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Has the level of happiness in Thailand deteriorated?


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34 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Yes. Significantly. There will be many who post rose colored poetic missives, about us making our own happiness, and it being a state of mind, and the toxic political situation has nothing to do with me, and does not effect me, etc. But, it is all relative. For the average person here, the quality of life has diminished alot, since the creeps took over.

Why would I care about the happiness of locals not in my family?

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I tend to think so. Prayut is such a dreary fellow and we see way too much off him. I would have been much happier watching Yingluck (I have a small crush on her)..

Realistically happiness is a bit like inflation......I rent and rave about food costs, forgetting that in the past 17 years food has Gove sky high in the US as well. If I spend, say, a year in the US and then came back to Thailand I might be able to say it is a happy/happier/happiest place. I am as happy here as I have ever been in my life.

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

The level of happiness in Thailand has reduced over the past few years, according to a number of indices and surveys.

It certainly hasn't gone up over the last 6 years for the majority.

Maybe 10% of the top families are happy.

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I think many of you forget the question isn't always about YOU.


Millions thrown into poverty, millions seek better and more accountable governance, students raging over the quality of their education. The country has had economic problems for fifteen years. No one sees much of a future and is best treading water. So, yeah.


And please stop calling it Land of Smiles because it's just not and has not been for a long time.

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5 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

What Diana said has always been highly debateable; during my lifetime ive experienced being both Poor and Rich in monetary terms but being unhappy is being unhappy and  to me personally having money made no difference, when i was unhappy it didn't matter how much money i had in the bank !


Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can buy distractions from being unhappy.

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Yes. Significantly. There will be many who post rose colored poetic missives, about us making our own happiness, and it being a state of mind, and the toxic political situation has nothing to do with me, and does not effect me, etc. But, it is all relative. For the average person here, the quality of life has diminished alot, since the creeps took over.


Things have changed so dramatically in the past few years, and especially since the Covid failures here. I do not think anything applies from the past, anymore. I have never seen the Thai people so angry, disappointed, frustrated, hungry, disenfranchised and scared. When this disease passes, the fools are gone, baby gone. Like the wind. There will be no holding the people back. No tanks, no soldiers, no guns. Nothing will prevent a positive change from happening.

Power to the youth! VICTORY to the youth! May the dinosaurs be exorcised from Thailand! 

This all happened due to sheer stupidity and stunning greed. Thailand is really going into a world of hurt now. Tourism will not recover for years and domestic tourism just died. Millions of jobs lost.

A note to the dear leader: Do you not realize nobody is listening to you anymore? You are the laughing stock of the nation. Perhaps one of the most tragic figures in Thai history. Maybe even the entire region, and we are talking about a region with alot despots and failures. You have zero credibility, on any level. You are stunningly incompetent, and have long overstayed your welcome. And now, YOU HAVE failed the nation miserably with this latest wave, which could have easily been avoided, had some precautions been taken by locking down Samut Sakhon province immediately, and later locking down Bangkok, as you creeps promised you would. Just another failure to uphold any and all promised you make. Your word is about as good as the word of a snake oil salesman, in Tombstone, in 1872. 

What ever happened with your promises to root out your bad apple immigration guys, on the border? They likely let in thousands, to line their greedy pockets. Do you care at all, on any level, about anything other than your own enrichment, and the vintage of ridiculously expensive champagne you will have this evening?

There is no saying the extent of the corruption in this administration, but the army is not exactly known for integrity. You must step down, or be removed. You are the most toxic force this nation has endured for a very long time. The youth is right. You must go. Out. Get out now!

Do not even attempt to shift the responsibility onto our shoulders. This one is on you. You have literally done everything in your power to sabotage the vital tourism industry, and have delayed the opening countless times. You are the one who chose to not lock down countless clusters, factories, and cities, and you bear huge responsibility for the current grave state of the economy. It all rests on your tiny shoulders, Prayuth!

The closing of tens of thousands of massage shops, bars, restaurants and hotels is your fault. You have caused a stupid degree of destruction to the nation your profess to love and be loyal to. Is it possible, just once, for you to give us a demonstration of that supposed loyalty to anything other than your rich cronies, who are above the law, and the sacred cow of cash money?

We know this. Nothing you say will change this. You will be held responsible. You are destroying the progress of your nation and you are stealing the happiness and quality of life from the people. This is all on you.





Give it time. 

Things will change by natural attrition. 

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14 hours ago, Chad3000 said:

I think many of you forget the question isn't always about YOU.

Yes, we must all wring our hands and cry crocodile tears for those poor people all over the world.

But why?

Why should I be less happy because someone I don't know, not related to me, isn't my nationality, isn't my religion, isn't my race is unhappy? Do you think any Thais care?

Edited by BritManToo
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17 hours ago, Dont confuse me said:

And he will bring happiness to the people! They will be happy to see the back of him!

When he is either tried for crimes against the Thai people, or forced into exile, without a Thai passport, along with the 250 super corrupt proxy senators, the army leaders, and Anutin, the people will smile, and happiness will be restored to the nation. 

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8 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Yes, we must all wring our hands and cry crocodile tears for those poor people all over the world.

But why?

Why should I be less happy because someone I don't know, not related to me, isn't my nationality, isn't my religion, isn't my race is unhappy? Do you think any Thais care?

With that logic, why did you decide to settle down in Thailand? Wouldn't you be more happy in your own country?

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There's no doubt that many parts of the World, if not most have probably experienced a drop in their happiness index inrecent times. If all had suffered equally, the previous rankings would remain unchanged, just all at a lower happiness level than before. What IS a little interesting is that Thailand has dropped a further 4 placings in relation to those other nations, which would indicate a greater drop in happiness in comparison, possibly related to the severity of the impact of Covid on the poorer elements of society: Little or no work due to sustained lockdown measures, very little food or state support, increasing suicide numbers, false promises by the government, delayed rollout of vaccines, suppression of free speech, heavy-handed treatment of protesters, increasing corruption and dubious election results, just to name a few. Arguably, the Thais have had to suffer more than most nations and thereby dropping down the rankings may be seen as inevitable. TBH the Thai people have shown great resilience and a little surprised that they didn't drop further down the list.


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On 10/22/2021 at 1:43 AM, spidermike007 said:

At least a dozen good reasons. We don't live in a bubble. I want to see the environment around me prospering and the people fulfilled. Sorry for caring. 

As these activities should be inspired by the broad collective for the commons. 

If we don't have strong social and familial extensions, the purpose becomes moot. 

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