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Hitler’s AI Translated Speeches Go Viral on TikTok in Troubling Trend

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3 hours ago, Will B Good said:



As opposed racist dog whistling on social media and inciting thugs to burn down hotels.....I see what you mean.


We do need to be careful with our words don't we?


I wasn't calling for him to be jailed.


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22 minutes ago, placeholder said:

You really think that you were going to get away with making that misleading quote? Or maybe you just forgot to include this?

"Standing in the path of the German army's advance during the early days of the invasion, tensions quickly escalated in Bydgoszcz between the city's sizable German-speaking minority and its Polish majority.[1] On 3 September, as the Wehrmacht was preparing to assault the city, members of the German minority working in conjunction with the German intelligence agency (Abwehr) attacked the Polish garrison.[1][2][3] "

In other words, according to your potted version of history, Germany invaded Poland to defend Germans who were being attacked by Poles because of the German invasion.


Oh, that's just one example. The German minority stuck in the lands Poland annexed after 1918 suffered greatly.


Here's a whole list of incidents like this:


  • "Assassination on City Hall": dominated by Germans, the Execution Department of Worker's and Soldier's Council proceeded to Poznań's City Hall, an armed group of Poles forces it to change four of the German delegates with Polish ones: Bohdan Hulewicz, Mieczysław Paluch, Henryk Śniegocki and Zygmunt Wiza. Poles thus gain control over the headquarters of Poznań Garrison and 5th Corps.



Poland used force, fear and intimidation against the German minority for decades.


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6 minutes ago, proton said:


He was not, recommended by his Dr to be vegetarian he did not stick to it. Very probably 25% Jewish.

The roots of the zombie claim that Hitler had ‘Jewish blood’



What is significant is that you apparently access sources that dish out garbage like that claim.

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29 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:


Hitler was a powerful speaker, a populist, and appealed to people's fears.

The most disturbing thing besides his party’s attempts of Genocide of jews was his party’s propaganda machine .

That party created a movement of useful idiots , much like we see with violent protesters in and around college universities throughout the western world during 2023 & 2024.


Below students block access!





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18 minutes ago, placeholder said:

The blatant anti-semitism in both is just a coincidence then?


I hadn't even noticed it, I'm colour blind and religion blind and love all people with an equal open and loving heart.


But now you mention it...


What a strange co-incidence...

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2 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


I hadn't even noticed it, I'm colour blind and religion blind and love all people with an equal open and loving heart.


But now you mention it...


What a strange co-incidence...

Which is why you still won't say if you agree with Hitler that Jews wielded too much influence in Germany.

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2 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Here you go again. You must think that I'm not going to follow the links you provide. This uprising took place in the wake of WW1 when Germany still controlled this territory. It was a revolt against German rule. Not a Polish government attack on ethnic Germans.


I'm trying to give the full picture, for decades Poles had used violence, intimidation and the barrel of the gun to attack Germans.


This persisted well after the Poles took over. And of course culminated in the shocking atrocities committed against Germans after 1945 by, inter alia, Poles in the ethnic cleansings of over 14 million Germans, when 1.7 million Germans were killed in the most barbaric ways.

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21 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


Somebody had mentioned the Ben Laden letter to say it was censored as well. I agreed, and obviously the reason that letter and Hitler's Mein Kampf were censored is because many consider the words dangerous. 


In particular the Ben Laden letter is dangerous, because if you read it, a lot of it makes cogent sense. Even though you quoted only a small part of it out of context, the rest of the letter was obviously very persuasive to a lot of Americans who went on Tik Tok to discuss it, and were then banned.



The Bible have been censored and forbidden through out the time. 


The Bible is and have been reckoning as dangerous, not to mention the Quran! 


We are just adjusting for the time being, and we are not finished yet, we still going back in time after some few decades with progress. The forces on the outer points will continue to fight each other, and in the mean time, the middle force balancing on a thin thin edge.

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12 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Here you go again. You must think that I'm not going to follow the links you provide. This uprising took place in the wake of WW1 when Germany still controlled this territory. It was a revolt against German rule. Not a Polish government attack on ethnic Germans.


The Poles did not just treat the German minority poorly, btw, they also treated their jewish minority very badly.


From the 1920s the Polish government excluded Jews from receiving government bank credits, public sector employment, and obtaining business licenses. From the 1930s limits were placed on Jewish enrollment in university education, Jewish shops, Jewish export firms, Shechita, Jewish admission to the medical and legal professions, Jews in business associations, etc."




The Jedwabne pogrom was a massacre of Polish Jews in the town of Jedwabne, German-occupied Poland, on 10 July 1941, during World War II and the early stages of the Holocaust.[4] Estimates of the number of victims vary from 300 to 1,600, including women, children, and elderly, many of whom were locked in a barn and burned alive.[5]

At least 40 ethnic Poles carried out the killing



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11 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


I'm trying to give the full picture, for decades Poles had used violence, intimidation and the barrel of the gun to attack Germans.


This persisted well after the Poles took over. And of course culminated in the shocking atrocities committed against Germans after 1945 by, inter alia, Poles in the ethnic cleansings of over 14 million Germans, when 1.7 million Germans were killed in the most barbaric ways.

Well that figure is disputed.

  1.  The German Historical Museum puts the figure at 600,000, maintaining that the figure of 2 million deaths in the previous government studies cannot be supported.Die Flucht der deutschen Bevölkerung 1944/45, dhm.de; accessed 6 December 2014.(in German)



And, that" inter alia" (shouldn't it be "inter alii") means that those deaths were not attributed to Poland alone. (In fact, Russia was responsible for most of those deaths.) Which was not unexpected given that the Germans murdered 6 million Poles of whom half were Jewish. And of course, there is that little matter of Nazi ideology which designated Slavs as sub-humans. You know, that little bagatelle called Generalplan Ost which called for the extermination of 10's of millions of Slavs. All of that might be considered by anyone but the most stalward supporter of the Nazis as an understandable incitement for rage and revenge.

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14 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


The Poles did not just treat the German minority poorly, btw, they also treated their jewish minority very badly.


From the 1920s the Polish government excluded Jews from receiving government bank credits, public sector employment, and obtaining business licenses. From the 1930s limits were placed on Jewish enrollment in university education, Jewish shops, Jewish export firms, Shechita, Jewish admission to the medical and legal professions, Jews in business associations, etc."




The Jedwabne pogrom was a massacre of Polish Jews in the town of Jedwabne, German-occupied Poland, on 10 July 1941, during World War II and the early stages of the Holocaust.[4] Estimates of the number of victims vary from 300 to 1,600, including women, children, and elderly, many of whom were locked in a barn and burned alive.[5]

At least 40 ethnic Poles carried out the killing



Yes, Poland also has a sorry history of anti-Semitism. But far far removed from the kind of horror that the Germans inflicted.

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6 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Well that figure is disputed.

  1.  The German Historical Museum puts the figure at 600,000, maintaining that the figure of 2 million deaths in the previous government studies cannot be supported.Die Flucht der deutschen Bevölkerung 1944/45, dhm.de; accessed 6 December 2014.(in German)



And, that" inter alia" (shouldn't it be "inter alii") means that those deaths were not attributed to Poland alone. (In fact, Russia was responsible for most of those deaths.) Which was not unexpected given that the Germans murdered 6 million Poles of whom half were Jewish. And of course, there is that little matter of Nazi ideology which designated Slavs as sub-humans. You know, that little bagatelle called Generalplan Ost which called for the extermination of 10's of millions of Slavs. All of that might be considered by anyone but the most stalward supporter of the Nazis as an understandable incitement for rage and revenge.


It was Hans Ulrich Wehler, one of the most respected German historians who ever lived,  who originally came up with the 1.7 milion figure, but of course history can develop and I accept the number can vary, however, whether it was 600,000, 1 million or 1.7 million, the number of civilians killed was astonishing, and the manner of death was particularly gruesome in many cases.


Indeed the Poles were one of the guilty parties, there were others.

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3 hours ago, placeholder said:

And some members of aseanow, too.


Very much so, believing that using the standard Hitler trope for demonizing Trump is new, clever, and extremely powerful.🤣 



Just a standard cliché.

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2 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


It was Hans Ulrich Wehler, one of the most respected German historians who ever lived,  who originally came up with the 1.7 milion figure, but of course history can develop and I accept the number can vary, however, whether it was 600,000, 1 million or 1.7 million, the number of civilians killed was astonishing, and the manner of death was particularly gruesome in many cases.


Indeed the Poles were one of the guilty parties, there were others.

And, Lord knows, the Slavic peoples had no reason to hate the Germans after the War.

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1 minute ago, BigStar said:


Very much so, thinking that using Hitler for demonizing Trump is new, clever, and extremely powerful.🤣 



Just a standard cliché.

I wasnt' referring to Trump. But now that you mention it, it is his supporters here  who seem to be Hitler's fellow travelers.

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12 hours ago, Social Media said:

One post even featured an image from a Nuremberg Rally alongside a Hitler speech, which received more than 56,000 likes. One disturbing comment on the post read, “modern society absolutely needs him.”

No, I can assure you modern society does not need evil madmen. He is long gone and buried although it appears we have at least one poster here who wishes he wasn't. 

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10 minutes ago, Cameroni said:

Nobody is travelling with Hitler anymore, he's had his fight. Those days are over.


 Now, we have more pressing concerns such as making sure the wrong things don't appear on Tik Tok.

So many strolling down the memory lanes of their imagination with that defunct monster.

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1 hour ago, Cameroni said:


I'm trying to give the full picture, for decades Poles had used violence, intimidation and the barrel of the gun to attack Germans.


This persisted well after the Poles took over. And of course culminated in the shocking atrocities committed against Germans after 1945 by, inter alia, Poles in the ethnic cleansings of over 14 million Germans, when 1.7 million Germans were killed in the most barbaric ways.

And yet, the only evidence you provided was for incidents that took place before there was a Polish goverment.

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20 minutes ago, placeholder said:

And yet, the only evidence you provided was for incidents that took place before there was a Polish goverment.


In Upper Silesia, Poles tried to challenge the results of the plebiscite of 1921 in bloody “uprisings”


After Piłsudski’s coup d’état in 1926 [Illustration 6], one expected politics to become less anti-German, but the opposite was the case. German estates were increasingly subjected to land reform, rarely practised elsewhere. German public schools were closed down on all sorts of pretexts, after which private schools replaced them; German doctors were denied access to health insurances. A systematic de-Germanization was started, targeting mainly Pomeranians (the Polish Corridor), the Kashubians (who were declared to be Poles), and the Upper Silesians, where the newly appointed Wojewod Michał Grażyński (1890–1965), who had been one of the leaders in the Third Polish Uprising, initiated a decidedly anti-German policy.


In Łódź, on Palm Sunday of 1933 (April 9, 1933), Polish nationalists committed assaults against Germans, which, after the national-socialist April boycotts in the Reich, the representatives of the Germans (and German historians, even after 1945) blamed on the Zionist Jews. Although these accusations were wholly unfounded, they alienated Germans and Jews, who had hitherto cooperated well.



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5 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


In Upper Silesia, Poles tried to challenge the results of the plebiscite of 1921 in bloody “uprisings”



The area was policed by French, British, and Italian troops, and overseen by an Inter-Allied Commission.



Not yet under the authority of the Polish government. That makes 3 for 3.

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3 hours ago, placeholder said:

And you still haven't answered if you think Hitler was correct in claiming that Jews wielded too much influence in Germany.


I think the issue with you asking this is that it was Hitler's subjective opinion, so you can't really say whether it was correct or not.

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3 hours ago, Cameroni said:

In particular the Ben Laden letter is dangerous, because if you read it, a lot of it makes cogent sense.


The thing is, people can make sense and still be wrong.  If say "A means B, therefore we have no choice but to do C", they may sound completely convincing and appear to have a good point.  People can present a "logical" argument and still be wrong.

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1 minute ago, BangkokReady said:


I think the issue with you asking this is that it was Hitler's subjective opinion, so you can't really say whether it was correct or not.

Of course it was Hitler's opinion. I'm not sure why you think that needs to be qualified with "subjective".I'm asking whether it's his opinion that Hitler made a good point in claiming that Jews had too much influence in Germany. 


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17 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:


The thing is, people can make sense and still be wrong.  If say "A means B, therefore we have no choice but to do C", they may sound completely convincing and appear to have a good point.  People can present a "logical" argument and still be wrong.


Very true of course. That is why we need to be free to see these documents for ourselves and with our own eyes. So we make our own minds up freely.

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1 minute ago, Cameroni said:


Very true of course. That is why need to be free to see these documents for ourselves and with our own eyes. So we make our own minds up freely.

And now that you've seen these documents, do you think that Hitler was correct and claiming that Jews in Germany wielded too much influence?

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