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My wife is laughing at my fat gut that is developing rapidly.


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1 minute ago, Walker88 said:

Fat always puzzles me.

I think it's two things


1. a half kilo a year and you weigh a ton in 15.

2. Beer. I only drink beer when I'm out because I can't trust the quality of the scotch and it's a poor value.


I've put on 4kg over this last year in lockdown. I'll lose it by December. My goal always is 3kg over my high school weight.


I'm not doing ridiculous diets, giving up whiskey or running (I hate running and static gym exercise).


Good luck op.


Drop carbs

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4 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

Fat always puzzles me. I see so many foreigners waddling around Bangkok and Pattaya with waists I figure must be 50 inches/125 cm or more. Their walking is labored, and I would guess the fat came first and led to the labored gait, as the weight puts extra stress on joints. These guys did not go to bed one night a svelte 180 lbs./~80kg on a 185 cm frame and wake the next day at 125 kg. That takes a lot of conscious (lack of) effort to get that obese. Do folks not see it happening? Why do so many wait so long to even consider taking action?

Guilty to a degree.


Working all hours, having to entertain (business), the wife is a "feeder", lived in hotels for 5 months......bang up to 90kg.


Fought back down to 74kg, got lazy and drifted back up to 82kg......time to get active again.

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4 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

no use telling people to “go to a gym”. not the way.

refer my above “ simple easy” steps approach…….

first just cut out the junk intakes…..

see the “ i get my health from the pharmacy” types are slowly emerging

Best advice I heard was from a doctor in the USA......


.......he said the only difference between fat people and thin people is thin people only eat when they are hungry and stop eating as soon as they don't feel hungry!!!

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33 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

For the OP, eat less and exercise.


As for the young sexy girls....agree.  If the OP can't get an erection with a young hottie, he's already dead. 

banana banna and a fo... 


and there isn't any name that I can't rhyme

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1 minute ago, 4737 Carlin said:

Cut out all the bad foods and get cycling. Not just rolling around the neighbourhood either. Get a proper road bike and go hill climbing if your in a mountainous region. I don't know any fat cyclists here and most are in good shape for their age.

I would agree, although my boss, fit as fiddle, thin as a lat, 52, rode about 100 miles every weekend.......dropped dead in the middle of the pack......they reckon he was 'dead' before his face hit the tarmac.......luck of the draw!


Might have died at 42 if not for cycling of course.

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12 hours ago, olfu said:

in short--life is tough and then you die.

All these diets, but who follows them and for how long if you do? I am in better shape now than when I was in my forty's. Yes I exercise everyday, I would like to walk some, but the dog packs in my area are many.I   have found drinking 1 tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar mixed with water gets rid of most of my belly fat. Try it it might help you 

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

No idea, I tried the black P3 and it worked ......... there is also P1, P2 and M1 to try.

What the hell is black cocoa?, there is cocoa which is refined and there is cacao which is the bees knees, as many have already said sugar is the biggest enemy, eradicate it from your diet, keep away from beer = carbs and sugar = pot belly, if you drink then vodka on ice preferably or whiskey, no junk food, no bread, regular exercise, does not have to be strenuous, so long as it is regular, work up to doing 100 pushups a day, not in one hit but as many as you can do at a time, try keto which is great, no low fat milk, get the full cream high fat milk, stay away from oils except olive and instead have butter, if you want proof of that lookup butter bob on yt, make your own ghee and cook solely with that, plenty of eggs/bacon, at night a teaspoon of physilium husk with plenty of water, and if all that doesn't work think about a separation lol!.

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2 hours ago, perconrad said:

What is the advantage of black cocoa against normal brown cocoa?

Other way 'round I thought. Black cocoa has been treated with alkali (potassium) in a process called 'Dutching' which makes it less bitter (acidic), more soluble in water, and darker. It also reduces the available antioxidant flavenols/oids.


I drink a super heaped tablespoonful of the least treated I can find for the Magnesium content (180mg per super heaped tablespoonful). Other supposed benefits i.e. antioxidant flavenols/oids and compounds that reduce blood pressure are nice side effects if they are fact.



Edited by mokwit
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16 hours ago, Gaccha said:



I run (not jog) 8km every 2 days. Build yourself up to this. Start with babysteps: 1 slow jog of 5km per week. Lots of running Apps to help you build up. I find this so easy now that the next day I feel nothing. 



Every morning, do a bit of weightlifting in your bedroom and around 100 press-ups and sit-ups. 




It doesn't seem to me that you lead a sedentary life but rather a life as an athlete ready for the Olympics game.????


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There is a wealth of helpful, informative advice in this thread, for the OP, much of it highly complex.


Wouldn't it be easier, and simpler, for him to get rid of the missus and find a new chick who

doesn't laugh at his paunch?


One poster has mentioned the high cost of growth hormone. As we age, our production of growth hormone `drops until it is virtually non-existent. Research has shown that giving growth hormone to elderly recipients has shown terrific improvements in their overall vitality and mind clarity.


Personally, I take one 3mg melatonin cap every night before sleep, to stimulate the production of growth hormone in my body. Melatonin is inexpensive. It may require a doctor's script.


I also believe in the benefits of omega 3 capsules, thrice daily, particularly as I seldom eat fish.

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yeah but Will, healthy / unhealthy is real distinction not fat/ thin. 

plenty of thin types are extremely unhealthy (often heavy smokers).


with you again Gaccha, thats why I simplified for OP benefit with “ basically”.

calories in / out is not flawed just simplistic.

dont recommend calorie counting,or do it myself, as its unnecessary, over-complicated & tedious.

of course you must eat only “good” foods.

if you overfeed even only on the healthiest foods you will be fat. period.

if you drink too much water ….even the best……you will die.

trying to keep this simple…..

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17 hours ago, Gaccha said:

Yep. After a high blood pressure result, I went all in over 2 years ago and I'm down to 20.5 BMI. You need commitment. And forget the idea about your metabolism slowing down: that's not science, it's not a thing. Metabolism only really slows down over 60 years old and not even by much. 


I run (not jog) 8km every 2 days. Build yourself up to this. Start with babysteps: 1 slow jog of 5km per week. Lots of running Apps to help you build up. I find this so easy now that the next day I feel nothing. 


I don't eat for 18 hours. Eat within a 6 hour time period only. If you have a pretty sedentary life, you only need one meal a day. So stop eating at 6pm and next eat at 12pm. But splash out on it. So long as the body enters "famine mode" for 3 or so hours a day (it kicks in around 15 hours of not eating), then you're cutting away that fat. You'll feel high when you enter famine mode. It just feels great.


During the 18 hour period, only water, tea (no milk/sugar), coffee (no milk/sugar). Or herb teas.


No sugar. This is your true enemy. Substitutes work with a lot of people (e.g. Stevia). You can buy no-sugar chocolate, no-sugar sweets, no-sugar ice cream etc. But even these you should probably not take during the 18 hour famine period (the science is out on this).


No alcohol. Except say once a week. 


You'll need to control hunger pangs. Drink Japanese Green Tea. That will kill your hunger. Fill your stomach with water. Drink hot ginger. 


Every morning, do a bit of weightlifting in your bedroom and around 100 press-ups and sit-ups. 


You'll start to lose body fat rapidly. You'll find getting below 17.5% body fat is extremely challenging but the first few kgs will be surprisingly easy.


Buy a body fat/BMI/muscle weight measurement machine. They're dirt cheap. 


You will feel massively more energetic and sleep better. And girls will be hitting on you, and your wife will be angry and try to get you fat again. 


What's the fun part?

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19 hours ago, bbabythai said:

In summary, Im getting fat, my sex life is no good anymore and my morning tea tastes like <deleted>. My wife finds all this funny. Any suggestions?


Tell her her you get stage fright when playing in the "Albert Hall" and ar#e is huge, see if she still laughs.

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