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Are Farangs Who Marriages Failed Lucky?


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I read your posts with interest in every thread in which they appear. What is common in all of them, is that every single issue you comment upon is , in your estimation "complex", and only you, with your deep insight into the issue at hand, have an opinion worthy of consideration. Please stop being so condescending.

Oh, thank you very much. In future i will try to dumb myself down so i can fit in better with the vocal majority.

But it appears that there are posters who do understand the complexities of the issues much better than me even. I do admire the more than formidable literary skills of ratchabild, and Kat's logic powers are absolutely brilliant - on no issue i would like to cross swords with her, unless i am sure that my research is up to scrutiny.

No need to dumb it down, as that wasn't my point. My point is that it was drivel, and to disguise that fact, when you counter others arguments, you say things like "i's not that simple". "it's complex", etc. It's OK to say you don't have any idea. That I could respect. BTW, you keep responding to trolls on this topic. there are at least two here, one on each side of this issue. They don't care how foolish they look, but they really get a kick out of making others look foolish too.

You dont need any help lannarebirth, your postings do a very good job of making you look foolish and of course you are right too, its all so simple isn't it. why are we still arguing about it........because its complex..... Doh

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I read your posts with interest in every thread in which they appear. What is common in all of them, is that every single issue you comment upon is , in your estimation "complex", and only you, with your deep insight into the issue at hand, have an opinion worthy of consideration. Please stop being so condescending.

Oh, thank you very much. In future i will try to dumb myself down so i can fit in better with the vocal majority.

But it appears that there are posters who do understand the complexities of the issues much better than me even. I do admire the more than formidable literary skills of ratchabild, and Kat's logic powers are absolutely brilliant - on no issue i would like to cross swords with her, unless i am sure that my research is up to scrutiny.

No need to dumb it down, as that wasn't my point. My point is that it was drivel, and to disguise that fact, when you counter others arguments, you say things like "i's not that simple". "it's complex", etc. It's OK to say you don't have any idea. That I could respect. BTW, you keep responding to trolls on this topic. there are at least two here, one on each side of this issue. They don't care how foolish they look, but they really get a kick out of making others look foolish too.

Just a hint and tip too Lannarebirth, when you are deconstructing the arguments of someone you disagree with, brilliant insights like "its drivel" dont really add to the debate. its what small boys masqeurading as grown ups do........try growing up.

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It's time to calm down, gents. If you can't be civil to each other then it's better to be quiet.

Everything winds down, runs it course and stops. threads that were once vigorous, lopsided, young old relationships that are just marking time until they collapse. Perhaps its best to put it to bed, at least anyone reading the thread knows not everyone is here for the largest number of young girls in the shortest possible time at the cheapest rate. Some of us see them as people rather than to be discussed as if they were cattle, appraised, judged and labelled. Only on this thread can a man prove how much he loves one sort of woman by describing his hatred for another, western woman. Never in the history of threads can so many men have described women in the most unflattering sexist terms as western women have been described and never once felt even the tiniest bit uncomfortable with their own, balding, aging, fat and flabby bodies. The best of their lives past they fasten like leeches on the strength of the young. It's time to call it quits, they are lost souls beyond any damascean epiphany.

Just one last point.............when you are are on your own and your teelak has left you for a younger, better man or a richer man, for that is all you really offer. Don't come bleating for support. You will be drowned in a chorus of "We told you so"

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So we've established pretty firmly that for many of you the winter/spring pair bonds are among other things: bizarre, disgusting, sad, ridiculous, abnormal

creepy, demeaning fantasy lives.

I really do wonder if some of you posters take the trouble to read what you're writing.

It's a fact of life that's taken about 40 pages to polarise a whole bunch of would be erudites.

Why worry?

See life as I do, because of this I can assure - only in LOS is there a lid to fit every pan.

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Well, I've got no horse in this race. Never had a failed marriage. Don't have a much younger girlfriend. I did have some loving parents whose ages were 8 years apart and were married for 45 years. Grandparents (grandfather older and much poorer) whose ages were 12 years apart and were married for 60 years. I just jumped in because I saw some nice people getting villified for no good reason.

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See life as I do, because of this I can assure - only in LOS is there a lid to fit every pan.

And here we go again - the "LOS" - Land of Smile ... with many deep cracks.

But that won't bother - because in "only in LOS is there a lid to fit every pan" - for a price cheap enough that every westerner can feel like a Hollywood star.

Lets just ignore all the uncomfortable realities of the "LOS", the social and the political problems that enable in the first place that you guys can call it the "LOS".

Well, sorry - i am not on a holiday here, and unfortunately i do have to deal with all these problems of what you call the "LOS" every single day of my life (and some of that is a direct result of this attitude of the "LOS", and what comes with it). But just lets ignore all that, including the very negative effects of our self indulgent attitude. Because we are just so happy here because we can all do what we can't afford back home.

And i would bloody love at times just to sit in Venice in autumn, off season, sip a bitter and just watch the canals, maybe go out in a boat of a mate of mine. Funny though - the difference of what "paradise" comprises for different people - mine though is not connected to what is in my pants anymore.

Edited by ColPyat
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Well, I've got no horse in this race. Never had a failed marriage. Don't have a much younger girlfriend. I did have some loving parents whose ages were 8 years apart and were married for 45 years. Grandparents (grandfather older and much poorer) whose ages were 12 years apart and were married for 60 years. I just jumped in because I saw some nice people getting villified for no good reason.

Maybe you haven't read the OP, and some of the not very nice scenarios these nice people applauded here in this thread (such as a 17 year old girl being introduced and engaged to by her father to an 58 year old western man on the search for a non-feministic wife) .

Nobody was "vilified" here - those nice people have and still are evading discussion by calling their adversaries all sorts of names ("Bigots", "Prissy"), issuing threads ("if you ever come to patters, be careful, there are many holes...", or another one wanted me to "come to see me in MBK, we can have a personal discussion then on these topics, please come..." and then even giving his body measurements, which, to be honest, were not overly impressive though).

One even started blathering on the right of the "white man".

Yes, very nice people, indeed... :o

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Well, I've got no horse in this race. Never had a failed marriage. Don't have a much younger girlfriend. I did have some loving parents whose ages were 8 years apart and were married for 45 years. Grandparents (grandfather older and much poorer) whose ages were 12 years apart and were married for 60 years. I just jumped in because I saw some nice people getting villified for no good reason.

Maybe you haven't read the OP, and some of the not very nice scenarios these nice people applauded here in this thread (such as a 17 year old girl being introduced and engaged to by her father to an 58 year old western man on the search for a non-feministic wife) .

Nobody was "vilified" here - those nice people have and still are evading discussion by calling their adversaries all sorts of names ("Bigots", "Prissy"), issuing threads ("if you ever come to patters, be careful, there are many holes...", or another one wanted me to "come to see me in MBK, we can have a personal discussion then on these topics, please come..." and then even giving his body measurements, which, to be honest, were not overly impressive though).

One even started blathering on the right of the "white man".

Yes, very nice people, indeed... :o

This thread makes me feel like I'm stuck in a Viagra commercial. :D

(strings of "My Way" are heard in the distance...)

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This thread makes me feel like I'm stuck in a Viagra commercial. :D

(strings of "My Way" are heard in the distance...)


Since the event of Viagra many embassies had to deal with all sorts of embarrassing deaths here. Usually they tell the relatives of the on or under a nubile woman deceased man that the cause of death was heart attack, though nothing more specific on the circumstances...

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Just one last point.............when you are are on your own and your teelak has left you for a younger, better man or a richer man, for that is all you really offer. Don't come bleating for support. You will be drowned in a chorus of "We told you so"

And one final point from me... when you see a "balding, aging, fat and flabby" farang with his young, slim, gorgeous teerak, try not to get too steamed up. You may be younger and fitter than him, but he probably has more money. :o

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It makes interesting (humour) reading but what is significance to this discussion is that of the 250,000 marriages in England in 2001 4%=10,000 involved men who were 15 years (or more) older than their wives.

In 1981 it was 3%,in 1991 it was 3%.As these figure are rounded it is likely the apparent increase in % from 3 to 4 is misleading but it does demonstrate a measurable continuing situation where thousands of such marriages occur every year.

Since the original OP was talking about re-marriage then the relevant figure is that 11% of remarrying men were 15 years (or more) older than their wives (can't find the number of remarriages quickly so no absolute number).

What does this prove?

As you stated it - it proves nothing other that it is a statistical minority.

And - does that statistic show ethnicy/nationality of the younger partner? How many of those 3% to 4% (11% of remarriages) are between English men and women from underdeveloped countries?

Yes you are quite correct they are a statistical minority but since no one has maintained the contrary position what is the relevance of the observation?

A statistical minority is NOT the same as being statistically insignificant,this is a common error made regarding analysis of stats by those who have not been taught to appreciate the correct interpretation of relative and absolute numbers.

To judge the relevance of a particular set of numbers you consider them as a percentage AND as an absolute number,one measure by itself is not necessarily valid to justify inclusion or exclusion from an analysis.

This subset is in the range of 3-4% and you appear to wish to dismiss it on that basis but it represents over the last 20 years in England & Wales 150,000 to 200,000 such marriages.I can promise you my actuarial team would not regard that as something it was sensible to ignore (or if they did they would have some explaining to do!).

As a cross measure I would observe that the Muslim population of the UK in 2006 was 2.1m out 60m (3.5%) I do not think anyone would dismiss them as irrelevant because of the small percentage.

The report does not break down the ethnicity of partners for one of three main reasons (I assume.)

1/Data not available.

2/Data available but was not significant.

3/Data available and significant but withdrawn from the analysis.

In such an academic paper I know which I think is most likely but I do not know and therefore it is not valid for me or anyone to attempt to mask these figures or sideline or press an interpretation of them by expressing opinion which is not verifiable.

What would be of genuine interest as a comparison to this debate would be the same data over the last 20 years from the Thai Govt. if someone has the ability to search in Thai for these stats (and they are a big enough anorak to do it) .

IF they are available and if they are expressed in the same form you might or might not find the Thai/farang situation is different to that in England.

At this point it is impossible for anyone to give an accurate answer to the question :-

Is the % of farang men who remarry to a Thai 15 years or more their junior in age less than,equal to or greater than 11% of all farang men who remarry to a Thai.

Unless you can demonstrate factually that the position in Thailand is different,or demonstrate that the position in England & Wales is not in anyway representative of other farang countries the only conclusion you can readily draw at this point from available data is that age mismatched marriage is a long established fact in England and Wales in statistically significant numbers and the fact of it's existence in Thailand (though distasteful to some)is not unique to Thailand.

All other comments and statements regardless of the vigour with which they are presented are opinion and nothing more than that.

Politicians,advertisers and the media use stats a lot,usually skewed by the selection criteria to give a spurious result :D .

They really hate straight stats as do most people who don't wish to recognise their validity particularly when they do not accord with their own position,inconvenient facts are a real pain like that :D .The usual response is to try and undermine them with some spurious statement or come out with the classic...you can make stats say anything :o .

Usually I am amused by some of the stats presented but occasionally I get very annoyed particularly by politicians whose duplicity results in real harm to peoples lives...sliding off topic.

Anyway that was an extract from Stats And How To Use Them Honestly Chapter One.

I will just get my anorak,the nice blue one with the reflective stripes and go and look at some trains.

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It makes interesting (humour) reading but what is significance to this discussion is that of the 250,000 marriages in England in 2001 4%=10,000 involved men who were 15 years (or more) older than their wives.

In 1981 it was 3%,in 1991 it was 3%.As these figure are rounded it is likely the apparent increase in % from 3 to 4 is misleading but it does demonstrate a measurable continuing situation where thousands of such marriages occur every year.

Since the original OP was talking about re-marriage then the relevant figure is that 11% of remarrying men were 15 years (or more) older than their wives (can't find the number of remarriages quickly so no absolute number).

What does this prove?

As you stated it - it proves nothing other that it is a statistical minority.

And - does that statistic show ethnicy/nationality of the younger partner? How many of those 3% to 4% (11% of remarriages) are between English men and women from underdeveloped countries?

Yes you are quite correct they are a statistical minority but since no one has maintained the contrary position what is the relevance of the observation?

A statistical minority is NOT the same as being statistically insignificant,this is a common error made regarding analysis of stats by those who have not been taught to appreciate the correct interpretation of relative and absolute numbers.

To judge the relevance of a particular set of numbers you consider them as a percentage AND as an absolute number,one measure by itself is not necessarily valid to justify inclusion or exclusion from an analysis.

This subset is in the range of 3-4% and you appear to wish to dismiss it on that basis but it represents over the last 20 years in England & Wales 150,000 to 200,000 such marriages.I can promise you my actuarial team would not regard that as something it was sensible to ignore (or if they did they would have some explaining to do!).

As a cross measure I would observe that the Muslim population of the UK in 2006 was 2.1m out 60m (3.5%) I do not think anyone would dismiss them as irrelevant because of the small percentage.

The report does not break down the ethnicity of partners for one of three main reasons (I assume.)

1/Data not available.

2/Data available but was not significant.

3/Data available and significant but withdrawn from the analysis.

In such an academic paper I know which I think is most likely but I do not know and therefore it is not valid for me or anyone to attempt to mask these figures or sideline or press an interpretation of them by expressing opinion which is not verifiable.

What would be of genuine interest as a comparison to this debate would be the same data over the last 20 years from the Thai Govt. if someone has the ability to search in Thai for these stats (and they are a big enough anorak to do it) .

IF they are available and if they are expressed in the same form you might or might not find the Thai/farang situation is different to that in England.

At this point it is impossible for anyone to give an accurate answer to the question :-

Is the % of farang men who remarry to a Thai 15 years or more their junior in age less than,equal to or greater than 11% of all farang men who remarry to a Thai.

Unless you can demonstrate factually that the position in Thailand is different,or demonstrate that the position in England & Wales is not in anyway representative of other farang countries the only conclusion you can readily draw at this point from available data is that age mismatched marriage is a long established fact in England and Wales in statistically significant numbers and the fact of it's existence in Thailand (though distasteful to some)is not unique to Thailand.

All other comments and statements regardless of the vigour with which they are presented are opinion and nothing more than that.

Politicians,advertisers and the media use stats a lot,usually skewed by the selection criteria to give a spurious result :D .

They really hate straight stats as do most people who don't wish to recognise their validity particularly when they do not accord with their own position,inconvenient facts are a real pain like that :D .The usual response is to try and undermine them with some spurious statement or come out with the classic...you can make stats say anything :o .

Usually I am amused by some of the stats presented but occasionally I get very annoyed particularly by politicians whose duplicity results in real harm to peoples lives...sliding off topic.

Anyway that was an extract from Stats And How To Use Them Honestly Chapter One.

I will just get my anorak,the nice blue one with the reflective stripes and go and look at some trains.

No one who had doctor shipman as a Gp would dismiss whatever small percentage of serial killers there is as irrelevant. and what maybe statistically significant to a statistician would not neccessarily be of much interest to the population at large. You dont have any real breakdown for the figures and you dont have details on the age differences or socio economic profiles or ethnicity of the couples. In short you dont have very much at all to contribute to the discussion one way or the other. As far as I know they could all be mismatched Thai/Uk couples on the run from Pattaya. A valiant attempt to do something constructive but it remains one for the anoraks sadly. I agree with you about statistics. Must be very galling to a professional to see them misused and abused at every opportunity and all politicians do it.

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It makes interesting (humour) reading but what is significance to this discussion is that of the 250,000 marriages in England in 2001 4%=10,000 involved men who were 15 years (or more) older than their wives.

In 1981 it was 3%,in 1991 it was 3%.As these figure are rounded it is likely the apparent increase in % from 3 to 4 is misleading but it does demonstrate a measurable continuing situation where thousands of such marriages occur every year.

What does this prove?

As you stated it - it proves nothing other that it is a statistical minority.

And - does that statistic show ethnicy/nationality of the younger partner? How many of those 3% to 4% (11% of remarriages) are between English men and women from underdeveloped countries?

Yes you are quite correct they are a statistical minority but since no one has maintained the contrary position what is the relevance of the observation?

A statistical minority is NOT the same as being statistically insignificant,this is a common error made regarding analysis of stats by those who have not been taught to appreciate the correct interpretation of relative and absolute numbers.

To judge the relevance of a particular set of numbers you consider them as a percentage AND as an absolute number,one measure by itself is not necessarily valid to justify inclusion or exclusion from an analysis.

This subset is in the range of 3-4% and you appear to wish to dismiss it on that basis but it represents over the last 20 years in England & Wales 150,000 to 200,000 such marriages.I can promise you my actuarial team would not regard that as something it was sensible to ignore (or if they did they would have some explaining to do!).

I agree with you that a statistical minority is not the same as statistically insignificant.

In this case, we are debating that economics plays a significant factor in relationships between older farang men and Thai women.

Looking at the stats for May-Dec marriages in the UK (by buffcoat) is a good first attempt at proving that this is NOT the case, but unfortunately, it's insufficient. Without any economic data or cultural data about the couples involved, you can't really conclusively say that economics has no effect -- maybe it's poorer younger UK women marrying wealthier older UK men? Maybe all the couples are UK immigrants from a culture with arranged marriages where this kind of difference is common? Maybe it's all men with mail order brides? (Or maybe not -- but without the data, you can't say.)

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but he probably has more money

If you consider being able to buy companionship as something to boast about in this part of the world, and as more important than a genuine relationship, you should indeed be a happy chap here :o .

Edited by WaiWai
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It's time to calm down, gents. If you can't be civil to each other then it's better to be quiet.

Everything winds down, runs it course and stops. threads that were once vigorous, lopsided, young old relationships that are just marking time until they collapse. Perhaps its best to put it to bed, at least anyone reading the thread knows not everyone is here for the largest number of young girls in the shortest possible time at the cheapest rate. Some of us see them as people rather than to be discussed as if they were cattle, appraised, judged and labelled. Only on this thread can a man prove how much he loves one sort of woman by describing his hatred for another, western woman. Never in the history of threads can so many men have described women in the most unflattering sexist terms as western women have been described and never once felt even the tiniest bit uncomfortable with their own, balding, aging, fat and flabby bodies. The best of their lives past they fasten like leeches on the strength of the young. It's time to call it quits, they are lost souls beyond any damascean epiphany.

Just one last point.............when you are are on your own and your teelak has left you for a younger, better man or a richer man, for that is all you really offer. Don't come bleating for support. You will be drowned in a chorus of "We told you so"

I love the way you people bandy your PC credentials around, condem others for stereotyping, then show true double standards with stereotypes of your own as above.

What do you on the left call the sterotypes you use? Anti-stereotypes, positive sterotyping, empowering sterotyping etc.

You really are to ones crying in the wilderness.

Back on Topic, you and people like Canadiangirl (shouldn't it be canadianwoman) come on this thread to lambast anybody that feels happy with their relationship here in Thailand... with the exception of gay men with younger boys obviously as that isn't PC. The same Canadiangirl who set up a post on how to get a boyfriend. Want us to mark you as a fat old sex tourist when you find your Thai boyfriend? Want us to call him a poor, uneducated, slave to western women sex tourists? No, then don't tar all of us and our wives as such then.

I did ask what all the unhappy posters on here do with their lives that is so fantastic and better than sex, love and a happy life etc. One reply only and that was "chocolate". Says more about you than us!

Just accept the staus quo, it happens. You'll always be outraged about people having something you feel they shouldn't have if it's a white man. And we will always feel sorry for anybody that spends their time yah boo sucking others.

Lots of knocking on this thread again of Thailand, Thai People falangs etc. Really wonder what some people come here for.

Try lightening up a bit, and stay away from the red light districts if it offends you so much.

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Back on Topic, you and people like Canadiangirl (shouldn't it be canadianwoman) come on this thread to lambast anybody that feels happy with their relationship here in Thailand... with the exception of gay men with younger boys obviously as that isn't PC. The same Canadiangirl who set up a post on how to get a boyfriend. Want us to mark you as a fat old sex tourist when you find your Thai boyfriend? Want us to call him a poor, uneducated, slave to western women sex tourists? No, then don't tar all of us and our wives as such then.

Have you heard that slinging personal insults is the sign of someone with no real arguments?

I'm sorry if discussing some of the broader forces at play in Thai-farang relationships seems to strike a nerve with you. Since I don't know you outside of your posts here, you're the only one to know if they apply to your particular situation. Your defensive posture suggests there are some truths there.

If you're going to try to insult me based on my posts, I'd advise you to read them.

I'm going to say this as politely as possible: arguments that younger Thai women seek you out for your charms rather than your wallet would be better supported by something else than these venomous posts.

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It's time to calm down, gents. If you can't be civil to each other then it's better to be quiet.

Everything winds down, runs it course and stops. threads that were once vigorous, lopsided, young old relationships that are just marking time until they collapse. Perhaps its best to put it to bed, at least anyone reading the thread knows not everyone is here for the largest number of young girls in the shortest possible time at the cheapest rate. Some of us see them as people rather than to be discussed as if they were cattle, appraised, judged and labelled. Only on this thread can a man prove how much he loves one sort of woman by describing his hatred for another, western woman. Never in the history of threads can so many men have described women in the most unflattering sexist terms as western women have been described and never once felt even the tiniest bit uncomfortable with their own, balding, aging, fat and flabby bodies. The best of their lives past they fasten like leeches on the strength of the young. It's time to call it quits, they are lost souls beyond any damascean epiphany.

Just one last point.............when you are are on your own and your teelak has left you for a younger, better man or a richer man, for that is all you really offer. Don't come bleating for support. You will be drowned in a chorus of "We told you so"

I love the way you people bandy your PC credentials around, condem others for stereotyping, then show true double standards with stereotypes of your own as above.

What do you on the left call the sterotypes you use? Anti-stereotypes, positive sterotyping, empowering sterotyping etc.

You really are to ones crying in the wilderness.

Back on Topic, you and people like Canadiangirl (shouldn't it be canadianwoman) come on this thread to lambast anybody that feels happy with their relationship here in Thailand... with the exception of gay men with younger boys obviously as that isn't PC. The same Canadiangirl who set up a post on how to get a boyfriend. Want us to mark you as a fat old sex tourist when you find your Thai boyfriend? Want us to call him a poor, uneducated, slave to western women sex tourists? No, then don't tar all of us and our wives as such then.

I did ask what all the unhappy posters on here do with their lives that is so fantastic and better than sex, love and a happy life etc. One reply only and that was "chocolate". Says more about you than us!

Just accept the staus quo, it happens. You'll always be outraged about people having something you feel they shouldn't have if it's a white man. And we will always feel sorry for anybody that spends their time yah boo sucking others.

Lots of knocking on this thread again of Thailand, Thai People falangs etc. Really wonder what some people come here for.

Try lightening up a bit, and stay away from the red light districts if it offends you so much.

You are very hung up about "white men" aren't you? No one else has ever mentioned it apart from you. Whats the matter your KKK meeting got cancelled?

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Back on Topic, you and people like Canadiangirl (shouldn't it be canadianwoman) come on this thread to lambast anybody that feels happy with their relationship here in Thailand... with the exception of gay men with younger boys obviously as that isn't PC. The same Canadiangirl who set up a post on how to get a boyfriend. Want us to mark you as a fat old sex tourist when you find your Thai boyfriend? Want us to call him a poor, uneducated, slave to western women sex tourists? No, then don't tar all of us and our wives as such then.

Have you heard that slinging personal insults is the sign of someone with no real arguments?

I'm sorry if discussing some of the broader forces at play in Thai-farang relationships seems to strike a nerve with you. Since I don't know you outside of your posts here, you're the only one to know if they apply to your particular situation. Your defensive posture suggests there are some truths there.

If you're going to try to insult me based on my posts, I'd advise you to read them.

I'm going to say this as politely as possible: arguments that younger Thai women seek you out for your charms rather than your wallet would be better supported by something else than these venomous posts.

Poor Dupont, first he sees himself as endangered white man now you question his attractiveness........Dont you know its the size of his wallet that counts otherwise he would be a very solitary man.

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It's time to calm down, gents. If you can't be civil to each other then it's better to be quiet.

Everything winds down, runs it course and stops. threads that were once vigorous, lopsided, young old relationships that are just marking time until they collapse. Perhaps its best to put it to bed, at least anyone reading the thread knows not everyone is here for the largest number of young girls in the shortest possible time at the cheapest rate. Some of us see them as people rather than to be discussed as if they were cattle, appraised, judged and labelled. Only on this thread can a man prove how much he loves one sort of woman by describing his hatred for another, western woman. Never in the history of threads can so many men have described women in the most unflattering sexist terms as western women have been described and never once felt even the tiniest bit uncomfortable with their own, balding, aging, fat and flabby bodies. The best of their lives past they fasten like leeches on the strength of the young. It's time to call it quits, they are lost souls beyond any damascean epiphany.

Just one last point.............when you are are on your own and your teelak has left you for a younger, better man or a richer man, for that is all you really offer. Don't come bleating for support. You will be drowned in a chorus of "We told you so"

I love the way you people bandy your PC credentials around, condem others for stereotyping, then show true double standards with stereotypes of your own as above.

What do you on the left call the sterotypes you use? Anti-stereotypes, positive sterotyping, empowering sterotyping etc.

You really are to ones crying in the wilderness.

Back on Topic, you and people like Canadiangirl (shouldn't it be canadianwoman) come on this thread to lambast anybody that feels happy with their relationship here in Thailand... with the exception of gay men with younger boys obviously as that isn't PC. The same Canadiangirl who set up a post on how to get a boyfriend. Want us to mark you as a fat old sex tourist when you find your Thai boyfriend? Want us to call him a poor, uneducated, slave to western women sex tourists? No, then don't tar all of us and our wives as such then.

I did ask what all the unhappy posters on here do with their lives that is so fantastic and better than sex, love and a happy life etc. One reply only and that was "chocolate". Says more about you than us!

Just accept the staus quo, it happens. You'll always be outraged about people having something you feel they shouldn't have if it's a white man. And we will always feel sorry for anybody that spends their time yah boo sucking others.

Lots of knocking on this thread again of Thailand, Thai People falangs etc. Really wonder what some people come here for.

Try lightening up a bit, and stay away from the red light districts if it offends you so much.

Incidentally Doh-pont what applies to mis matched hetero couples applies to similarly mismatched Gay couples. Anyone with half a brain knows that. Sadly you are lacking the wherewithal to make that judgement.

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We are all going to the mulch pile. In not too long most people posting here will most likely be composting. Is it really worth it? The world demands a lot from us. It tells us to compete and critique. But the end will come soon enough, so why are we letting the world destroy the enjoyment we have now?

When we are really happy sometimes we forget who we are. Then some unhappy person slaps us and says 'Look at yourself. What are you doing? Grow up fool'

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We are all going to the mulch pile. In not too long most people posting here will most likely be composting. Is it really worth it? The world demands a lot from us. It tells us to compete and critique. But the end will come soon enough, so why are we letting the world destroy the enjoyment we have now?

When we are really happy sometimes we forget who we are. Then some unhappy person slaps us and says 'Look at yourself. What are you doing? Grow up fool'

Spot on mate. :o


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