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Twenty percent of donated Pfizer vaccines from US must go to foreigners living in Thailand, says CCSA general


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8 minutes ago, lightsidecat said:

300,000 doses for Western Expats should probably do it.  roughly 49,000 Brit's (per the Consular Update this morning in TV's newsletter), slightly less Americans, even fewer Germans, Nordics, Aussies, Canadians etc.. Not sure about the current Japanese numbers but got to think they aren't in the number one or two spot and their employers may be taking care of them.  The Chinese and French are looking after their own.  Many of the rest are anti-vaxers or plain scared of needles and a few are already in the system for the AZ jab, so if even 70% take up this is good news.  Go Joe... USA , USA, USA !!!!   

I dont think you have been on TV long enough to know what you read today can be lets just say  changed tomorrow or the next day 

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i would like to see them give half of those 300k dose to the US embassy so they can vaccinate their citizen first, good publicity for the US embassy i guess, meh! me probably asking too much.

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4 hours ago, Surelynot said:

This is going to do wonders for our image..........I imagine many Thai's will be rejoicing at the news we will get 20% of 'their' vaccines.


Do you really think you will get them, if it is not directly administered by the US embassy.  A PR event will be arranged for a couple of hundred farangs with Anutin or Uncle Tu dropping by for a photo op and then the rest will be allocated to puu yai or sold on the black market. 

Edited by Dogmatix
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4 hours ago, internationalism said:

if "must" that means it was condition for this donation.

I would think only the USA citizens at first, when all done, the rest for the USA allies (brits).

That would be all, not enough for the rest.

Foreign teachers will get their jab in late summer, very few elderly and sick getting now and within near future, but about half of expats will be at mercy of the second part of the vax program, middle/end of autumn


I know some teachers that were forced to get sinovac. Two choices get sinovac or leave.

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1 minute ago, dinsdale said:

I know some teachers that were forced to get sinovac. Two choices get sinovac or leave.

i know of teachers,pilipino and russian that have had their shots several weeks ago,az too,lucky for them but they worked for a top end int school in bkk.they said not to shoot them with china vacc

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4 hours ago, asiam110 said:

Correct, although some countries (logical ones) are accepting just 1 mrna shot and proof of infection as fully vaccinated, as initial natural immune response is superior even against latest variants, so only one moderna or pfzier required, obviously dumb nuts arent.

One shot of Pfizer isn't enough for the delta variant (UK data). 

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He asked the Thai people for understanding in this regard and assured them that the rest will be used for their benefit.  



Ask for understanding?


That shouldn't be necessary. Hasn't the government said all the time that foreigners will be vaccinated, but every time someone tries to register they are rejected.

Actually. many of my Thai friends don't believe that we can't register.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

The chief of Thailand's National Security Council and head of the CCSA told  the Thai media yesterday that foreigners living in Thailand must receive 20% of a 1.5 million batch of Pfizer vaccine that has been donated by the United States.


He asked the Thai people for understanding in this regard and assured them that the rest will be used for their benefit.  

Yeah.  America tells its citizens overseas to ****-off while the Thai government has to plead with its citizens to understand why a few will be reserved for "foreigners" who may or may not be US citizens. 

Overall it's still one huge ****-you to all expat citizens from both the US and Thai governments.  We're used to it.  Well, at least I am.  Even as a vet with 8 years of service - I get nothing and I expect nothing.  Well?  Bohica.

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4 hours ago, Surelynot said:

.....or the Italians.........What did the Romans ever do for us?

Well rhe Aussies did give a very large donation for COVID vax to Thailand....but stupdly did not ask for Aussies to get the shot.

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4 hours ago, Surelynot said:

This is going to do wonders for our image..........I imagine many Thai's will be rejoicing at the news we will get 20% of 'their' vaccines.

No, they will get 80% of our vaccines, paid for with our taxes.

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12 minutes ago, DavisH said:

One shot of Pfizer isn't enough for the delta variant (UK data). 

Your right,  both Pfizer and Surprisingly AZ are 33% against Delta after one jab. After two jabs both jump over 90%. I would say that's pretty good. Moderna might be the same . The problem here in Thailand for what ever reason the government here thinks one jab is full vaccination against any strain of Covid. Example, Tourist coming to Phuket for sandbox were told they just needed one jab of AZ to be fully vaccinated to enter Thailand.

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3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:



Gotta say, don't have high hopes for the U.S. Embassy doing much to ensure the set-aside portion ends up being used as promised.... And even less confidence in the Thai government following thru on its promise to actually use the set-aside as required -- especially if the administration is left in their hands...




Well, the quote about the set aside did refer to "foreigners," not Americans specifically. There is enough room in that loophole alone to evade the condition. Then, of course, for its part, the Thai government can always come up with one of their nifty little apps, this time specifically designed to frustrate any "foreigner" trying to go through the holy registration process. 

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26 minutes ago, DavisH said:

One shot of Pfizer isn't enough for the delta variant (UK data). 

I believe the regime was 2 shots (as per a pal of mine) of Pfizer even before Delta  was around.

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4 hours ago, bipper said:

It is all about money.

That it is.  Which is why these are the halcyon days of vaccines.  Wait until 2023 when the vaccine plants are cranking out billions a year.  Vaccines in authoritarian countries will be essentially mandated (most countries will have fully moved to an authoritarian model of governance) and vaccines will be mandated on a 3 to 6 month revolving schedule as Big Pharma milks the new cash cow in a now Trillion dollar a year industry (Long Moderna)  They'll be using children names for variants (just like hurricanes) as they long ago ran out of Greek letters as periodic lock-downs and mandatory mask wearing is still the norm.  The unvaccinated will be blamed for the variants.  Small business will have been decimated most being a fond memory as malls, hypermarts, and corporate restaurants with their own delivery staff will now be the only option for those with vaccines.  Those without will languish in the ranks of unvaccinated apartheid.  Shunned, oppressed, perhaps imprisoned...or worse, as they are 'encouraged' by all means necessary to join the ranks of the vaccinated and add to Big Pharma's bottom line.  Cha-Ching!  The main-stream media will be nothing but unending fear.
Well, in my crystal ball at least. 

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Gen Natthaphol also commented on the importance of re-opening closed construction sites in Bangkok forthwith. 


He mentioned that construction that was closed down for long periods could result in safety problems. 


Burmese and Cambodian construction workers are foreigners, and probably regarded as far more important to the Thai economy than retired farang expats, so no prizes for guessing who the 20% is going to.

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1 minute ago, Guderian said:

Burmese and Cambodian construction workers are foreigners, and probably regarded as far more important to the Thai economy than retired farang expats, so no prizes for guessing who the 20% is going to.




Maybe when they return. I'm sure the Thai government will be falling over themselves to vaccinate them with Sinostuff.


Love the silly, obtuse posts on this thread.



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