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Short Changing At Pattaya Mcdonalds


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I stopped at the Beach Road McDonalds adjacent to Royal Garden Shopping Mall for a snack. Wanting something different,

I ordered a fish filet sandwitch (B50); small french fries (B20; and one regular coffee (B20.) Nintey baht right (50+20+20)

Nope , 95 baht.

The waitress tried to persuade me to buy a combo meal (or what ever the corect name is); fish filet sandwich, french fries and cola. I didn't want a cola so I opted for a regular coffee. The computerized billing system must have been down, because the waitress added the bill up by hand and the total was B95.

I pointed to the printed menu that regular coffee was B20 and the total should be B90, but she said that I was getting a large cup of coffee and the price for that was B25. The cup was one of the new "Gourmet" cups and looked exactly the same size as a regular cup. One of her co-workers fetched a (regular) cup and placed it beside the "Gourmet" cup to convince me that the cups were of equal size, but even she noticed that they were the same size and quickly disposed of the evidence. Immediately the counter staff closed ranks and started jabbering in Thai, expounding that I had been billed corectly. I understood that Thai but I did not confront them, I just smiled and said "mai pen rai." Everyone beamed, I took my seat and proceeded to consume my meal.

While I was eating, I noticed three male farangs ordering and subsequently receiving their orders. The guys were young and there was a lot of interaction between the staff and customers. Two minutes later one of the farangs came back and asked for his change (he claimed he had paid with a 1,000 B note.) Again the counter staff closed ranks and told the farang that he was mistaken. The manager was not called, no counting of the cash till and their was no other attempt to resolve the problem. Farang wrong, case closed.

The farang was visably upset but he controlled himself and left, sans change.

I am not worried about being overcharged 5 baht and the farang guy will recover from being overcharged about B850 but it is the Thai people who really lost out.

Corruption is so embedded in Thai society and, IMHO, will never be eliminated. Sure the national pass time of Thailand is to rip off farangs, but they (the Thais) also rip each other off with equal enthusiasim. The Kingdom could banish all foreigners and corruption would flourish nonetheless.

Sure, we have corruption in the USA (Enron, World Com to name a few) but at least some of those guys end up in jail. In Thailand the perpetrators buy a footbal club. You know, it keeps the economy going, money circulating.

On the other hand, I can only imagine what it must be like to be an honest Thai cop or government official. At best, it would make them extremely unpopular; at worst it could seriously affect their health.

At the end of the day, it is their country and they can be as corrupt as the Thai people allow. But it is a pity because Thailand and the Thai people are capable of so much more.

Unfortunately they are a society addicted to greed.

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This has nothing to do with corruption in Thailand. At the very worst it MAYBE has to do with a few naughty staff trying to put a few extra baht in their pockets, but over a lousy 5 baht it was probably a geniune error. I doubt she would have brought over the cups to compare the sizes if they were really trying to scam you, and really, who would scam you over 5 baht anyway?

How did you know the farang paid with 1000 baht note? Because the farang (who are always honest of course) said so? It's more likely he was trying to scam the McDonalds staff. It's even possible he misread (confused) the notes which is quite easy to do for first-timers in Thailand.

To come on this forum with such obvious contempt towards Thais with such a silly story shows just where your head is.

This part of your post is confusing:

I pointed to the printed menu that regular coffee was B20 and the total should be B90, but she said that I was getting a large cup of coffee and the price for that was B25. The cup was one of the new "Gourmet" cups and looked exactly the same size as a regular cup. One of her co-workers fetched a (regular) cup and placed it beside the "Gourmet" cup to convince me that the cups were of equal size, but even she noticed that they were the same size and quickly disposed of the evidence. Immediately the counter staff closed ranks and started jabbering in Thai, expounding that I had been billed corectly

Wouldn't the staff have brought the cup over to convince you that the new "gourmet" cup was larger than the regular cup?

Maybe the 5 baht difference is for drinking from a fancy cup....it does make a difference with coffee.

Edited by tropo
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This has nothing to do with corruption in Thailand. At the very worst it MAYBE has to do with a few naughty staff trying to put a few extra baht in their pockets, but over a lousy 5 baht it was probably a geniune error. I doubt she would have brought over the cups to compare the sizes if they were really trying to scam you, and really, who would scam you over 5 baht anyway?

How did you know the farang paid with 1000 baht note? Because the farang (who are always honest of course) said so? It's more likely he was trying to scam the McDonalds staff. It's even possible he misread (confused) the notes which is quite easy to do for first-timers in Thailand.

To come on this forum with such obvious contempt towards Thais with such a silly story shows just where your head is.

And how do you know that the farang didn't pay with 1,000 baht note? Were you there?

Anyway, up to you, we agree to disagree and I know where your head is as well.

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I do know that the new "gourmet" coffee is 25baht at mcdonalds which is an improved blend which would make her calculation correct. As for the other other farang who claimed he was short changed I do find it a bit surprising. Living here for several years and being to mcdonalds on and off I'm always frustrated by the way they count the change back at least 3 times especially with the larger bills. They are VERY slow and meticulous as anybody living here knows. Same in most of the chain stores such as 7-11, watsons, boots, etc. So it surprising to me that he was short changed.

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And how do you know that the farang didn't pay with 1,000 baht note? Were you there?

Anyway, up to you, we agree to disagree and I know where your head is as well.

Well you've just come out and said exactly where you head is. You're assuming that the farang was right and did pay with the 1,000 baht note.

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I do know that the new "gourmet" coffee is 25baht at mcdonalds which is an improved blend which would make her calculation correct. As for the other other farang who claimed he was short changed I do find it a bit surprising. Living here for several years and being to mcdonalds on and off I'm always frustrated by the way they count the change back at least 3 times especially with the larger bills. They are VERY slow and meticulous as anybody living here knows. Same in most of the chain stores such as 7-11, watsons, boots, etc. So it surprising to me that he was short changed.

OK, but I asked for a regular coffee.

Never a mistake in 7-11? I beg to differ.

I've lived here for over four years and was nearly short changed in a 7-11 once. I needed to cash a B1,000 note and bought a B10 popcorn in 7-11. I presented the note and said "nung pan" but she was busy yaking to a co worker and handed me a 10 baht coin. I told her that I paid with a B1,000 note and she did open the till and there it was with the twent baht notes. No apology, or acknowledgement of error, she just continued yaking to her co-worker.

Why is it that posters on this forum insist that Thais do no wrong and farangs do no good?

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I know that there are real attempts at shortchanging people, but generally I've had that happen at resort restaurants and other restaurants if you're not paying attention.

In terms of McDonalds and 7-Eleven, I've actually had cashiers chase me down on more than one occasion when I left abruptly without proper change. One time I was chased outside so that she could give me about 900 baht change. In one of my regular restaurants, I once had to give back about 700 baht that they had given me in error.

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"Why is it that posters on this forum insist that Thais do no wrong and farangs do no good? "

Not all do but it has to be said some do have an "Irrational exuberance" where Thai's and Thailand are concerned but its sad really as their bubble might just burst one day.

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Yes people will try to rip you off even for 5 baht.

I always buy my smokes by the pack, usually from the mom and pop shops around here. The smokes were 45 baht in every shop. One day I walked into a new shop, asked for my smokes, she gives me the pack and I hand the woman a 50 baht bill and she justs stands there. I ask her how much, expecting the 5 baht coin, she looks at the bill and says 50 baht.

I pointed to the shop across the street and said 45 baht, point to the other shop next door and say 45 baht, I then pointed to different directions on the horizon and said 45 baht each time. I stuck the pack of smokes back in her hand and took my 50 baht bill back and said mai ow. The look on her face changed from prosperous shop owner to young child caught stealing red handed, maybe because there were other customers waiting in line behind me. Ohhh the face...

Anyone trying to rip me off will know on the spot, whatever the amount. I'm sure some of the airport taxi scammers remember me veeery well. :o

Edited by Tony Clifton
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Ok fair enough you asked for a regular coffee and she made a mistake and gave you a gourmet coffee. I also know in mcdonalds Thailand they count the cups and she would have been responsible for the 5 baht. Not much yes, but part time workers make 25baht per hour and full time workers make 5500baht per month. On a full shift they are not even given a free meal but only 1 small hamburger free.

I never said you don't get short changed at 7 11 etc, I was just saying I was surprised. Scam's happen everywhere but I think a lot of posters do defend when it's felt to be necessary. Not sure anybody was defending but just pointing out what could have happened.

Now in the states or europe if there is a problem with the change, the manager closes the till and counts the drawer. I never seen that here but then I've never seen anybody claiming wrong change.

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One thousand baht notes may be easier to carry in the wallet but they cause no end of grief at retail outlets.

Many, many times have I needed to stand there with my hand outstretched waiting for the cashier to put the other five hundred baht change into my hand. They seem to regard one thousand baht notes as five hundred baht notes....as if !!!!!

....and it's pointless calling for the manager because in many cases it is the manager/owner who is short changing you.

Where ever possible, don't buy the product unless you have the exact amount of money with you.

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Yes people will try to rip you off even for 5 baht.

I always buy my smokes by the pack, usually from the mom and pop shops around here. The smokes were 45 baht in every shop. One day I walked into a new shop, asked for my smokes, she gives me the pack and I hand the woman a 50 baht bill and she justs stands there. I ask her how much, expecting the 5 baht coin, she looks at the bill and says 50 baht.

I pointed to the shop across the street and said 45 baht, point to the other shop next door and say 45 baht, I then pointed to different directions on the horizon and said 45 baht each time. I stuck the pack of smokes back in her hand and took my 50 baht bill back and said mai ow. The look on her face changed from prosperous shop owner to young child caught stealing red handed, maybe because there were other customers waiting in line behind me. Ohhh the face...

Anyone trying to rip me off will know on the spot, whatever the amount. I'm sure some of the airport taxi scammers remember me veeery well. :D

Sorry Tony, you are wrong. I was not there but you are wrong anyway and maybe a certain poster will tell you where your head is :o

Anyway, I better understand the "rip off farang" mentality since so many foreigners defend the system.

Edited by Lancelot
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And how do you know that the farang didn't pay with 1,000 baht note? Were you there?

Anyway, up to you, we agree to disagree and I know where your head is as well.

Well you've just come out and said exactly where you head is. You're assuming that the farang was right and did pay with the 1,000 baht note.

Ohh...boys!!!! :o

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One thousand baht notes may be easier to carry in the wallet but they cause no end of grief at retail outlets.

Many, many times have I needed to stand there with my hand outstretched waiting for the cashier to put the other five hundred baht change into my hand. They seem to regard one thousand baht notes as five hundred baht notes....as if !!!!!

....and it's pointless calling for the manager because in many cases it is the manager/owner who is short changing you.

Where ever possible, don't buy the product unless you have the exact amount of money with you.

How strange that some people can have no end of trouble and others none.

What happened with you many, many times has never, never happened with me.

Maybe some people walk around with "please cheat me" written on their foreheads.

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To come on this forum with such obvious contempt towards Thais with such a silly story shows just where your head is.

To even enter a McDonalds in Thaialnd shows just where his head is. :o

LOL - used to have maybe 1 McD's a month if that but recently here in singapore its been at least 1 a week if not more.

I must be losing it as the food here is the best choice of anyplace I have ever been and is a bargain compared to McD's - I am off for a long large lunch at a very good Indian Vegetarian with a colleague to compensate!

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I think McDonalds are great. I have visited their stores on numerous occasions and never had a problem with being short changed.

But this is probably due to the fact that I wouldn't touch their food even with a 10ft barge pole :D , I just find them a useful place to stop if I need to use a toilet :o

Edited by chiliwasabi
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I think McDonalds are great. I have visited their stores on numerous occasions and never had a problem with being short changed.

But this is probably due to the fact that I wouldn't touch their food even with a 10ft barge pole :D , I just find them a useful place to stop if I need to use a toilet :o

Sounds a lot like British pubs - except McDonalds has clean restrooms! :D

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Breakfast now available at McDonalds! They serve from 5am to 11am! Started yesterdayI'm not the biggest fan of McDonalds but I do like an egg mcmuffin somtimes!

Are you for real? I LOVE their breakfasts. :o

It looks like no pancakes though. :D

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Morals, ethics and shame are not Thai traits.

Just the way it is.

So what countries in particular possess these traits?

The OP has used a 5 baht misunderstanding at McDonalds to unleash his hatred.

If, and it's a big IF, there was any wrong doing on the part of the McDonalds' staff it has absolutely nothing to do with corruption in Thailand and merely a case of some dishonest staff trying to line their pockets. This goes on everywhere, on every continent.

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