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U.S. embassy in Thailand rejects citizens' appeal for vaccines


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1 hour ago, mlmcleod said:

but didn't they announce recently that they were helping Thailand with a $30 million dollar grant?  They could have earmarked some of it for the Thai government to vaccinate US citizens.  That way there would be no need for involvement.

Oh that has been spent on something else already.......

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19 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I think if those countries want to do that, fine.

But should we demand that our home countries do that?

Personally I don't think that my home country should be responsible to bring a vaccine to me when I personally decided to leave my home country and live somewhere else.


Then why did the US Embassy get itself vaccinated? After all, they decided all on their own to join the foreign service and "leave their home country and live somewhere else." 

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5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Have a look at the website of those embassies. They have often a section called services. That should give you and idea. 

You are welcome. 

Thanks , but i also believe(althoug it doesn't happen) they are here to help and serve their own people . If they can help someone who got jailed for their own mistake or something they did by themselfs , they can surely help their people getting a vaccine . If they want to go thru the trouble to do that is another matter . 

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16 hours ago, Trujillo said:

Why is the head of the USA embassy in Bangkok calling himself a chargé d'affaires? Did we get sold to the French since I've been gone? 

Heads of embassies of the USA are called ambassadors. 

French is the language of diplomacy. They also have a post called attaché. The military also uses French terms.

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15 hours ago, connda said:

Yep.  That's the nature of our wonderful country.  Everyone before US citizens.

Vaccinating illegal immigrants in the US - One of the few cases where public health overrides politics.

Edited by placnx
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43 minutes ago, bradiston said:

Actually, millions of Thais are also "being ignored", simply because there aren't enough shots to go around, which of course is another matter. We represent a very small fraction of the population of Thailand, maybe a few hundred thousand. When you think they've only vaccinated about 10 million out of a population of 66 million, you can see that really a huge number of people, 50 million plus, are waiting for shots. Probably proportionally, expats are doing quite well. Many teachers and other WP holders have received theirs. Those with Thai wives who managed to find a way, some pink carders, and those like myself who were lucky enough to get a slot based on age and comorbs. In Phayathai 2 the other day, I believe they jabbed over 1000, almost entirely foreigners. I was one of them. Just the luck of the draw.

However, the point is, that even if there are not enough vaccines to go around, that should have no bearing on allowing foreigners to register which essentially puts them in queue , so that at least we know that we are definitely in the system and have been assigned a numerical "place in line" for vaccination.


Right now however, almost all expats, many of which are at HIGH RISK due to age or chronic medical conditions are simply existing in a state of limbo which is not a good way to be forced to live. 


It means nothing at all that a few expats managed to slip through the cracks and be vaccinated.  What really matters is that the current policies in place make it difficult if not impossible for foreigners to become registered, and it is significantly more difficult for foreigners than for Thai nationals.


That would infer that the policies are potentially discriminatory towards foreigners.  MorProm was a perfect example of this by requiring a Pink Card, but not allowing the use of a passport or even a Thai Driver's licence (which would have made FAR more sense compared to a Pink Card.


The policies of some hospitals to have two registration schemes; one for Thai Nationals and another for foreigners is another example that Thai nationals and foreigners are handled differently in the registration process.


There should be no such distinction.  The virus does not distinguish based on nationality; only by age and high risk medical conditions.


As for the expat online registration scheme, there is absolutely no excuse for it to be such a disaster.  The database for such a system is remarkably simple, and even a grade school student could design a reliable one!  I have to believe that the reason the Intervac sites have been done for over two weeks is becuase the authorities simply want it that way.  There is no other rational explanation.


From a PR standpoint it would make sense.  I mean, if relatively few people are registered (on a waiting list), it makes it appear that everything is being managed far better than it actually is. 


Do I know for a fact that is what's going on?  Of course not, but believing that the registrations sites have been down for over two weeks because the IT people are incapable of fixing is illogical.


Edited by WaveHunter
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19 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Imagine every country in this world would supply vaccines to all their citizens which are in other countries in this world. That would be a lot of vaccines flying around the globe. And for what? Most (all?) countries work on the vaccination of all the people in their individual countries. It just takes some time.


As far as I see there is no foreigner in Thailand who didn't voluntarily come to Thailand, maybe except from prisoners. Many foreigners are in Thailand because they enjoy that Thailand is different from home. But then some complain that x and y and z is not like home. Make up your mind! What do you want? Thailand with all the good and all the bad? Or only those parts of Thailand which you like and otherwise your home country should take care of you. Really? 

Lame. Very lame. We have the right to complain, and asking this of our embassy is not a stretch, especially when they see how dismally Thailand has failed this Vax effort. 

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13 hours ago, ericthai said:

you guys are behind the times of what's going on in the USA.. they cant get enough people to get a shot. There are states giving incentives to get the shot. No lines, no waiting, no appointments walk into a pharmacy (walgreens, CVS, walmart, etc) and get your shot!  

It's pathetic that under 30% of adults have gotten jabbed in Misssisippi. The Indian variant will teach them a lesson the hard way.

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19 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Got the email from the embassy this morning, and I had to just laugh. They have put their trust in Thailand and other countries to vaccinate the citizens who are living or working in those countries.

UK same, same! And although I registered in May for the vaccinations with my local hospital (who hold my records), and am 75 years old with underlying health problems, I still do not have an appointment date, and I read yesterday that no new appointments are being allocated..


Would Thais living in the UK or USA be treated in the same way? If not - they should be!


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6 hours ago, John Drake said:


You have no senators or representatives if you live abroad. Just go to any congressional website of a senator or rep and try to email them. You are blocked if you are outside their district. Abroad, we are getting taxation without representation.

If you were registered to vote before becoming an expat, you should have maintained your status in that county and state. You have the right to vote in Federal elections. I sometimes signed to mass letters to senators or congressmen. I got automated replies.

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19 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

The only disturbing news I am getting from friends in Bangkok is that they are coming up against a wall of " Thais first " which I find ridiculous.

Not just Bkk that's exactly what I have been told by my local hospital. Yet my home country have not been racist or discriminated to any one living there including THAIS.

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 Yes, I got the curtesy email alert from the US embassy yesterday. Controversial subject !

For decades my Govt wouldn't let you use Gov't Medicare out of country !

 I never expected them to take care of this !  Six ,One and a half dozen of the other !

I'm not disappointed because I had no expectations 

Edited by riclag
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2 hours ago, John Drake said:


And likely someone with zero influence or incentive to push things back in the US that go against established policy. I would say a lickspittle. But that would probably be unfair.

When I began university in the 60s, Oriental Studies, I was thinking of entering the Foreign Service. It was kind of off putting when my adviser suggested that I should study Russian History! After a few courses where it became clear that independent thinking in the State Department was a career killer, I failed to show for the foreign service exam. In the 70s & 80s personnel in US diplomatic missions were much more open to visitors and the local population. Today, it Fortress Amerika.

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13 minutes ago, placnx said:

In the 70s & 80s personnel in US diplomatic missions were much more open to visitors and the local population. Today, it Fortress Amerika.


Just 10 or 11 years ago, you could stop in at the US Embassy in Bangkok anytime they were open. No appointments needed, no days taken off the calendar every week so the staff cannot be bothered. If you forgot something in filling out a form or making a payment, you could dash out of ACS, get what you needed during lunch and come back to get things completed in the afternoon. Back in the 80s, I remember going to a number of events at the US Embassy in Bonn. Things were guarded but not like Fort Knox. Even got invited to the ambassador's residence once. Today, the face of the embassy in Thailand is hostile. That contrasts utterly with the French Embassy. They are a pleasure to deal with. Talk about "soft power," the French know how to manipulate it.


Oh, yes, and I especially like how the Bangkok embassy has those side entrance doors for staff only out front to the side, so that foreign service personnel and swan in and out with their noses up in the air, like they are too good to be even near the line of citizens waiting to go inside for an appointment.

Edited by John Drake
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15 minutes ago, John Drake said:


Just 10 or 11 years ago, you could stop in at the US Embassy in Bangkok anytime they were open. No appointments needed, no days taken off the calendar every week so the staff cannot be bothered. If you forgot something in filling out a form or making a payment, you could dash out of ACS, get what you needed during lunch and come back to get things completed in the afternoon. Back in the 80s, I remember going to a number of events at the US Embassy in Bonn. Things were guarded but not like Fort Knox. Even got invited to the ambassador's residence once. Today, the face of the embassy in Thailand is hostile. That contrasts utterly with the French Embassy. They are a pleasure to deal with. Talk about "soft power," the French know how to manipulate it.


Oh, yes, and I especially like how the Bangkok embassy has those side entrance doors for staff only out front to the side, so that foreign service personnel and swan in and out with their noses up in the air, like they are too good to be even near the line of citizens waiting to go inside for an appointment.


It's called "stream-lining" and increasing efficiency to give you a better service.

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14 minutes ago, WingFat said:

I can sympathize with your view of the situation, to an extent. The US is one of I think 2-3 countries in the world that taxes their citizens no matter where they live, although if one stays out of the US at least 30 calendar days a year, they receive a sizeable tax deduction (aka "Expat Deduction"). So a US expat having the expectation that they should receive the same treatment as if they lived in the US in this situation is certainly understandable.  However, many US expats pay little, if any, taxes as their income levels are low if they are relying primarily on social security. And except in rare cases, US expats have chosen to live in Thailand which has a track record of often not handling things too well. All expats I would think have taken that into consideration when choosing to live in Thailand and temper their expectations. Having lived and worked in Thailand for 6 years some time ago, I suggest it is wise to have a sizeable emergency fund for situations such as this and fly back to the US to get the jabs, regardless of all the quarantine requirements.


And I do share your derision of how the Biden Admin is handling illegal immigration; disgusting if not criminal.

as the Latino population is poised to be the majority in the country one day, the lack of hard line controls on immigration is a calculation to prevent a blowback politically in the years to come..

Edited by from the home of CC
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you went abroad because it has to offer more to you then back home. you wanted the benefits of being abroad. benefits also comes with is down side and this is one of them. Stop complaining and accept the choice made, which implies you have to wait for Thai solution because that is part of the benefit that made you move abroad. 

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5 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

If my country (the United States) is donating millions of doses to foreign countries including Thailand, then I have every right to feel "entitled" to have priority of those donated vaccines.  We are not talking about Embassies providing vaccines; we are talking about one's home government providing them to a country like Thailand with a  stipulation that the donating country's expat population will be first on the list to receive them.  


Is that an unfair assumption to make?  I don't think it is at all.

Unethical way to think . Just wait like everyone else in this country.

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19 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

they shouldnt do it because its not their business

individuals outside their country must surely organize their own healthcare... or return home

France are the only nation doing this ......at home -based French taxpayer expense no doubt.......

perhaps they are offloading those millions of perfectly good unused AZ vaccines , before expiration, a stockpile that Macron created, stupidly & jealously saying AZ was no good........



They received Johnson & Johnson. Guess the nickname "White Buffalo" comes from you just spewing out whatever you think without any consideration or knowledge, huh ?

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

especially when they see how dismally Thailand has failed this Vax effort

Which dismally failure do you prefer:

The over 33,000,000 infected Americans inside the USA and over 600,000 Covid death in the USA?

Or the relative few infected and dead people in Thailand and the relative slow vaccination in Thailand?

Now there are still a lot more daily Covid death in the USA compared to Thailand - even compared to the number of citizens. 

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20 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

they shouldnt do it because its not their business

individuals outside their country must surely organize their own healthcare... or return home

France are the only nation doing this ......at home -based French taxpayer expense no doubt.......

perhaps they are offloading those millions of perfectly good unused AZ vaccines , before expiration, a stockpile that Macron created, stupidly & jealously saying AZ was no good........



France is not the only country doing it, China already came  over and vaccinated  all it's citizens here in Thailand as well as donating some vaccine for Thai. No reason US or UK could not do the same as besides China they are the only other countries I know of  making aproved by WHO vaccines.

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26 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Which dismally failure do you prefer:

The over 33,000,000 infected Americans inside the USA and over 600,000 Covid death in the USA?

Or the relative few infected and dead people in Thailand and the relative slow vaccination in Thailand?

Now there are still a lot more daily Covid death in the USA compared to Thailand - even compared to the number of citizens. 


Really apples and oranges. Much of Thailand is quite isolated where as US is very mobile and interconnected. Further, with a number of huge cities 50% larger than BKK it's patently unfair comparison.


Moreover, US was pumping it's numbers up for politics. Thailand is repressing them.

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4 hours ago, Emdog said:

Based on what? A hunch? Just went thru 5 pages of google search and can find nothing about how many Americans pay fed tax. I do know that all of my American friends pay fed income taxes, including myself. So show me some numbers Mr "Safe Bet". If you make a bet you have to show the outcome. 99% is insipid, but 90% also, but less so.

Well, it's about earned income. If you earn less than somewhere a figure somewhat in excess of $100,000 then you're not liable to pay income tax on that. Unearned income is taxable and Social Security can be if your earned income reaches a certain level.

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2 hours ago, WingFat said:

I can sympathize with your view of the situation, to an extent. The US is one of I think 2-3 countries in the world that taxes their citizens no matter where they live, although if one stays out of the US at least 30 calendar days a year, they receive a sizeable tax deduction (aka "Expat Deduction"). 

Actually it's if they spend 30 days or less in the USA during a one year period  that  they are then allowed the deduction.

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