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As Thailand contemplates a legal casino the RTP warn against the perils of gambling


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37 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:

Would this be the same RTP that runs their own Gambling Dens all over the country


This one.


Along with the requisite loan sharking. Smaller dens are operated as franchisees from the franchise holder: the RTP.


Any legalized gambling here will be for foreigners/tourists.





Captain Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!

[a croupier hands Renault a pile of money]

Croupier: Your winnings, sir.

Captain Renault: [sotto voce] Oh, thank you very much.





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Legalization and regulation is probably the way to go here. These activities are going to happen anyway, and at least this way they can occur with some oversight, in a larger and more value-additive manner, and in partnership with official programs to help problem gamers.

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Two sayings come to mind over this

People in Glasshouses should not throw stones

Pot calling the kettle black


The biggest corrupt Government Agency is telling us Gambling is illegal and dangeropus.

NOW just HOW many illegal places overseen by individual Police Officers or stations have been implicated in shady places over the past few years eh ??????????


AND no-one has as yet gone to jail......Truly Amazing Thailand !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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1 hour ago, klauskunkel said:

We all know why you are warning about this, no need to disguise.

I too think this is not a good think for Thailand. When I lived in Perth Australia I went to the Casino often, not for placing a bet but for dining ,the food was great there. The number of Asians that where there all the times that I went there was a worry just way too many. One time I seen  I a Asian lady crying and I asked what's wrong she said she borrowed money on her house to gamble and yes she lost it all. Things are bad enough with so many out of work here. So lets not add to the problem.

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3 hours ago, Will B Good said:

".............the RTP warn against the perils of gambling".


Oh the irony.

Yes indeed, where I used to live in Issan some years ago now, before moving to Cambodia, the local RTP ran the illegal gambling dens!! In fact one of the family (now deceased) was a retired RTP Officer and managed the local casino on behalf of the Provincial RTP. This particular casino was no "shed", it was a "warehouse" operating 24/7!!

Edited by Burma Bill
additional information
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ah... the perils of gambling so vividly highlighted late one afternoon in a soi near my apartment...


the soi stall holders like to play dominoes and bet on the games, 10 baht a go i believe. this harmless, to anyone with any sense, activity brings social interaction and a little excitement into otherwise quite dull and boring lives. on this particular afternoon, as the stallholders were enjoying a few games who should appear at the entrance to the soi but a squad of the RTP clearly intent on raiding this den of iniquity. cue pandemonium as the RTP approached the game players dispersed in a great flurry of activity. the soi runs alongside a klong and due to the narrowness of the soi not all could flee down the soi and ended up jumping into the klong and swimming to the far bank. it was a hilarious spectacle. the perils of gambling indeed.

Edited by it is what it is
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5 hours ago, webfact said:

But now Pol Maj-Gen Yingyot Thepjamnong has warned  betting mad Thais about gambling and assured them that the RTP chief Pol Gen Suwat Chaengyodsuk is determined to stop all online gambling

RTP want to stop gambling... LOL

they control the majority of it.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

ASEAN NOW notes that the RTP pronouncements should be seen in the light of frequently made claims in Thailand alleging that the police themselves either turn a blind eye to illegal casinos in their jurisdictions or are actively engaged in profiting by them. 

Bingo! They and other 'untouchables', who will never allow casinos to be legalised. Those who wish to use casinos can go to most (all?) other countries in the region.

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