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Registering .travel Domain For Thai Company


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Hi all

I wonder if anyone has experience in registering a .travel domain for a thai company, which is properly registered and has the TAT license.

As I understand, I should apply for authentification first to one of travel assiciations, after they confirm that my company is tourism related, they issue identification code using which I can register a .travel domain name.

At this point I have a list of organizations who can authorise my business for .travel domain:

ABA - American Bus Association

ABTA - Association of British Travel Agents

ACTA - Association of Canadian Travel Agencies

AFTA - Australian Federation of Travel Agents

AH&LA - American Hotel & Lodging Association

ANVR - Algemeen Nederlands Verbond van Reisondernemingen

ARTA - Association of Retail Travel Agents

ASTA - American Society of Travel Agents

ASTOI - Associazione Tour Operator Italiani

ATTA - Adventure Travel Trade Association

CHA - Caribbean Hotel Association

CLIA - California Lodging Industry Association

Destination Marketing Association International (formerly IACVB)

ETOA - European Tour Operators Association

HAC - Hotel Association of Canada

IH&RA - International Hotel & Restaurant Association

IMG - International Motor Coach Group. Inc

ISTC - International Student Travel Confederation

MATTA - Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents

NACTA - National Association of Commissioned Travel Agents, Inc

NATAS - National Association of Travel Agents Singapore

NBTA - National Business Travel Association

NTA - National Tour Association

OSSN - Outside Sales Support Newtwork

PATA - Pacific Asia Travel Association

TAANZ - Travel Agents Association of New Zealand

TBCSA - Tourism Business Council of South Africa

TIAC - Tourism Industry Association of Canada

TIANZ - Tourism Industry Association New Zealand

TTA - Travel Trade Association

UFTAA - United Federation of Travel Agents' Association

UMA - United Motorcoach Association

USTOA - United States Tour Operators Association

WACVB - Western Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus

WTTC - World Travel & Tourism Council

There are no Thai Tourism bodies here.

PATA seems to be most relevant.

Has anyone done the procedure for a Thai company?

Or perhaps a web hosting company can handle the whole process?

I'd appreciate if you could share your experience.

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Thank you for the links Reimar,

I contacted the easyspace office in BKK, they told me they don't support .travel domains anymore and don't know which organization in Thailand can authorise me to have it.

Also received a reply from PATA, they do it only for PATA members, they offered the membership for 1000 USD per year :D

Called TAT, have been redirected a few times before the line dropped, so typical, didn't expect more for the first call.

Seems like I have to push TAT, quite a challenge I'd say.

I'll post the results later.

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