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Thai stargazers urged to enjoy view of a bright Venus on December 7th


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10 minutes ago, John Burati said:

So that's your explanation? Because the Moon's surface is basically monochrome and the Earth's surface not? Are you kidding me? So this means if you point a flashlight to a 2 or 3 colored object, it wouldn't reflect the light anymore? What are you, retarded? Next please ????

No, please read what I said. The Moon appears bright and the Earth coloured because of their surface composition. Please, as a Newbie, stop the insults.

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4 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

No, please read what I said. The Moon appears bright and the Earth coloured because of their surface composition. Please, as a Newbie, stop the insults.

OK, sorry for the insult. But the moon is not bright. The moon is glowing. How is this possible? A dark grey rock that glows like a light ball with the same intensity over every single square kilometer? That's ridiculous. But yes, according to NASA you can still see the Earth at night. You can even see the borderlines between land and sea including the clouds from thousands of kilometers away in the dark night. This here is a genuine NASA photo. And you still believe this <deleted>?


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1 minute ago, John Burati said:

OK, sorry for the insult. But the moon is not bright. The moon is glowing. How is this possible? A dark grey rock that glows like a light ball with the same intensity over every single square kilometer? That's ridiculous. But yes, according to NASA you can still see the Earth at night. You can even see the borderlines between land and sea including the clouds from thousands of kilometers away in the dark night. This here is a genuine NASA photo. And you still believe this <deleted>?


So what are trying to say?

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26 minutes ago, John Burati said:

It just proves that you don't have a functioning brain. Where is your explanation? How can you see Venus and Mercury at night when it is located on the other side of the Earth? I want an answer, not a reference to the fake science. If you can see Venus then you could also see the Sun, In that case it wouldn't be night. You talk about science, like Fauci science? So you must be one of the guys who still believes after 2 years that Covid is real. Go and get your next booster. Hehe. I'lll take care of your Thai GF as soon as you are gone, if she is still sexy and under 35 ????

:cheesy: PLEASE keep it going flerf! You're killing it. Where's your standup gig? You gotta be the headliner! Certainly a head case. ????

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3 hours ago, John Burati said:

Just read the Bible. All previous cultures knew it. Or do you really believe that all different cultures which were separated by thousand of miles and huge oceans had the same ideas? And what about building pyramids all over the worlds. Just coincidence? I don't think so. NASA and Hollywood are CIA controlled and provide you just science fiction.


Hope the 3 shepherds and the 3 wise men are on standby...... there is going to be a virgin birth on December 7th.....  oh wait.... did we do that one already??

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5 hours ago, John Burati said:

How is it possible to see Venus (or Mercury) 2.5 hours after sunset in the night sky if it is located in a inner planetary orbit next to the sun? Not possible. And don't tell me it is possible to a certain angle. It is not. Definitely. Just do your research and don't let them fool you with their Satanic agenda. God created the Earth fixed and immovable with the Sun, Moon and Stars orbiting above Earth in the Dome. Saying anything else would be blasphemy and a sin.


Kling ons and Trolls! They are all out there!

Edited by SunsetT
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31 minutes ago, John Burati said:

That NASA is just Science Fiction. The Earth is flat and there numerous proofs for this. Not the BS proofs that are pushed by the media in order to discredit people like me. The real proofs are always censored. For example, just do your own calculations using common laws of physics about the solar system and Venus and then tell me if it is possible to see Venus at night. It's not rocket science. Or check out how 10 meter light houses can still be seen at a distance of 50 kilometer where you would have a curvature of 200 meters at that distance. Just google light houses and check the information on their websites. They usually mention the visibility.????

Go and get tested. I fear that you have a new Oh My God Variant.

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2 hours ago, John Burati said:

We are talking about Pyramids. Not rectangular structures. Why didn't one of these cultures build a cube, a cuboid or cylinder? This can't be coincidence. And we are also talking here about the shape of the Earth. This has nothing to do with God or Gods. All cultures knew the Earth is flat. And for clarification, the Christian Bible is based and comes after the Hebrew Bible which talks about God as Elohim, which means God in Plural.  Maybe you should do some research in some real history books, other than the Rockefeller education books which were forced onto every education system in the world by now. ????

And what do you think ancient Hebrew quotes? And don't go assuming that I am as you out it '...Rockerfeller education...' because you have no idea what and where I did research and why I have come to certain conclusions.

In addition ancient Chinese studies were not the same as those of the western ancients and their stone structures could have easily been copied via travellers stories in the second century BC. Before that they were more like burial mounds.

The Mayan culture, compared to the Egyptian, was quite late, about half way through the third century BC. Their structures were built according a certain evolution/hierarchy (such as the the 9 story pyramid based on the 9 underworlds, the 7 step/layer pyramid which made up the 13 steps of the 13 heavens.) so it was quite natural to build pyramid structures that represented their triangular system of evolution/hierarchy. Strangely enough their Long Calendar started at a theoretical point similar to beginning of Sumer. The word 'Maya' is itself very intriguing and I assure you it has nothing to do with the western christian bible. There is a whole lot more about this culture that you won't find in any '...Rockerfeller education...'.


Edited by TKDfella
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I must thank whoever drew my attention to this Venus thing. I went outside and saw a bright star, which my Starfinder app identified as Venus. I subsequently got my binoculars out and guess what, I saw a larger bright star.  

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1 hour ago, SunsetT said:

Just checked out on the terrace........The horns of a new moon with it's dark side are also now below the extraordinarily bright Venus......Stunning!

You may already know but just in case, that bright Venus is due to the Sun's reflection from the dense Venus cloud and not from the surface. Unlike Earth's cloud those of Venus are toxic and corrosive.

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John Burati: you’re all over the place, my friend. Bordering on flat earther and religious nut territory. No, the earth is not the centre of the universe. There is no centre. In fact the earth is not the centre of anything and believing otherwise does not mean you are going to hell. The bible, esp the first verses, is not meant to be taken word for word and putting the earth as an insignificant dot amid a sea of trillions of others does not negate the doings of a potential creator either. It just means you are not as special as you thought. 


How can you see Mercury after sunset? ???? One can see any part of the celestial plane once the sun is out of the equation. 
Why can we not see Ceres with the naked eye like we can the moon? Because the moon is massive and 1000x closer. This is very basic astrophysics. If you’re not trolling, basically believe what you want to believe, but if you really want to learn, start at the beginning and how matter naturally accretes to build stars and planets. Very basic stuff. Read some Patrick Moore, Hawking, Brian Greene, the works of Kepler, Galileo, crike even Wikipedia.


Conspiracist Articles on Facebook and the like is for children and nonthinkers completely missing the point of how straightforward the universe actually is. Open your mind a bit.  

Edited by daveAustin
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18 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

Looking at the stars at night when the sky is dark and clear makes me feel small and unimportant compared to what is out there ...

We are a bit, but just posit that there is stardust in you. We are the universe and the universe is in us. It’s not way out there; we’re right in the thick of it. Why did it make us? Because it can and wants to know itself. ????

But, yes, Venus. Awesome, ain’t she! Likely cool eons ago with a similar atmosphere to earth until it went into runaway mode. We’re playing catch up. 

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12 hours ago, garyk said:

Must be rainy season in Thailand, A real treat to actually be able to see the sky!

Nope, it is clear and sunny for the last several days. I could not see Venus through my French doors last night, the moon was there. 

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Keeping this extremely simple. 3 rudimentary diagrams intended for the resident denier, but won't do a lick of good. These people deny every qualified scientist, accredited university, government and private space agencies on Earth and latch on to idiot-nobody-know-nothings on YouTube instead. Boggles the brain.


Keep in mind that the planets orbit the sun at different speeds, so they're not usually in line with one another. Certain times of year conditions are just right for seeing Venus or Mercury for a couple hours before or after sunset. The the 2nd & 3rd diagrams (especially the 3rd) needs to be envisioned in 3D for perspective and orientation, while staring at a 2D picture. 







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17 hours ago, John Burati said:

It's OK for me if that's your opinion. But I'm pretty sure you don't have an own opinion. You just repeat what they tell you on TV and other controlled media. Maybe one day the truth will set you free. By the way, if Venus, Mars and the Moon are simply reflecting sunlight, then why can't we see Ceres, the biggest asteroid, with a diameter of almost 1,000 Kilometer in the night sky? They got you fooled, like 99% of the population. Make peace with your creator, it's not too late.


Why can't we see Ceres by naked eye? Not sure it's worth answering, but here it is:

Ceres has a diameter of almost 1,000km, as you say. Venus about 12,000km.

That makes Venus about 150 times larger in area than Venus.

Ceres is on average about 400 million km from the Sun, Venus about 100 million.

That means Venus sees 16 times more intense sunlight.

So, assuming they reflect sunlight the same way (they don't, Venus reflects more

because it is shrouded in clouds with high albedo or reflecting power)

Venus is already radiating 16x150 = about 2,500 times more light than Ceres.

To this, add that Earth is much closer to Venus, especially at times like this when Earth and Venus are closest at about 30 million km. Ceres is on average about 250million km from Earth.

So you can expect, very roughly, Ceres to be about (250/30)^2 x 2,500 = 170,000 times fainter than

Venus at closest from Earth.


Being 100,000 times fainter explains why we can't see Ceres by naked eye while we see Venus so well. Doesn't it?

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1 hour ago, Rhys said:

Thanks ... I suppose I will try here.. Do you know any store that would carry a Tri pod with adaptable mounts for binoculars?  Too much motion when using them to look at the night sky.





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5 hours ago, daveAustin said:

We are a bit, but just posit that there is stardust in you. We are the universe and the universe is in us. It’s not way out there; we’re right in the thick of it. Why did it make us? Because it can and wants to know itself.

Here is my theory :

It started with the ' big bang ' about 14,5 billion years ago ...

The big bang it self was probably the contents of a giant black hole that exploded , after having been compressed to the maximum . The material that evaded that explosion first formed dust clouds where it gathered and finally collapsed under it's own gravity ... the first suns and planets appeared ... followed by billions more that later formed galaxies that contain billions of solar systems itself . 

Our planet , in the outskirts of the milky way galaxy was created like this . First , a ball of fire hostile to all life , it later cooled down enough to build up a crust thick enough to protect the surface from the heat of the molten inner core of the planet ... There was no atmosphere yet that could have protected the young planet from the impact of comets and meteorites of all size . No life forms on this planet yet . It arrived with the water that was provided by the deep frozen comets and meteorites . Ice is easy to be found on extraterrestrial objects like comets .

The first microbacterial form of life on our planet are of extraterrestrian origin .

What happened here , probably happened on billions of other planets somewhere in Universe as well . Imagining that we are alone in Universe is arrogant and stupid .

But anyway , to cut a story that is much too long to explain here , short , the sense of all this is , imo , to create a species by evolution , that is capable to create biological lifeforms that are able to evolve , themselves .

Universe is a giant experiment , just to see if a species will become able to evolve to a point where it can create life itself .

That species will need to overcome many obstacles to reach there . The biggest obstacle will be to preserve it's own environment to a point that enables it to further evolve .

And that is exactly where we , the homo sapiens , is missing out . By the destruction of our own biosphere and ecosystems , we , as a species , will prevent ourselves from further evolution .

We will have failed in that great cosmic game to find the real and true survivor , if we not do everything possible NOW to protect our planet from the destruction caused by it's own dominant species .

It's just a theory , you can laugh about it , I do not care ...

or do you have a better one ...?

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