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Thai Girl Pregnant By Thai Guy In Usa


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Tonight my Thai gf was telling me about her friend, a 20 something Thai lady that went to the USA to work

in a Thai restaurant. All well and good but she becomes romantically involved with a married Thai man who holds the esteemed USA "GreenCard."

Long story short, the Thai guy impregnated her, she is now back in Thailand but planning to return to the USA so the baby will be born a US ciitizen and receive free medical care delivering the baby. (US Medicare Program)

I am a US citizen and have little experience with the US Welfare System, because I never claimed benefitets. Perhaps she will be denied free maturnity care, but if she does, it really boggles my mind that this would be possible. I don't feel any animosity against the Thai girl, she is just doing what she needs to do. I do however feel that the US Medicare Program is totally out of whack if it allows this type of manipulation to go on.

Several of my UK buddies are outraged by foreign nationals receiving benefits in the UK. I have a better understanding of their feelings now.


PS-I hope we can borrow another couple of trillion from the Japanese and Chinese so we can expand our Medicare benefits program for foreign nationals and maybe invade invade another rogue state or two. I heard that a McDonalds was desecrated in Lichtenstein :o

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In my experience many people who complain about benefit cheats tend to be racists or people who rely on benefit themselves but are envious. I applaud anybody who can milk the system as it is a few less dollars that a country, such as the US, has to spend on guns and bombs.

Edited by garro
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The whole aspect of recieving free citizenship just because it is born in the 'right' side of the border, including if the parents are illegal aliens, are a very weird stance. And should probably be revoked imho. It's not really helping with the whole 'illegal aliens' problem. On opposite, it gives any pregnant parent an incentive to try to get across the border into the US just in time for delivery.

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I always find it amazing that a tax cheat is often viewed as a shrewd business person but somebody who claims benefits for a few extra quid/dollars/euros is seen as the lowest of the low.

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In my experience many people who complain about benefit cheats tend to be racists or people who rely on benefit themselves but are envious. I applaud anybody who can milk the system as it is a few less dollars that a country, such as the US, has to spend on guns and bombs.

I disagree. I believe it is acceptible to disagree about who deserves Wellfare benefits. Disagreement does not always equate to racisim....

Edited by Lancelot
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I had a gardener, who turned out to be an illegal alien from Mexico. His wife became pregnant and delivered early in a US hospital, and there were some other complications that kept the baby in hospital for 6 weeks. The tab came to $USD 130,000 (this was 16 years ago), and it was payed by the state of California and the US govt. The following year his wife became pregnant again and I asked him if he'd gotten insurance. He said "no, what for"? "So the government won't have to pay for your maternity expenses" I replied. His answer was"if they didn't want to pay for it, they wouldn't", Initially I was a bit flabbergasted by his comments, but since then I have come to the conclusion that he is correct.

Edited by lannarebirth
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I always find it amazing that a tax cheat is often viewed as a shrewd business person but somebody who claims benefits for a few extra quid/dollars/euros is seen as the lowest of the low.

Excellent! Please pay the extra taxes to offset the generous wellfare benefits...

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garro>> Are you saying some specific race uses all the benefits? Otherwise it's really odd you would call anyone that is oppose to missuse of them a 'rascist'.

I am not sure where you got this idea from? The people I know that claim benefits tend to be poor.

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I agree with you Mr Lancelot but it is a favorite argument of racists to accuse people of being benefit frauds. I did say 'many people' not all.

So if you don't like your coutry being ripped off by benifit fraud thats racsim? <deleted>! I most people in the countrys you mentioned who moan about there own ripping of the system, i guess you were one of those.

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I always find it amazing that a tax cheat is often viewed as a shrewd business person but somebody who claims benefits for a few extra quid/dollars/euros is seen as the lowest of the low.

Excellent! Please pay the extra taxes to offset the generous wellfare benefits...

The problem with this is that the government doesn't allow me to decide where my taxes are spent. They may decide to spend this extra money on something I don't like.

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Ah, and there is the crucial point.

The government might spend the money on someone that are looking for handouts and not on people that might really need their help, for instance. Since it buys votes, and so on.

That is why wellfare should be handled like the old days, via churches and volontary organisation. Today everyone acts as if it's the governments duty to support each citisen, nomatter what they are (or aren't) doing. Welfare and donations aren't entitlements.

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please give me this girls phone number in thailand so i can call here and put some money in her bank account as i am an american citizen who only pays 35% in tax despite the fact that i spend zero days a year living in america. i just want to say that americans should pay for the welfare for as many people as possible because america is rich and evil and the governments of thailand and mexico are free of corruption and are poor because of america.

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please give me this girls phone number in thailand so i can call here and put some money in her bank account as i am an american citizen who only pays 35% in tax despite the fact that i spend zero days a year living in america. i just want to say that americans should pay for the welfare for as many people as possible because america is rich and evil and the governments of thailand and mexico are free of corruption and are poor because of america.

Well done bangkoksingapore, you are certainly on the right track with this generous offer. I am sure if you pm the op, he will get the girl's number.

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please give me this girls phone number in thailand so i can call here and put some money in her bank account as i am an american citizen who only pays 35% in tax despite the fact that i spend zero days a year living in america. i just want to say that americans should pay for the welfare for as many people as possible because america is rich and evil and the governments of thailand and mexico are free of corruption and are poor because of america.

Hey buddy, "Real" Americans love to pay taxes so pony up!

(Just kidding) Yeah, the old saying "You can't escape death and taxes" is so true for US citizens.

Uncle Sam always loves you-no matter where you are :o

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Yes we need more people who can do anything but work and be productive on the system.

Sure is alot of under 50 insurance scammers around, then they complain about taxes and premuims being

so high. Monkey business benefits.

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In my experience many people who complain about benefit cheats tend to be racists or people who rely on benefit themselves but are envious. I applaud anybody who can milk the system as it is a few less dollars that a country, such as the US, has to spend on guns and bombs.


you tit :o

there are to many sponges in this world!!!

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Any baby born in America is an American (or at least has the option to be an American). That is ingrained in our beloved constitution. That is absolutely not going to change. Deal with it. From what I hear, most other countries don't do that. I personally think it is a charming feature, even though abused by some.

Edited by Jingthing
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Any baby born in America is an American (or at least has the option to be an American). That is ingrained in our beloved constitution. That is absolutely not going to change. Deal with it. From what I hear, most other countries don't do that. I personally think it is a charming feature, even though abused by some.

You're are speaking of a subsection of the 14th amendment.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

A wikientry regarding this gives us a short brief:


The provisions in Section 1 have been interpreted to the effect that children born on United States soil, with very few exceptions, are U.S. citizens. This type of guarantee—legally termed jus soli, or "right of the territory"— does not exist in most of Europe or Asia, although it is part of English common law and is common in the Americas.

However, the phrase and subject to the jurisdiction thereof indicates that there are some exceptions to the universal rule that birth on U.S. soil automatically grants citizenship. The following persons born in the United States are not considered "subject to the jurisdiction [of the United States]", and thus do not qualify for automatic citizenship under the Fourteenth Amendment:

- Children born to foreign diplomats;

- Children born to enemy forces in hostile occupation of the United States;

- Children born to Native Americans who are members of tribes not taxed (these were later given full citizenship by the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924).

The following persons born in the United States are explicitly citizens:

- Children born to US citizens;

- Children born to aliens who are lawfully inside the United States (resident or visitor), with the intention of amicably interacting with its people and obeying its laws.

The Supreme Court's ruling in Plyler v. Doe[3] stated that illegal immigrants are "within the jurisdiction" of the states in which they reside, and added in a footnote that "no plausible distinction with respect to Fourteenth Amendment 'jurisdiction' can be drawn between resident aliens whose entry into the United States was lawful, and resident aliens whose entry was unlawful." Some legislators, reacting to illegal immigration, have proposed that this be changed, either through legislation or a constitutional amendment.

The Fourteenth Amendment does not explicitly provide any procedure for loss of United States citizenship. Loss of U.S. citizenship is possible only under the following circumstances:

Fraud in the naturalization process. Technically this is not loss of citizenship, but rather a voiding of the purported naturalization and a declaration that the immigrant never was a U.S. citizen.

Voluntary relinquishment of citizenship. This may be accomplished either through renunciation procedures specially established by the State Department or through other actions which demonstrate an intention to give up U.S. citizenship.

As we can see it's not completely clear that kids of illegal aliens, on US soil illegaly, should automatically recieve citizenship. It has however been the current praxis but it might change in the future.

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Tonight my Thai gf was telling me about her friend, a 20 something Thai lady that went to the USA to work

in a Thai restaurant. All well and good but she becomes romantically involved with a married Thai man who holds the esteemed USA "GreenCard."

Long story short, the Thai guy impregnated her, she is now back in Thailand but planning to return to the USA so the baby will be born a US ciitizen and receive free medical care delivering the baby. (US Medicare Program)

I am a US citizen and have little experience with the US Welfare System, because I never claimed benefitets. Perhaps she will be denied free maturnity care, but if she does, it really boggles my mind that this would be possible. I don't feel any animosity against the Thai girl, she is just doing what she needs to do. I do however feel that the US Medicare Program is totally out of whack if it allows this type of manipulation to go on.

Several of my UK buddies are outraged by foreign nationals receiving benefits in the UK. I have a better understanding of their feelings now.


PS-I hope we can borrow another couple of trillion from the Japanese and Chinese so we can expand our Medicare benefits program for foreign nationals and maybe invade invade another rogue state or two. I heard that a McDonalds was desecrated in Lichtenstein :o

Programs like Medicaid are the real reason there is a budget deficit, although the media is generally sympathetic to these progams and won't confuse people with the facts. They've been growing at about twice the inflation rate for decades. Even if you take out the defense spending increase since 2001 the budget would not be balanced and it's not that tax receipt are down. Receipts for the last 2 years have been higher than ever. Last year tax receipts were 20% higher than 2000.

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In my experience many people who complain about benefit cheats tend to be racists or people who rely on benefit themselves but are envious. I applaud anybody who can milk the system as it is a few less dollars that a country, such as the US, has to spend on guns and bombs.

I disagree. I believe it is acceptible to disagree about who deserves Wellfare benefits. Disagreement does not always equate to racisim....


Thank you...

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The whole aspect of recieving free citizenship just because it is born in the 'right' side of the border, including if the parents are illegal aliens, are a very weird stance. And should probably be revoked imho. It's not really helping with the whole 'illegal aliens' problem.

Sir, you make a cogent argument but I am confused: are you talking about illegal brown people from South of the border (i.e. Mexicans) or illegal brown people from North of the border (i.e. Hmongs)?

Please provide your ancestry going back 7 generations so we may verify your hereditary claim!

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