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Thai hospitality players move in on cannabis tourism


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14 hours ago, webfact said:

These moves, say observers, are fostering an environment where cannabis tourism can help resuscitate an industry that has been badly battered by the global pandemic. Indeed, many feel Thailand’s relaxed regulations could lead to a surge in medical and wellness tourism where marijuana is utilised as a key component.

I'll have what they're smoking.

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I'm not traveling from California where PROHIBITION IS OVER just to score some hemp oil in Thailand that won't even get me buzzed.


Maybe the people from oppressive Euro countries who don't want to go to damp, dreary A-dam in the middle of winter might fall for it, though.????

Edited by SiSePuede419
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There is no travel incentive for western tourists for medical weed.  Maybe other countries, like Malaysia, Saudi, Gulf states, . . .

Recreational weed is legal in some states of the US, the allure was the tax $$$ they can collect on it.  There are some states that would not allow it even if Jesus came back and told them to.  Colorado was one of the first to legalize rec weed, and sure enough cannabis tourism took form.  Same with Oregon. 


A former US Senate leader (a Republican!) is now in the employ of the cannabis lobby, so something could possibly happen on the federal level. 






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16 hours ago, alex8912 said:

Meanwhile my little tiny state I live in 1/2 the year called Massachusetts

Decriminalized  2008

Medical  2012

Recreational 2016


(dates laws/ballot initiatives passed; widespread implementation, esp for recreational took another two years).


Tax is pretty high, 17 % - 20%; 20% in my town. Pain, more fees, to pay in other than cash.


Retail sales outright banned in ~ 100 towns; who remembers dry towns? No alcohol sales on Sundays?



We aren't really even at step 1 here in thailand, even with the recent noise. Medical here is not equivalent to medical in the U.S.


It will be a long, long, long, long time before kancha is legal here. 10+ years.


In the meantime any tourist/PR push is stoopid and will backfire.




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13 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Decriminalized  2008

Medical  2012

Recreational 2016


(dates laws/ballot initiatives passed; widespread implementation, esp for recreational took another two years).


Tax is pretty high, 17 % - 20%; 20% in my town. Pain, more fees, to pay in other than cash.


Retail sales outright banned in ~ 100 towns; who remembers dry towns? No alcohol sales on Sundays?



We aren't really even at step 1 here in thailand, even with the recent noise. Medical here is not equivalent to medical in the U.S.


It will be a long, long, long, long time before kancha is legal here. 10+ years.


In the meantime any tourist/PR push is stoopid and will backfire.




Dr. Doom - never happen in my lifetime- arrives to rain on the parade..


He likes timelines, so I'll repost what I said in another thread..


Here is another timeline..


June 2016... Justice Minister Gen. Paiboon Koomchaya returns from UN conference on Drugs. Announces that the War on Drugs, heavily promoted in SE Asia by the USA, is over. It's time to learn to live with people's choice and legalize..

Shortly thereafter appointed to the Privy Council, a position of great importance as advisors to the King.

2018.. Bhumjaithai party, running on a platform of Marijuana legalization, wins 55 seats and joins Government coalition.. Second largest party in the coalition, and K. Anutin, party leader, is appointed Health Minister. Liberalization begin in earnest. Legal medical approval soon follows.

2020 Covid19 pandemic preempts further liberalization.

2021-22 Efforts to further liberalization resume..

Jan 2022 Draft laws to proceed with liberalization and removal of Cannabis from Narcotics Act are proposed and passed.

Feb 2022 Cannabis, with present exception of extracts, is removed from Narcotics Act and new act proclaimed in Royal Gazette, with law to take effect 120 days after proclamation.


This is a done deal, with support from the Government and elected representatives.


Note: When Canada legalized recreational use, they also exempted extracts for the first year. Legalized them the following year..


Dried plant material is not an extract.

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15 hours ago, hanuman2543 said:

Cannabis isn't and never was legal in Nl, it is only decriminalised for personal use. Recreational consumption is tolerated and it is available in "coffeeshops".

I think you'll find it was not illegal practically everywhere, prior to big chemical companies, ie; prior to 1920s/1930s.

I can't speak for Netherlands in particular but pose the question: what were the sails and ropes and sacks of the Dutch East Indies Company ships made of?

Or the sails and ropes and sacks of ships of other historic trading companies and nations and pirates etc?

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12 hours ago, juice777 said:

Lol even old school bush weed was about 10 x as storing as 0.3% THC. And now days normal standard weed is about 17-20 THC.Who going to Thialand for that I wouldn't even bother my lungs with that see ya later.


Canada  sounds great at the moment A log Hut a lake legal weed on the green list I think.

But I am afraid of bears I must Amit.

Go there if you love Hitler and Castro's treatment of people. I'm Canadian, you have MUCH more freedom here.

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1 hour ago, Okis said:

Do you genuinely believe that after the 1 june that cannabis will be decriminilised, for real? That's pretty naive. 


There is a pretty obvious reason for them not seperating cannabis and hemp when talking about the decriminalisation.  In fact it has never been brought up at all til this date. 


Do you know why that is?  It's because hemp at the moment is the perfect tool to fool tools like you into voting for them in the upcoming election. There is also a obvious reason for Anutin flipflopping 5 times a day regarding THC. 

My personal favorite is when he 1-2 weeks ago told people that he wants to raid the people that will be notifying their provinces about their grows so the authorities can test and make sure their plants are below the thc limit that ruderalis/hemp can reach. 


Not that these fools would ever manage to organise something like that, but considering all the other info we gotten this far it sure makes sense. 


"We promise, just one more vote and it will be real" 


Enjoy your your legal hemp and cbd. 



Well, we won't have long to wait will we?


In previous threads, a poster pointed out that the Thai word for extract is quite different than the words for the various other words for the parts of a plant, ie flower, stalk, root etc. The wording of the act in question refers explicitly to extracts being limited to .02. Nothing about dried, untreated plant material..


I won't be waiting for either hemp or CBD..


And just what kind of "tool" do you imagine me to be? A pipe cleaning tool?



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On 2/25/2022 at 9:53 AM, bkk6060 said:

It is being legalized now all over the world, why travel thousands of miles to smoke a joint?

But,  I guess as an addition reason to come here it will bring younger people with little money who also want to get stoned.  Maybe the modern version of a quality tourist.

sadly it is nót legal all over the worrld yet, you try to smoke a j...t in UK or even Germany...

and why you think only young people like to get "stoned" as you say? I prefer the word "high"...

I know many older people who also enjoy recreational use, younger IT-people as well, CEO's as well... it's for everyone, not only poor young students... ???? 

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3 hours ago, xr399 said:

Go there if you love Hitler and Castro's treatment of people. I'm Canadian, you have MUCH more freedom here.

399>Correct, turdo just declared a 'State of Emergency " and cancelled several bank accounts of donators to the Truckers.  Its the beginning of communism.. Klaus Schulz declared " ve haf penetrated haf de canadian cabinet. ouch. I left there in 2004 not knowing this would be happening. Am I going back you say? NEVAH.. As you say theres more freedom here, or at least the illusion of it.

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On 2/25/2022 at 10:07 AM, ezzra said:

These are the key words and the fly in the ointment " left the use of marijuana for recreation in a grey area" i can foresee surprised tourists being caught with stuff and saying But, But But, we thought that....

Same as everything here. Always leave room for extortion. Same as immigration nothing is ever the same it differs from office to office. 

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3 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

I wonder if the same applies now to cannabis? I never hear anyone getting busted any more, and in my neighborhood a coffeeshop/bar sells high quality buds of several kinds which are openly sold in fancy bags and named weighed and labelled and you order it off a menu. Prices start 500B/g. Signs are outside the shop advertising the service. This is about 50m from a police station.

 Interesting times.

Yes it is interesting to hear that. I guess in your area they are paying the cops off well enough or the cops are the ones running the ganja business. And For you and I who live here, yes, we know the various local situations and how to navigate them to an extent and can choose to take calculated risks or not. Tourists cannot and they are, as of this laest article being led to think by the bald headed ostensibly Dutch spokesman for ganja tourism that Thailand is just like Amsterdam or other countries where they can't be bothered with enforcing ganja laws. According to an article I saw a few months back 80 percent of the overcrowded Thai prison population is there on drug related charges, no doubt most of that is yaba, but a good chunk I'm sure are there for possession of a bag of weed. There are enough Banged Up Abroad episodes for anyone to watch, we don't need more cases. I don't happen to enjoy smoking ganja, plus I am a dedicated Dzogchen-Vajrayana yogi, so such things as smoking pot are trivial and not worth the attention deficit disorder short term memory problems to bother with, give me a blow torch, a quart of tequila, a thyrsis of dvine protective San Pedro cactus, two hits of  ALD-52, a locked and loaded burgmansia and salvia leaf cigar, any day, on the rare occasion I do want to get high, why muck about with ganja. And indulging in any of the aforementioned would not only blow the average Thai government prohibitionist's head to smithereens permanently but they are also legal in Thailand because the prohibitionists  have no clue, otherwise ganja would be legal here. Of course if I were say perhaps a Shivaite, a moon ornament pin holding up atop my head a volcano like beehive of dreadlocks housing 100 billion buzzing and tamed microcosmic demons trained for the purpose of liberating sentient beings then  it would be a different matter. I would then perhaps add a garnish of a sprig of datura stramonium to my chillum and utterly lose my mind for a week.  But I enjoy and prefer life in my wild psilocybin infested garden  garden growing various kinds of peppers, multi-colored nearly extinct varieties of corn not to mention all kinds of cool orchids and other local plant oddities and exotica such as Spanish moss and other air plants from South America . Ganja is considered a wrathful entity by us yogis a manifestation of Shiva and it does promote powerful energies and the kind of transformative fuels and highly explosive spiritual car bomb nitroglycerines that are good for practice just by it being there growing. That they are gorgeous and highly charismatic plants whether you like butchering them and chopping their heads off and smoking them or not, you cannot help but be mightily impressed by their awesome power and priceless value.  So in addition to my fierce family of lovely village dogs who protect my hutch glittering with invisible astral  jewels sprinkled as though they were a seasoning powder where me and the witch Nang Nak live and who accompany the hutch and us on walks as it stalks  the forest at night moving as it does on giant chicken legs, I would like additional protection from theives such as overly zealous and corrupt government. NGO and bank officials who seem to grow more blood lustful, pedophiliac, not to mention arbitrary and logic challenged  and generally cannibalistic and rabid by the day so in addition to my very bity and protective ferocious dog-lions, Foo Foo, Fee Fee, Ha Ha, Oh Oh and Ho Ho who so nobly and regally stalk my yard littered with the pig skeletons and cow femurs of feasts gone by, I would like to plant a jagged broken glass like forest wall  of purple black giant 4 meter high guardian Cannabis sativa ganja plants to grow from out of my boneyard the fangs of their colas oozing and dripping hallucinogenic and incisive oils on patches of spontaneously sprouting blue Panaeolus cynascens mushrooms growing at their imperial feet whistling in the winds bizzarre Pelog scale and Angklung scale tuned Christmas carols in August their irredecing bracts exploding in slow motion with world melting seeds for all the wrathful crows and mynah birds cawing "Kill! Kill! Kill! Klaus Schwab! Eat! Eat Eat Bill Gates!" to feast upon, that would be just the thing! And  a good luck bestowing and enticing habitat too for the local lottery winner bestowing naga! So as you can see, in my case, ganja? Who needs it and all the gogdamned games they are playing in government places with it and all the other things. They toy and mess with the mighty planetsized ganja being at their peril these fools! And besides I get more of a thrill staying at home taking care of and chatting with my pet skull Yorrick than attending Korean pop music festival not high on dispensary procured CBD oil pills. I don't believe for a second the legalization will be clear cut or even happen. Thailand the trickster will remain as it ever was.

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4 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

and in my neighborhood a coffeeshop/bar sells high quality buds

Where is this? 




And they allow people to smoke there?


4 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

I wonder if the same applies now to cannabis?

Ah yes, "wonder". 


I mean we're in the 120-day period, so probably have to wait until ~ June 4 to break out the bong.


4 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

I never hear anyone getting busted any more

There are busts every few days, mostly crops/growers or brick movers. 220 kilos in Nakhon Phanom last month. Photo op below.


163 Kilos found on the side of the road in Bang Phli (Samut Prakan) ~ 10 days ago. https://www.chiangraitimes.com/crime/163-kilos-of-high-grade-marijuana-found-on-roadside/


Pro-cannabis types have held large public events and sparked up in front of police, and have not been arrested.





I rely on Thais in the pro-cannabis movement for their interpretations of the soon-to-be-law. Many are pessimistic.


Thailand cannot export cannabis products. 


The domestic market is quite small, even with Cannabis Sandboxes.


There has been some significant investment, both in grow and processing operations, with some high end Thais on the boards of these companies, so not sure what to read into that?











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6 hours ago, bobbin said:

Well, we won't have long to wait will we?


In previous threads, a poster pointed out that the Thai word for extract is quite different than the words for the various other words for the parts of a plant, ie flower, stalk, root etc. The wording of the act in question refers explicitly to extracts being limited to .02. Nothing about dried, untreated plant material..


I won't be waiting for either hemp or CBD..


And just what kind of "tool" do you imagine me to be? A pipe cleaning tool?



Well isnt it interesting that the main person who have been pushing this literally said that he wants authorities to unannounced raid people who notfied them about their grows so they can test the _plants_ to make sure they are below the legal amount of thc. That very statement was posted here on this forum so im sure you can read it by yourself if you go back 4-5 pages.


Also something for you to think about so you dont get dissapointed in 3 months, there is only one subspecies of cannabis that can produce such low thc levels and i'm sure you can figure out what that kind of cannabis is called. 

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23 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

Be honest not many people smoke marijuana anymore. 


I'm sure the same people will make money with, don't expect anyone in regular society to benefit financially from the move.



What planet are you living on ?

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There is said to be a bill in Parliament which is said to define all the rules and regulations. There have been some leaks, mostly about large scale growing requirements. 


Law being rushed through parliament to allow for a new controlled regime allowing cultivation at home 

Mr Wissanu also explained that a new law will be introduced into parliament and passed before the new regulations come into play to specify and limit the use of cannabis to ensure that Thailand conforms with its obligations under several international conventions.


Under the proposed new legal regime for the use of cannabis, it is thought that the cultivation of up to 6 plants for personal use will be allowed by the government provided that the plants have been notified to local authorities.


A licence from the local government authority will be required to cultivate cannabis for commercial purposes and the new law and regulation will specify that any cannabis extract may not have a THC value in excess of 0.2, which is quite low.








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8 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

None of us know for sure what will happen in the future. I well remember a few years ago the same was said of kratom- it will NEVER be legalized and of course today it is absolutely legal. What is interesting, is when kratom had technically been decriminalized and taken off the narcotic list and was in the same grey area legally as marijuana is now, well police stopped busting kratom chewers. Men would walk around with leaves in their shirt pocket. Big sellers were busted as before but the end user was allowed to do his thing.

 I wonder if the same applies now to cannabis? I never hear anyone getting busted any more, and in my neighborhood a coffeeshop/bar sells high quality buds of several kinds which are openly sold in fancy bags and named weighed and labelled and you order it off a menu. Prices start 500B/g. Signs are outside the shop advertising the service. This is about 50m from a police station.

 Interesting times.

What will happen this time is that they allowed for the whole hemp plant to be utilised in contrary to before when only rots, leafs and stem was allowed.  

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On 2/25/2022 at 9:53 AM, bkk6060 said:

It is being legalized now all over the world, why travel thousands of miles to smoke a joint?

But,  I guess as an addition reason to come here it will bring younger people with little money who also want to get stoned.  Maybe the modern version of a quality tourist.



It's not legal to smoke cannabis in Thailand.


What are you talking about?



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7 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


So, when is the police auction?



7 hours ago, Gilligan In Drag said:

Yes it is interesting to hear that. I guess in your area they are paying the cops off well enough or the cops are the ones running the ganja business. And For you and I who live here, yes, we know the various local situations and how to navigate them to an extent and can choose to take calculated risks or not. Tourists cannot and they are, as of this laest article being led to think by the bald headed ostensibly Dutch spokesman for ganja tourism that Thailand is just like Amsterdam or other countries where they can't be bothered with enforcing ganja laws. [...]

Man, I want some of the strain that you were doing when you wrote this!  ????



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20 minutes ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

Only a handful of countries and 18 states in the USA.

And another ~ 18 (or 19?) States plus DC, with legalized medical, including such interesting states as Utah, Alabama, Mississippi.


Still illegal at the Federal level though making things a bit more difficult. But, shockingly, cannabis legalization seems to be about the only issue where bipartisanship has real meaning? Unfortunately the Senate, old white men about 50 years behind the times, is the roadblock.


M.O.R.E. Act 





I think a lot of countries have legalized medical, but that term means different things to different people in different countries.







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On 2/25/2022 at 8:10 PM, mtls2005 said:

Decriminalized  2008

Medical  2012

Recreational 2016


(dates laws/ballot initiatives passed; widespread implementation, esp for recreational took another two years).


Tax is pretty high, 17 % - 20%; 20% in my town. Pain, more fees, to pay in other than cash.


Retail sales outright banned in ~ 100 towns; who remembers dry towns? No alcohol sales on Sundays?



We aren't really even at step 1 here in thailand, even with the recent noise. Medical here is not equivalent to medical in the U.S.


It will be a long, long, long, long time before kancha is legal here. 10+ years.


In the meantime any tourist/PR push is stoopid and will backfire.




If you get a medical marijuana certificate in Massachusetts you do not have to pay the 20% tax and you can always pay with a debit card for a small fee.  What is the big deal about paying in cash??Pain?? Lol.  The prices are coming down here already and in places like Colorado its very cheap. I don't think this process takes this long in any state any longer. Massachusetts was at the very beginning to allow for recreational marijuana so of course it took longer.  Remember all the soccer moms saying there will be crazy drivers everywhere??? Now THEY are buying and smoking it!  Thailand can easily do this faster. It's so tiny and has a much smaller population than the USA. The fact the Thai higher ups like is that a tiny state with just 7 million residents (Massachusetts) made $1.65 billion on pot and pot products in 2021!!  Can ANYONE on this forum say Thais DON'T like money? As a side note many towns in Massachusetts are still dry towns! I've lived in a couple. You just go to the next town which can be closer.  


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