999 said:

Then i'm surprised the Hi-So's that are refusing to go to the hospitals didn't instead opt for a nicer hospital. It;s not like they wouldn't be able to afford it. 

IT is no killing virus of you are healthy

Just Stay safely at home, man you are sick before you get sick????

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23 minutes ago, cocoonclub said:

And how could the authorities be sure that you in fact would do that, especially given the sheer amounts of idiocy we have seen from western people around the world acting like stubborn little boys who don’t want to wear their masks? 

Maybe it would be easier to accept that a pandemic comes with inconveniences, what a surprise. 



Most condo  doors have a padlock on the outside so if really needed they could lock us inside ......, and my bedroom has a window connecting to the corridor with in between a 1.20 meter ventilation shaft ,so orders could be safe delivered , so only i would need a 7/11 girl from the 7/11 premise's to bring my food orders if needed , cooked last week already for 3 months meals.....


Yes i am a prepared person , don't like Murphy and his law ????

 i fear /think this strain is a airborne one ... ???? as India not so far away and many cheap labor workers  going up and down from country's in between India and Thai ...

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7 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Rights? You have the right to be prosecuted, arrested and jailed. That is your right.


      Surely .

In this so called , New World Order ....

There must be  a alternative choice .

Chinese style ... RIP .

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4 minutes ago, elliss said:


      Surely .

In this so called , New World Order ....

There must be  a alternative choice .

Chinese style ... RIP .

It is coming every year a little bit more China way here in Thailand .....be prepared ..... those with property ????

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12 minutes ago, david555 said:



Yes i am a prepared person , don't like Murphy and his law ????

 i fear /think this strain is a airborne one ... ???? as India not so far away and many cheap labor workers  going up and down from country's in between India and Thai ...


      David ,  do you mind if i call you David ...

        Suggest you contact , Sheryl  , ASap 

        Help is on hand @ TVForum.

        You , are not alone ...

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Just now, elliss said:


      David ,  do you mind if i call you David ...

        Suggest you contact , Sheryl  , ASap 

        Help is on hand @ TVForum.

        You , are not alone ...

?? ????..... i think they are already under orders .... ????

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6 hours ago, MikeyIdea said:
7 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


Would you be happy going to a ‘field facility’ and risking exposure to further variants when mixing with others who have tested positive ????


For asymptomatic people there is no reason to isolate anywhere other than at home (and the whole household isolates). 


6 hours ago, Yorkshire Tea said:
6 hours ago, MikeyIdea said:


And the whole household gets it, not isolates. This is the new even more contagious strain


6 hours ago, Yorkshire Tea said:


The whole household probably already infected by the time you find out you have it ???? 

Yes a very good point @Yorkshire Tea and what would be more worrying and distressing than to have a family split up and sent to separate 'holding pens',  not knowing how their partner is fairing? 


We have already decided that the virus came our way, we shall go off the radar and should we suspect that either of us has the virus will shall assume that the other also has it and will co-isolate. A family that is sharing a burden together is far stronger and able to cope. 


Madam Moon and I have both agreed. There will be no incarceration, no matter how well meant, for us.

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5 minutes ago, Kaopad999 said:

Well, they probably don't go clubbing in Thong Lor

Or maybe they did?


The chair of the House committee on legal affairs, justice and human rights, Sira Jenjaka, says he has photo evidence of public officials visiting an entertainment venue, but he did not identify the ministers.

Some have been skeptical of Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob’s whereabouts after he tested positive for Covid-19, but he insists he did not visit a bar in Thong Lor.


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1 minute ago, Bkk Brian said:

Or maybe they did?


The chair of the House committee on legal affairs, justice and human rights, Sira Jenjaka, says he has photo evidence of public officials visiting an entertainment venue, but he did not identify the ministers.

Some have been skeptical of Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob’s whereabouts after he tested positive for Covid-19, but he insists he did not visit a bar in Thong Lor.


HAHAH omg. ????????


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9 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

I would also refuse treatment at one of those field hospitals.... 


I believe for those who are asymptomatic that isolating at home is more than sufficient. However, I also understand the government make the rules and I have to comply whether I like them or not. 


Thus: I would choose to go to a more comfortable hospital.... either pay myself or ‘try’ and get my insurance to pay for it.


There is another thread running which indicates insurance may not pay for ‘unnecessary hospitalisation’ for someone who’s tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 but shows no symptoms.


Thus: IF in the unlikely event that I have to take a Covid-19 test (i.e. because Wife was exposed in a Supermarket etc), and IF I test positive and am expected to isolate in a ‘field facility’ I would claim a headache, tight chest etc and ensure my Dr signs off on medically necessary treatment so that my insurance will provide cover. 





"I believe for those who are asymptomatic that isolating at home is more than sufficient. " What else do you believe? Covid is caused by evil spirits? The earth is flat? And you are a doctor of (?) and how many years of medical school have you attended? You would substitute your "beliefs" for the expertise of highly trained epidemiologists? I believe you are a victim of the stupidemic.

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