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Following Thailand’s tightened entry restrictions – the situation remains calm in the country


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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Following Thailand’s decision to suspend the ‘Test and go’ quarantine free travel scheme a few days before Christmas due to fears over Omicron, Swedes in the country say the situation is calm.

Don't panic !!!!


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Do you think internal travel restrictions will return? Have a friend arriving 6th Jan at BKK only had one dose so has to do 10d AQ, and then was planning getting getting train to Surat thani and ferry to KPG, is there a chance they could be stuck in BKK if things get bad by Jan 16th...

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33 minutes ago, Bkktodd said:

Nick Dean was saying that omicron is everywhere in Pattaya and that Chonburi are having a meeting today

if can be believed, a big risk has been taken.

one punter posted on triangle bar facebook that when open the joint was too crowded for him to find a seat

wonder what the cost of 6 staff members in hospital quarantine will be.

wonder how contact tracing will be implemented.

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8 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Am I the only one thinking this is one of the worst misleading headlines of the year ? It's just a story about 2 Swedes saying life is OK and they happy they were lucky to get in before the test and go went,


Total nonsense 

Not blaming webfact, but It’s called clickbait!

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2 hours ago, Bkktodd said:

Well by the looks of most farangs maskless everywhere you turn on soi baukhao, tree house big c…its no wonder covid is on the rise especially the easily transmissible O. Farangs seem to not give a damn….but are the first to complain when a bar closes

I know 3 bars in Pattaya with Covid outbreaks. Excuse me, 3 restaurants.

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4 hours ago, Trip Hop said:


And for the umpteenth time, whilst vaccines are great, they do not stop you catching and transmitting the virus to others. They merely reduce the risk of yourself requiring medical treatment. 



Of course vaccines stop you from getting sick and transmitting the virus. Not all the time. That's why you need a booster.  The vaccine trains your immune system, when it comes in contract with the virus it just repels it.

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10 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Following Thailand’s tightened entry restrictions – the situation remains calm in the country


Am I the only one thinking this is one of the worst misleading headlines of the year ? It's just a story about 2 Swedes saying life is OK and they happy they were lucky to get in before the test and go went,


Total nonsense 

And who are no tourists, but live in Thailand, so they don't care about touristy things anyway.


But yes, it's 'calm'; they weren't dragged to an internment camp, and people aren't dropping like flies...

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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5 hours ago, Trip Hop said:



And for the umpteenth time, whilst vaccines are great, they do not stop you catching and transmitting the virus to others. They merely reduce the risk of yourself requiring medical treatment. 



You can repeat the lie umpteen times, but it’s still a lie.


For the Delta variant which is prevalent in Thailand, vaccination can reduce the risk of infection by up to 90%.


Do you disagree?



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3 hours ago, Don Chance said:

Of course vaccines stop you from getting sick and transmitting the virus. Not all the time. That's why you need a booster.  The vaccine trains your immune system, when it comes in contract with the virus it just repels it.

Ask yourself a simple question? If you have a flu vaccine, does it stop you getting the flu? In simple terms no, you still get the infection but your immune system is stronger to fight the virus so it has less effect on you? The same for any vaccine. 

And if that hasn’t sunk in, explain this one Einstein? I have a very good mate, a school teacher who as such was one of the first after  healthcare workers to be double jabbed. 6 weeks after his 2nd jab, he caught Delta. As he said, it was like a dose of the flu that knocked him sideways for 2-3 days before being like any other bad cold. He still caught it, the infection was confirmed by PCR? The vaccine didn’t stop him giving it to his Mrs either, who by chance was self isolating at home in readiness for a hip operation. Therefore she couldn’t have got it from anywhere else?


If you search the WHO website or any other recognised health organisation, you will find that there is no substantial evidence whatsoever at this moment to support that the vaccine will totally stop you getting infected and transmitting that infection on? If you find some, please enlighten us?

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7 hours ago, Bkktodd said:

What’s coming ? Besides another doomsday prediction? Even ..UK ruled ..that O Variant is an non event

It doesn't matter if it's a non event, the problem is in how they handle it.


They're locking people up in isolation for weeks when they 'catch' covid.

Do you not see that as a bit of a problem?

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3 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

You can repeat the lie umpteen times, but it’s still a lie.


For the Delta variant which is prevalent in Thailand, vaccination can reduce the risk of infection by up to 90%.


Do you disagree?



Serious infection I would agree. Stop totally any level of infection and the possibility of infecting others I would disagree. Check out the WHO website or any other recognised health organisations and they state that at present there is no evidence to conclusively support that being vaccinated stops you being infected and passing that infection on? If this was the case, please explain double jabbed a asymptomatics passing on the virus? Also explain my mate catching Delta and passing it on to his Mrs, despite him being double jabbed with Astrozenica only 6 weeks previously? ????

Please also explain as to why in the western world, double and triple jabbed people are still being expected to isolate if they come into close contact with a confirmed infection? Surely this wouldn’t be required if things were as you state? ????


By the way, I’m not an anti-vaxxer, I’ve had 3 shots of Pfizer. I just don’t like people thinking that just because they’ve been vaxxed, they’re totally immune to it and can’t pass it on to others?

Edited by Trip Hop
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16 hours ago, Cherrytreeview said:

It's not calm in Pattaya.

Triangle Bar, off Soi Bukahow, has had 6 members of staff taken into hospital quarantine after testing positive for covid. Part of the SHA+ accreditation is regular staff testing.

Bar has been shut until further notice.

Nick Dean was saying that omicron is everywhere in Pattaya and that Chonburi are having a meeting today. He expects restrictions to come back in.

One minute the Scandinavians are whingeing their banged up because they can't read the Test-Wait-Maybe-Go-Hospital small print and then the next bunch of ABBA lovers think everythings calm.



Under these circumstances, I think, I will, calmly, stay at home...

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