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Philippines Versus Thailand. Trip Report


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phillippino girls are ugly compared to Thai girls...

Now there's a useful, helpful, and constructive comment!!.

If you want to know about the comparison between the girls, it is a very difficult thing to do. MY opinion is that the Pi girls tend to be slightly heavier built, but you can't really generalise. There are beautiful girls in both countries. Ugly ones too!!

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phillippino girls are ugly compared to Thai girls...

I do not think so....

Malay girl and Filipina are very nice looking, and very easy for communication. However not all Western men like such a girl with dark skin. To compare women's beauty in a fair way is difficult, however

.....for me personally, Asians are the best and most beautiful, and a tall woman, blue eyes and blond hair is nothing else but ugly....

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hi Ken

are Phili girls easier to date?and easier to get laid like thai girls?:D

Can't give first hand opinion of this because I am happily married. They do however seem to be extremely....available!! from what I was told... :o

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I read somewhere that for marriages of US men to women of other nationalities...

  1. Marriages to Filipinos are the least likely to end in divorce
  2. Marriages to Thai women are the most likely to end in divorce

The reasons for the differences is that Philipino women can understand English better and are often Catholics, whereas there are often much more cultural and language difficulties with Thai women.

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Filipinas are easy to date, they adore americanos. But if she is a 'decent' girl, she will bring at least one friend along for the first date, so that will spoil your plans for a romantic dinner. After that, you will be introduced to family members, and things could turn nasty if her older brother realises you play with her.

This applies less in the cities, and there are variations of course, i.e. office girls looking for a good time and proud to pull an americano.

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I read somewhere that for marriages of US men to women of other nationalities...
  1. Marriages to Filipinos are the least likely to end in divorce
  2. Marriages to Thai women are the most likely to end in divorce

The reasons for the differences is that Philipino women can understand English better and are often Catholics, whereas there are often much more cultural and language difficulties with Thai women.

There is something true with it....

I think, if you are married with a Thai woman, it makes sense to consider later on to move to Thailand....most Thai women are getting unsatisfied within 10 years or so, if living overseas and want to return to Thailand at least for a longer period....

This is different with many Filipinas, who are quickly engaged in any church-related community when living overseas....

Living conditions are often considerable worse in Philippines compared to Thailand, and I have the impression, that due to good knowledge of English, people from Philippines are better informed about life outside of the own country than the Thais...

If you like an Asian girl as wife, but you do not want to live in Asia at all because of your job or what reason ever, then maybe really a Thai woman is not the best choice.

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  • 2 years later...
I understand Pi was very similar to Thailand up to around 10 years ago when they did the same thing that the current Thai government is doing to Thailand now (their best trying to get rid of the foreigners).

Sounds like wishful thinking to me.

Thailand is firmly embedded on the tourist trail. The Philipines is NOT! :o

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I just spend 5 months there as well as the OP. I will not start to tell about it, just say that Philipines is an absolutely and total SHITHOLE!!! Stay away from it folks. Stay away!

Nice first post! care to explain why? or do you work for the thai tourist board or something??


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phillippino girls are ugly compared to Thai girls...

Another dumbass comment!................. sorry folks i'm just a little protective!!

My gf was brought up in the phillipines and now living in thailand, she is 50/50 Thai/Pi, not at all ugly and i found her home town to be all rather pleasant.


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I lived in worked in Manila 2000-2002 and my experience and observations were somewhat similar to the OPs. I found the place overall pretty backwards compared to Thailand, and in many ways more expensive. Quality of goods and food products in the market was crap, the cost of staying in resorts, etc. was more expensive. Unlike some posters, I found driving in the Philippines more relaxed than in Thailand. I thought they drove much more slowly than Thais. Also, far, far, fewer motorcycles. Crime is a much bigger problem as well, and the guards are armed for a reason. I remember one bank in Makati that used to have seven guards outside at night, each armed with a shotgun. I found the people pleasant enough, and the fact that English is understood makes it convenient. The native cuisine is atrocious. with a few exceptions such as Adobe and Bacalod chicken. What they do with rice would be a crime here in Thailand. Broken, shitty rice cooked to the consistency of mashed potatos!

The woman can be quite beautiful, but in my opinion they are not as uniformly attractive as Thai woman. More variety as far as shapes, sizes, appearance. Complexions are often not as nice, probably due to the food. As noted earlier, shelf life is pretty short and they tend to get roly-poly pretty quickly. That's fine, but what is not fine is that many of them, particularly the hi-so types, continue to parade around the malls in skin tight clothes that are not at all flattering. Never seen anything like it here in Thailand.

Edited by qualtrough
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I lived in worked in Manila 2000-2002 and my experience and observations were somewhat similar to the OPs. I found the place overall pretty backwards compared to Thailand, and in many ways more expensive. Quality of goods and food products in the market was crap, the cost of staying in resorts, etc. was more expensive. Unlike some posters, I found driving in the Philippines more relaxed than in Thailand. I thought they drove much more slowly than Thais. Also, far, far, fewer motorcycles. Crime is a much bigger problem as well, and the guards are armed for a reason. I remember one bank in Makati that used to have seven guards outside at night, each armed with a shotgun. I found the people pleasant enough, and the fact that English is understood makes it convenient. The native cuisine is atrocious. with a few exceptions such as Adobe and Bacalod chicken. What they do with rice would be a crime here in Thailand. Broken, shitty rice cooked to the consistency of mashed potatos!

Apparently up until 60 odd years ago it used to be a nice place. Civilised, devout catholics mainly with a well defined culture, native tongue and were very respectful to most people. Then the Americans arrived during WW11 and it went down the pan quicker then you could say chewing gum. Similar to Pattaya really in later years.

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[Apparently up until 60 odd years ago it used to be a nice place. Civilised, devout catholics mainly with a well defined culture, native tongue and were very respectful to most people. Then the Americans arrived during WW11 and it went down the pan quicker then you could say chewing gum. Similar to Pattaya really in later years.

That's right, blame the decline in the past 60 years on the Yanks. It had to be them, not the local politicians, like the 20-odd years of dictatorship under Marcos. FYI, the Yanks have been in the PI since they got it from Spain in the Spanish-American War, circa 1898. Some of the nicest housing on Clark Air base was built in 1906.

It was the 300 years of Spanish occupation before that that gives the PI a more Western culture, particularly their Catholicism.

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[Apparently up until 60 odd years ago it used to be a nice place. Civilised, devout catholics mainly with a well defined culture, native tongue and were very respectful to most people. Then the Americans arrived during WW11 and it went down the pan quicker then you could say chewing gum. Similar to Pattaya really in later years.

That's right, blame the decline in the past 60 years on the Yanks. It had to be them, not the local politicians, like the 20-odd years of dictatorship under Marcos. FYI, the Yanks have been in the PI since they got it from Spain in the Spanish-American War, circa 1898. Some of the nicest housing on Clark Air base was built in 1906.

It was the 300 years of Spanish occupation before that that gives the PI a more Western culture, particularly their Catholicism.

Are well that's ok then, it's the Catholics fault !

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Good spot, Samran, I had been reading this whole thread as if it was recent.

It's idiotic to blame the U.S. for the current state of Philippines, they are pretty much on their own now, and they can only blame themselves. Cathyy made a good point about the Marcos thing. Doesn't the brutality of the Japanese get any blame? I wouldn't blame anyone from other countries for problems in the U.S.

However, I wouldn't say the Spanish influence is why the Filipinos have a much more Western culture than any other Asian country, it is the U.S. influence. The top country they all want to go to is the U.S. Their favorite sport is basketball, not football, so it's clear it's the U.S. influence, not Spanish. They all speak English, not Spanish. Yes, the U.S. has had a big influence on their culture, and any Westernism in PI would have to be mainly due to American influence.

The thing that the Spanish occupation did was influence their language, like Tagolog, which has a certain percent of the words coming directly from Spanish. Also, there is at least one dialect there in a southern city in Mindanao which is mainly Spanish with a few differences. Also, in the initial post 3 years ago, the poster noted that the stores closed from noon-2:30 p.m. This is due to the Spanish practice of siesta. And, there are certainly more aspects of their enduring culture that come from the Spanish occupation, of course the religion, etc., but the fascination with current pop Western culture I would say would be much more of an American influence than any others.

Edited by Jimjim
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As I said in the other, more recent Filipino thread- agreeing with the OP of this thread- Thailand is like the Phillipines done correctly, or well. Ironically, if you are a tourist there you get gouged more than here (by hotels and airlines of lower quality) because the market is oriented towards an even more obscenely rich upper class with no participation by a middle class to cushion the costs.

I miss individual Filipinos, and the country is beautiful, and there are some amazing places, events, and things to see- but I can say without reservation that my visits there counted as the most harrowing and unpleasant travel experiences of my life. Never boring, but mostly in the bad sense of that.

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this thread is 3 years old.

... and still going strong!

BTW try feeding your cat raw meat, as nature intended, and see its health -- and breath -- improve. The canned muck from supermarkets is purely endorsed by the veterinary profession for their own financial health!

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this thread is 3 years old.

... and still going strong!

BTW try feeding your cat raw meat, as nature intended, and see its health -- and breath -- improve. The canned muck from supermarkets is purely endorsed by the veterinary profession for their own financial health!

Um, it is a quote from "The Simpsons".


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Like jimjim I'd been reading this thread as if it is recent news until samran pointed out the antiquity.

Anyway, having spent time in the PI and Thailand I can endorse most of the opinions posted except the ugly women one (there are some small dogs that really should stay on the porch).

What I will add is that there are two types of Aseanophile expat people:-

The ones all starry eyed, wobbly kneed, gooey types who love Thailand like it's Eden rebuilt and worship the Thai people like new Gods. They point blank refuse to admit to the shortcomings of the country and it's people like as if they don't see it it don't exist/happen. These people would hate the PI, hate the Filippinos and generally not stay the course in the country. That's why they live in Thailand.

And there are the ones who tolerate the Philippines and cope with the rough bits as part of life's learning curve. They understand where the Filippinos are coming from and go with the flow as the alternative is too painful. These people would love Thailand more than the other bunch but would be bored senseless after a couple of weeks. Also, why do continual double back somersaults through a burning hoop with respect to visas when it can be fixed for a fist full of $.

Yeah I know there is a middle ground group but we had a blast of a project party last night and I can't be ar5ed with the fine etiquette. Currently I stand in this group undecided which way to go. Thailand overall is a better place to live then the PI but there are advantages to retiring in the islands. 1.00GBP per square metre land price being one, even if you can't own it yourself there's still the company option open unlike LoS.

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It was the 300 years of Spanish occupation before that that gives the PI a more Western culture, particularly their Catholicism.

And this is what puts me off the Philippines. Catholicism seems so out of place in an Asian country. I find the Philippines more similar to Latin America than Asia. But I prefer Mexico, Uruguay, Panama, and other "Catholic" Latin American countries to the Philippines. And in none of these countries have I seen seven armed guards outside a bank!

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Lived in both.

Why do I prefer Thailand?

The Philippines is a place I can enjoy only if i'm rich. The nice things in life (such as good restaurants and delicious food) are only available for a price... unlike in Thailand where the cheap restaurants are even more delicious than the expensive ones. Moreover, in Manila, I need a car. In Thailand, I get around just fine with the BTS and other stuff.

Hands down, there's a much higher percentage of pretty Thai girls than Filipinas. All my Filipino male friends who've been to Thailand are even the ones who tell me that.

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