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Stupid me! I lent a lot of money to a Thai woman.


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1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

You must be stupid, posting the fact you lent/gave a Thai woman a lot of money,

opening yourself up to ridicule ,best to suck it up and put it down to an expensive

experience ,and hopefully learn from it. take solace your not the first and won't be

the last.


regards Worgeordie


That is probably the best and most sensible advice you will get from this forum.


Many of us have been down that path and have learned a good, painful financial lesson.

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3 minutes ago, billd766 said:

That is probably the best and most sensible advice you will get from this forum.


Many of us have been down that path and have learned a good, painful financial lesson.

It isn't so far off from getting married to a Thai lady and then building them a house, buying them a car and then them deciding they do not want you and divorce you.  For the OP he got off a hell of a lot cheaper than some......many of those accounts have been posted herein these pages and as I posted earlier get the same response as I posted......


But she's different Batman.  Few and far between are actually stellar individuals and even those have friends and family that will try and bleed you dry.  Unless your a glutton for punishment you never loan (give) money to a friend no matter who they are......lesson learned and time to move on and forget about it.

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1 hour ago, aldriglikvid said:

 it's not that the entire country is lawless. 

Yes.  Thailand has lots and lots of laws.  There is just no way to enforce them. Judiciary is hoplessly corrupt and inept.  Lawyers are hoplessly corrupt and inept.  And the RTP....sigh....

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1 hour ago, Adumbration said:

Yes.  Thailand has lots and lots of laws.  There is just no way to enforce them. Judiciary is hoplessly corrupt and inept.  Lawyers are hoplessly corrupt and inept.  And the RTP....sigh....

and you can't get blood out of a stone... 

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2 hours ago, gingerandtabby said:

Thanks for all this "good" advice. In full Agreement seems to be the best one 555

I expect that all the non-helpful posts must be frustrating.

I'm gonna and another for the future, ask for advice before you make a loan.


At this point i'd say you need to follow the advice "When you lose don't lose the lesson."


This is the one point that I think might be helpful:

Forget: " justice, fairness, betrayal, legality, redress of grievances, the principle of the thing" and anything else but "is this gonna cause me to send good money after bad?"


A lot of things you  might want to do need to be examined from every angle and maybe after your (justified) anger has cooled, don't lose money, time, effort in a lost cause.

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3 hours ago, gingerandtabby said:

Looked up Tilleke and Gibbons. They would probably fall down laughing at my measly (not to me) amount of a few hundred thousand B.

Sorry to hear this. I fell in to the same trap a while back. I eventually wrote it off to life experience Thailand version.

Thai people do A LOT of borrowing. From what I understand there are locals who give rates on loans. Needless to say this can provide quite a bit of bitterness and resentment on the part of both parties involved. Gold also acts as a buy_borrow_sell method of getting quick cash.

Houses mortgaged up to the hilt. "Oh Mister can you give me 350,000 THB to pay the bank back?" They will take my house soon! Grandma will have no home to live in. In their defence COVID hit a lot of people very hard.


What is the old saying?

"No good deed goes unpunished."


"In for a penny, in for a pound."


If you are going to sponsor a "ahem" young lady, please take the time to understand who she is. Honesty. integrity. Work ethic.

Thai culture is very different than Western culture, Mister...

Good luck Mister



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2022 for me.    Don't worry BRO, we are in the SAME boat!!!   I got scammed as well......


Met three college girls (separate occasions) and we chatted, exchanged pictures......one was way out of my league.  sure.  she said she got COVID.   needed to buy medicine.  I sent her 200 baht, she said she would pay me back.  I said, "nah."

The next one actually met me.  Then later wanted 200 baht for ..... ah....   let's say me buying lunch.    I sent it to her.


Then there was one who was my masseuse and wanted to meet but wanted 200 for something and I sent it.  


600 baht.........yea, that's 10 months of noodle soup for me!!!!   


OK, maybe we aren't in the same boat.


Anyhow, I did buy something for 4000 baht that broke.  how's that?  

I probably spent 10,000 on other stuff I later gave away over the years........same boat?


I'm not commenting again until I found how how much money???????    " a lot" of money should be at a very, very minimum of 300,000 and it is almost 2023 so I'll bump it up to 500,000.   

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12 minutes ago, worldexpress said:

I have a gal I've been with for a few years. We've had a couple of big arguments over money. She doesn't want any of it, believe it or not! Yes, she lets me pay most restaurant bills and other date expenses. But she shrieks uncomfortably if I take her to 5 star resorts or buy something expensive. I really want to chip in to help with some of the living expenses but she won't even discuss it. There were two attemps over the 4 years where I tried to give her 50,000 baht and they led to big arguments. She cried and told me she does not want to be made to feel like "Pattaya ladies." She's a mid-level manager at the HQ of a major bank and not well-off by any means. I feel just as bad that I'm the one mooching off her. So yes, there are a few of us that have been blessed with angels.

Blessed indeed. Hold on to that one Mister

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I've said to myself before, this one is different but of course I was wrong and I often repeat mistakes and laugh about it later when I'm calm and free of those that will steal.


Was it an interest free loan or did you charge interest?  Thai's normally charge interest and its a fairly horrific downward spiral to lose friends and destroy lives. Did you have an agreement, is it legal? Even mentioning to her family that she owes you money could be breaking the law, the lending laws and associated debt collection rules are quite strong even if they are never enforced.


What is her financial situation currently?  What I've witnessed a few times is the borrowing gets them in debt so they borrow more to pay the debt, there is no out and then people become threatening just like potentially you are becoming here and that makes their situation worse, do you want her to steal from someone else to give back something to you because that's what often happens. A court may agree she repay you but it would likely be on a means basis so they will look at her official earnings.


Your sense of right and wrong will often not match a solid proportion of the thinking here, lying and stealing are often seen as small things and not the total break down of trust that it is for some people.


If its purely a con and they are in a good financial position having a jolly with what they have stolen from you then that's different but legally you will need agreements.


I will not lend any more, I'll give now and again but lending is just not worth the risk.


Consider walking away, by sharing here you may perhaps just prevent others from going down this same well trodden path of destruction.

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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

It isn't so far off from getting married to a Thai lady and then building them a house, buying them a car and then them deciding they do not want you and divorce you. 

Well I suppose it all boils down to individual needs and what kind of support you wish to provide to your wife, i.e. if she is not working and looks after your children.


Building a house in Thailand is cheap, especially for one's retirement vs trying to retire in the old country, not to mention the tax breaks here as a non-resident.


I see nothing wrong with building one's wife a house and buying her a car after they have been together for at least a few years and that the outlay to build the house and buy the car is no more than 10% of one's worth.


Personally, I was with my wife for 8 years before the house build started, and it took 18 months to build, 2 man crew, others when required, e.g. renderers.


Now after 15 years of a very happy marriage to a woman who is rare to find, but others have and kudos to them, if the marriage went pare shape tomorrow, the house, all of the contents and the car are hers, why, because she earned them looking after me and the children, that said, I would walk away with 90% of my worth still in tact, while she has 10% of my worth to do and chose as she pleases.


The above said, if one looks at the house at cost and the car being half it's value today, plus all the contents of the house, over the 15 years, I would say my investment of 550 baht per day was an excellent investment, because in those 15 years of marriage, she cooked, cleaned, ironed, did the shopping, picked up and dropped off the kids from school and of course slept with her husband.


Sounds like money well spent to me over my long term investment, albeit it might sound as if I don't love the girl and that she is my slave, but it's up to you how you perceive things, you see, to me, it's all about having the financial edge as opposed to going all in, and of course the laws of the land where you keep your assets, as we know in Thailand, you can't own land, and if push comes to shove, you can force the sale of the house providing you can prove that you built it ect, but why bother for chumps change, she's got to have a roof over her and kids heads, and a car to drive them to and from school.




Edited by 4MyEgo
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