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Thailand’s COVID-19 vaccine procurements to be expedited with more agencies involved

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1 hour ago, jojothai said:

How is this going to improve things?
The more agencies involved, is it not going to take longer.
Something was wrong with the original strategy. That finally seems to be very clear, despite all the warnings.
Is this perhaps aimed at sharing the responsibilities benefits to get cooperation and stop others complaining?

Prayuts monopoly failed?

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I can hear the fake labs being set up as I write .
They will suddenly have millions available they bought somewhere and basically they will be vials full of nothing more than water,  but the selling samples submitted for government test before purchase will be real .

If you remember the bomb detectors they bought then this is a certainty ! ????

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20 minutes ago, MasterBaker said:

i though local AZ production supposed to cover all Thailand needs and also supply Philippines and Malaysia

That was last weeks plan, this is a new week. 

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5 minutes ago, RafPinto said:

Let everyone order their own vaccine through Lazada.

Train the girls on soi 4 to administer it. Problem solved.

Yes, Lazada has so much experience in delivering stuff at -80C, and nobody would even think of selling saline water ampules and claiming it's COVID vaccine on Lazada.... Also, if you buy it yourself, why would you need Soi 4 gals to administer it?

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Fianlly, some urgency?


Let's see how effective they are, and how long it lasts.


That said, we're told vaccine makers will not sell directly to private concerns, even those with a history like Zuilleg Pharma. So this gazetting was simply a response to "complaints" about the waiver self-granted by the CRA/Sinopharm deal.


The Kingdom should, instead, gazette indemnification for any vaccine which has been issued Emergency Use authroization by the Thai FDA.


Allow Pfizer say, which a long history here, to sell (and import obviously) vaccines directly to any authorized company which wishes to purchase them. And fine, if the GPO wants their "cut", give it to them, but they need to stay out of the way.

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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

the host of problems which have beset the management of vaccines, which has come under heavy criticism from opposition parties, critics and the public

And the world news media. In June 2021, with Thailand ranking 134th among reporting countries in vaccine distribution (Source: BBC News), that kind of damage is not repaired quickly,  easily, or cheaply. A significant portion of the damage will almost certainly be permanent. When the "take away" line is "Bangladesh has done better," you know that gross mismanagement and political malpractice will hobble this country and its people for DECADES. And it is very, very sad, because it didn't have to happen that way.

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1 hour ago, Chicken George said:

Less talk more vaccines


where are all the AZ millions meant to be produced here? not going abroad yet, so how many in the first 2 weeks? Seems to have gotten very quiet on that front and the news is all about how many they are ordering, and now this nonsense which will not help at all.

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30 minutes ago, clivebaxter said:

where are all the AZ millions meant to be produced here?


We've been told that initially there were 2 MM doses (referred to as 1.8 MM and 200 K separately), but no provenance. Could be some are locally produced, some airlifted from South Korea.


More (locally produced?) are due next week, and by the end of the month. Seen these referred to as ~ 2 MM each, so 4 MM in the next 20 days.


At the current run rate they need at least 2 MM per week, but they can use Sinovac I guess.


10 MM due next month, and each month through the end of the year, maybe 5 MM in Dec?



Deliveries of AZ from THL to Malaysia and the Philippiness are said to be delayed.

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Our beloved Covid Czar must have been getting a lot of complaints from his minions that, since he'd taken all Covid-related powers for himself, they were unable to skim any cream off the top of vaccine procurement, storage and distribution contracts for themselves. So he's finally relented and will allow them to get a piece of the remaining action, but it's a sure bet that Mr. P.'s retirement fund is looking very healthy indeed by now.

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