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A bright young lady equipped her boat, with a book, a bottle of wine, and lots of fishing gear. She sailed her boat, a small one, into an area of the lake absent-mindedly where there was a sign saying 'No Fishing'. She let the boat float and started reading a book, sipping her wine in the soft sunshine.

A cop on his Harley Davidson roared by, returned, parked it and started writing an allegation against her. "What for?" enquired she.

"For fishing in a no fishing area."

"But I was not fishing."

"You were not, but you are equipped to do so,madam."

She rolled up her stuff and got up.

"In that case take me to the police station please."


"You raped me."

"Whoa- there! I didn't even come near you...for Gossake."

"But you are equipped, aren't you?"

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