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Is There Any Such Thing As "student Jobs" In Cm?


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Hi people!

I am currently considering studying the spring semester at CMU, which will also be the last courses for my bachelor degree in economics.

I was originally planning on going to Bangkok, but a friend pointed out that the cost of living, climate etc. in Chiang Mai was nicer, so ive checked it out, and i think its a safer bet at least economically.

My question is:

When and if I get accepted into CMU, then i will receive a student visa, and not a business/work one right?

Does this mean that ANY kind of work in Thailand is prohibitied?

I ask, because in my scandinavian country, its very usual for students to hold part-time jobs in related fields (for me finance, banking, data-analysis), which i also did.

I think it would be a great oppurtunity to get a part time job of maybe 10-20 hrs/week while i study, but is this even legal, and is there any such student/intern jobs, that pay at least SOMETHING? Or can you get any kind of research/testing jobs over the internet?

I have quite a lot of skill and experience back here, but of course that might not mean anything in Thailand.

On a side note, the government subsidaries that i would receive would be something like 28-30 K baht a month. Would this be a comfortable budget for a student?




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My question is:

When and if I get accepted into CMU, then i will receive a student visa, and not a business/work one right?

Does this mean that ANY kind of work in Thailand is prohibitied?

Yes and yes

On a side note, the government subsidaries that i would receive would be something like 28-30 K baht a month. Would this be a comfortable budget for a student?

Plenty of budget tourists (backpackers) and "English teachers" (backpackers wearing neckties) survive on this amount.

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When and if I get accepted into CMU, then i will receive a student visa, and not a business/work one right?

you will most likely be given a Non Imm Visa - category E (Education). Make sure you take your letter of acceptance from the University to the Thai consul when you apply for your visa else you will get (at best) a standard tourist visa. The consul will most likely give you a 3 month (90day) visa and when you arrive in Thailand you should give your passport with the visa to the Students Affairs officer who will help to convert it over to a 1 year visa. You will need to do the mandatory 90 day visits to the Immigration Office in Chiang Mai but that is a lot easier than having to do the Visa run to Mai Sai.

Does this mean that ANY kind of work in Thailand is prohibitied?

The visa is permission to stay and in your case study. To work you must get a Work Permit and hate to be the bearer of bad news but the Non Imm (E) visa categorically forbids you from working and consequently you cannot get a work permit.

I think it would be a great oppurtunity to get a part time job of maybe 10-20 hrs/week while i study, but is this even legal, and is there any such student/intern jobs, that pay at least SOMETHING? Or can you get any kind of research/testing jobs over the internet?

Under your visa it is not legal. Some universities will help you with getting part time work as a tutor (foreign language) and get around the visa/work permit problem by "keeping your paperwork in process". If the Immigration Officials front up then the College/Uni will correctly state that they are waiting for signatures and haven't submitted the paperwork with Immigration (for converting your visa to Category "O") and to the Dept of Labour (for the work permit). If you still want to work then the only other option is to do it illegally at one of the numerous "language schools" or privately. Note carefully that if you are caught - you will face deportation which will cause you to forfeit you course and the fees you have paid.

I have quite a lot of skill and experience back here, but of course that might not mean anything in Thailand.

It means something here but one of the things you will learn in this country is that it is controlled by paperwork and there is nothing black and white in their rulings.

On a side note, the government subsidaries that i would receive would be something like 28-30 K baht a month. Would this be a comfortable budget for a student?

at that amout you will be in the upper percentile of expats living here :o Take the money, study hard, enjoy your time and don't bother with the work.


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