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Russian invasion creates a multitude of problems for tourism


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3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Very telling that Thailand does not see the events in Ukraine as a humanitarian disaster, but as a tourism disaster !

Of course, the heartless bastards will always think about the monetary side.

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2 hours ago, wombat said:


How is that going to work if credit cards don't work?

The suggestion to book an Airbnb is to 'donate' money to the owner of an Airbnb "in the Ukraine"   

The idea is to help someone in the Ukraine by sending them some money via the Airbnb system.

It has zero to do with Russians (or Ukrainians) stuck in Thailand, nor does it have anything to do with Russian's credit cards. 

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2 hours ago, micmichd said:

Thailand is not NATO nor Russia nor EU. Thailand is a sovereign country that cares most for itself. Which is understandable IMHO. 

That might be the illusion/delusion, but certainly in terms of the government there is little doubt about where their sympathies/under who’s influence they lie. As both Finland and Sweden have admitted ,and Ukraine painfully discovered,there is no real neutrality which might absolve you from conflict . The former 2 will join NATO as a result of this and the latter should they eventually emerge as a result of Russian failure will be anxious to join both that and the EU. 

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Was reading that Greek hotels expect to lose more money from reopening than they were losing when totally shut down, because of price of fuel, inflation etc., and we should expect to see similar stories coming soon from many places. This is a minor matter compared to the ongoing death in Ukraine, but it speaks to the complexities that lie ahead. 

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Immigration apparently giving Russians special preference on visa extensions. Don't see similar news for Ukrainians, although article mentions something about email clearances for Ukrainians. BTW does Phuket have its own separate immigration policy?   https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-immigration-gives-russians-extensions-to-stay-83350.php

Edited by John Drake
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30 minutes ago, superal said:

I do not want to digress from the main topic but my thoughts are relevant . 

Russia is the 2nd biggest supplier of oil and gas in the world and any halt on buying either of the commodities will drive up prices at the fuel pumps and domestic heating bills to an extent that many families , globally , will be unable to run a car or heat their house

Start rationing. I remember doing it in the 1970s with odd and even license plates.

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5 hours ago, jaiyen said:

Take all the Russian tourists to the Russian Embassy and let them sort it out !

Brilliant! Let’s make you president of the world! And what sort of magical powers do you suppose the embassy has over these circumstances? You may  not like Russians personally, but they are innocent civilian tourists and deserve basic human respect as well as sympathy, they are victims of the war

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4 hours ago, Isaanlife said:

I wonder how they are surviving financially?


VISA and MasterCard cancelled in Russia now as well?

Russia is issuing different cards in partnership with China's UnionPay. Big win for UnionPay as they pick up all of the business in Russia that MasterCard and Visa rejected.

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Title does me thailand is suffering as to no russians coming x?  maybe financially but nothing compared to Ukraine and people ..I can't get over putin logic but what do u expect from him ..although I never thought he would do the  un thnikable

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14 minutes ago, Whale said:

But only the common Russian citizen can change the mind of their regime. Make all Russians hurt until they end this madness, if we don't make them hurt they will never have an appetite to challenge Putin by protest or make change.



While I wholeheartedly agree to the sanctions put in place and western companies pulling out of Russia, I doubt it will lead to a regime change anytime soon. Let’s face it, the majority of Russians has been brainwashed by Putin. Try convincing an anti-vaxxer or Trump fanboy in the US and then add to that the fact that many Russians don’t speak English (ie., don’t consume Western media) and are old (ie., get most of their information from Russian TV stations). Those that haven’t been completely brainwashed by his gaslighting, lies and propaganda face prison if they protest.

Again, I think the sanctions are absolutely right and we should continue turning Russia into an isolated pariah state. But let’s also be clear that most Russians equally are victims and collateral damage of their dictator. 

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                                                                           Economy  -  Military


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31 minutes ago, Whale said:

But only the common Russian citizen can change the mind of their regime. Make all Russians hurt until they end this madness, if we don't make them hurt they will never have an appetite to challenge Putin by protest or make change.



Putin signed a new law on Friday that would punish anyone who shares "false information" about the war in Ukraine. 
The law would punish those who support sanctions against Russia or call for Putin to end the attack in Ukraine
Under the new law, penalties for such actions include serving up to 15 years in prison and fines of up to 5 million rubles ($45,000)

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             Maybe I am off the topic (tourism), but just look at the

             maps of Russia at the time of, say 1986 and 2016.

             There is the answer why all this <deleted> is going on.

             They have lost so much territory over the years and Putin

             can see that and now he says : Enough is enough!

             I can`t blame him, although I don`t condone what he is doing

             right now. He is a maniac and will NOT back down. But he will be

             remembered in the history books, for the outcome of his megalomaniac

             brain (If somebody can write the history by then!).


             Embrace yourself,  And cheers (as long as you can!).



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4 hours ago, rupert the bear said:

i have read some of the comments and theyve bewildered me.these people are on holidays or staying here just like  most other readers,they are the same as us.they do not make foreign policy or move chequers on the map,western banks have screwed them and said sanctions were supposed to be directed at the top not the ordinary person in the street and as for the rest of this verbal garbage what of blair and bush and their weapons of mass destruction?napalmed kids in the countries next door,libya and syria beirut and kabul where USA stole half of a starving populations money and left with a targeted rocket attack that killed a bus full of children.democracy ?what was manning and assanges mistake?telling the truth and exposing USA war crimes-look what happened to them.as our lord said he who has not sinned may cast the 1st stone.of course theres iraq and that illegal war so what of that and the responsibility of all you westerners from the countries that played a part in that then?your all guilty just like these people who have great problems not of their own making,shame on you,fools and racists,obviously basic concepts of humanity and understanding are far from your grasp.uncle sams old logic of  'surround everyone with everything weve got and let em have it' is also your mantra of the day

Sorry for the average Russian but your leader started this war, was warned that there would be a high price to pay if invaded Ukraine so he ignored the warnings. By seizing oligarts ships, properties bank accounts and stranding his citzens  around the world puts pressure on him to knock off his bullying or continue for even more sanctions and pain. Go pick up your citizens from around the world as we won't transport them.

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