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Australian Priest Extradited From Thailand To Sue

sriracha john

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more contradictions of the priest....

Aborted trial 'appalling': Rann

PREMIER Mike Rann wishes former school chaplain John Mountford had gone to trial on child sex charges and subsequently been crossexamined.

He has also described comments made by Mr Mountford about the alleged victim as "an absolutely filthy attack".

Mr Mountford's trial for allegedly molesting a student at St Peter's College was aborted on Tuesday just weeks before it was due to start because of the alleged victim's deteriorating mental health.

On Thursday, before he left the country, Mr Mountford said he was not a pedophile and his life had been destroyed by his arrest and extradition from Thailand.

He said he had expected public sympathy because he was an innocent man who had been prosecuted for "political reasons by the Rann Government".

Mr Rann hit back yesterday saying Mr Mountford's comments were "just appalling".

"The fact that someone of the calibre of Mountford attacking me personally makes me feel better about myself," he said.

Mr Rann said he had no sympathies whatsoever for Mr Mountford.

"I am not the prosecuting authority, I am not the complainant. I am not the police in Thailand," he said.

"I mean, this is a matter dealt with between the SA police, the federal police and the Thai police."

Mr Rann said Mr Mountford had come out and said he is going to sue him (the Premier).

"At least that will get him before the court and at least that will get him cross-examined which I think most of us would like to see," he said.

Mr Rann said Director of Public Prosecutions Stephen Pallaras, QC, made the decisions on whether to proceed with charges or not.

"How Mr Mountford can somehow say I was involved in his prosecution or indeed his extradition, let alone his imprisonment in Thailand, beggars belief," he said.

"I wish he had been prosecuted and had gone to trial. I would like to see Mountford cross-examined in a court of law."

- Adelaide Now

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  • 2 weeks later...

This man who accused Mountford is now playing out the trial by media , putting forward his lies and false allegations whilst Mountford was denied his day in court.

He dropped all charges as he knew all his lies and false allegations would be exposed and now the man is whipping up public sympathy ahead of a civil claim against the school for $3 million and the Premier Rann is supporting him as it was always a politically motivated prosecution.

Mountford is not allowed to fight back and name him or put forward any of the facts and yet this man can continue the process of vilification without any consequences.

I though Australia was supposed to be the Land of the fair go!!!????

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  • 2 months later...

UPDATE... the trial may be back on; with a new extradition request.. as apparently he's back in Thailand again

Mountford may yet stand trial

Disgraced former St Peter's College chaplain John Mountford may yet face trial over the alleged sexual abuse of a student.

In a sensational development in the case, Mountford's alleged victim "David" has decided he will now testify against him.

The decision comes 10 weeks after all charges against Mountford were dropped by Director of Public Prosecutions Stephen Pallaras, QC, because of David's deteriorating mental health.

In his first extensive interview since the charges were dropped on August 28, David has told the Sunday Mail he now wants Mountford to "face justice". His decision, made over the past few weeks, has left the door open for Mr Pallaras to re-charge Mountford and have him extradited once again to face trial.

"If criminal charges were relaid against Mountford, I would most certainly take my place in the witness box," David said this week. "I am now a lot stronger as a person. I can now read my police statement without throwing up and/or spending the next three or four days in bed in the fetal position just crying and feeling ashamed and dirty."

"Most definitely I would testify if my charges were relaid and if another person was to come forward to the Pedophile Task Force and Rev Mountford was re-extradited, I would gladly give evidence and assist that person wherever possible.

"Rev. Mountford is a pedophile who had a history of preying on young, naive boys such as me for his own personal pleasure and gratification," David said in a letter tabled in Parliament.

David, 30, said that while he had told a DPP witness liaison officer he "had his anger back" concerning the case, he had not yet spoken to Mr Pallaras about his decision. On Friday, Mr Pallaras declined to comment on the development in the case.

Mountford left Adelaide several days after the District Court charges against him were withdrawn and is now believed to be living in Thailand, from where he was originally extradited by SA police in 2004.

David, whose letter of explanation and appreciation to Premier Mike Rann was tabled in State Parliament on Thursday, said one of the catalysts for his change of heart was the death of his grandmother in September. She was one of the reasons he opted not to proceed with the charges.

He said he has managed to kick a 14-year drug habit and has now "refocused" his life. David said he "had nothing but praise for what the school is doing now to protect its children, but people need to know what went on back then." He also revealed he was in the process of creating a website dedicated to the alleged abuse at St Peter's College.

The website would contain details of his case, links to the Pedophile Task Force, rape counselling centres and other services to assist sexual assault victims, he said. "My aim with the website is to tell people the story of what happened to me, why the case didn't go ahead, every aspect of the Rev. Mountford years," David said.

"I believe it's time that people know what happened at St Peter's. It is aimed at anybody who wants to know the truth."

David said he did not want it to be viewed as a "hate site" and was not concerned at possible legal action because of its content, simply "because everything on there will be factual". "I am at liberty to publish anything in the public arena," he said.

"I am also seeking legal advice as to whether or not the statement I gave to the Pedophile Task Force can be placed on the site."

David is now in the process of negotiating a multi-million dollar compensation payout from St Peter's College over his alleged abuse, which occurred in 1991 and 1992. While the civil action was lodged in the District Court in 2004, it was delayed because of the pending criminal trial. A week after the criminal charges were dropped, the first mediation session with the school over his compensation claim was arranged. While he declined to comment on the claim, it is known a forensic accountant is reviewing it.

"My dream was to become a commercial pilot," he said. "I ended up becoming a successful chef and the claim is based on those ambitions, none of which I have managed to achieve because of what happened to me at St Peter's.

David said he firmly believed his years at St Peter's College had destroyed his life, and yet he was "still waiting" for an apology from the school. "St Peter's has had 14 years to apologise to me, but I have received nothing but letters requesting money for the building fund," he said.

David said he still suffered from severe depression, chronic fatigue, recurring nightmares and was unable to work. He now spends his time recovering and when able, researching material to be included on his website. In his letter to Mr Rann tabled in Parliament, David said he was aware other boys were abused at St Peter's College by Mountford. "I know for certain that I was not the only student he abused at St Peter's College and that there are others he groomed and took advantage of," he said in the letter.

Duncan Basheer Hannon lawyer Peter Humphries paid tribute to Mr Rann for tabling David's letter in Parliament. "Mr Rann has been an unwavering supporter of victims of historical sexual abuse in South Australia," he said. "This has been demonstrated through his support of the Anglican Inquiry, funding the Pedophile Task Force and establishing the Mullighan inquiry. "Allowing David to have his say in this venue is yet another example of that support."

St Peter's College did not respond to a series of questions from the Sunday Mail. One of the questions concerned Mountford's dealings with other students.

- Adelaide Now

Edited by sriracha john
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One can only speculate on what exactly is happening, but in my experience in another country while dealing with a roughly similar situation, what happened was that when the victim recanted the story, the judge ordered her held for perjury--basically for lying in previous court hearings under oath.

In the end, after being threatened with jail time, she decided to go ahead with the prosecution.

I don't know how it works in Australia, but in the U.S., the victim is not the one that decides to proceed, it is the court which decides. Of course, that can get difficult if your witness suddenly says it didn't happen.

In the case I am referring to, in the end the charges were dropped against the alleged perpetrator, but it was several years of misery for all concerned and some reasonably good evidence that the sexual abuse did not occur.

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  • 1 year later...

John Mountford at a Bangkok police station in 2004

Priest suing Rann

The State Government faces litigation from an Anglican priest dramatically extradited from Thailand over child sex abuse allegations.

Former St Peter's College chaplain the Reverend John Mountford, 52, has instructed his lawyers to seek civil damages over his high-profile return to South Australia in 2005.

This follows a decision by his alleged victim, now aged in his late 20s, to withdraw a complaint that he was sexually abused by Mountford in the early 1990s.

SA police investigated the allegations after an independent inquiry found former Anglican archbishop Ian George visited Mountford hours before he left Adelaide in 2002.

Legal sources have confirmed that Mountford, who spent several months in a Bangkok jail after his arrest, wanted to sue the State Government over his extradition - and subsequent public comments made by Premier Mike Rann.

Mr Rann told a media conference following Mountford's return in February, 2005, that the allegations involving the British-born priest had "sickened me".

The Advertiser, which first revealed the victim's allegations in 2003, last week confirmed he had told prosecutors he no longer wanted to proceed with the case. Prosecutors this afternoon will seek a suppression order over those reasons when they notify District Court Judge Peter Herriman that eight child sex abuse charges against Mountford will formally be withdrawn.

He was due to face trial next month over five counts of indecent assault, two counts of unlawful sexual intercourse and one count of procuring an act of gross indecency.

The high-profile case has involved numerous hearings before the Adelaide Magistrates Court and District Court about the victim's credibility and ability to give evidence.

- Adelaide Now

UPDATE... and now he's been killed...


Sex abuse case chaplain's death confirmed

The British Foreign Office has confirmed former Saint Peter's College chaplain John Mountford has died in suspicious circumstances in the Libyan capital of Tripoli.

Libyan police are investigating his death. The Foreign Office says his next-of-kin have been informed.

John Mountford was charged with sexually abusing students at the prominent boys' school, but a trial collapsed after his extradition from Thailand.

He had been living in the Libyan capital Tripoli for the past two years and had established an English-language school.

The sexual abuse charges against Mountford were dropped in 2007 because of the mental state of his alleged victim, David Martin.

Mr Martin's lawyer, Peter Humphries, says the news of Mountford's death brings no joy.

"There is however a sense of considerable relief that the events that have caused the family such distress over the years can finally be put behind them," he said.

SA Premier Mike Rann says Mr Mountford will not be missed.

"I would never ever condone violence in any way to any person and I'm not aware of the circumstances of his death," he said.

"All I can say is that he dishonoured his calling, he dishonoured his profession and my thoughts today are with the victims, those young people he preyed upon."

- ABC News (Australia) / 2009-07-21

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Accused Australian pedophile 'murdered'

ADELAIDE'S Anglican Church is trying to confirm reports a former chaplain accused of sexually abusing pupils at Saint Peters College has been murdered in Libya.

Archbishop Jeffrey Driver said reports John Mountford had been found dead in his Tripoli apartment at the weekend had not yet been confirmed.

"This has been a sad and difficult experience," Mr Driver said.

"A violent death is always a tragedy and causes shock and sadness for family and friends; I recognise that.

"But I also recognise that reports of Mr Mountford's death may stir difficult emotions for some and my thoughts and prayers are with them."

Mr Mountford was charged with sexually abusing students at the prominent boys' school, but the trial collapsed after his extradition from Thailand.

A second trial reportedly collapsed in 2007 and the charges against Mr Mountford were subsequently dropped.

Adelaide friends of Mr Mountford told the Independent Weekly the former chaplain was stabbed to death in Tripoli, where he had been living for two years, shortly after returning from London to celebrate his mother's birthday.

Mr Mountford reportedly claimed to friends that people in Tripoli, where he had established an English language school that was in no way connected to the Anglican Church, were blackmailing him and threatening to reveal his past in Adelaide.

Mr Mountford was charged with five counts of indecent assault, two of procuring the commission of an act of gross indecency and one of unlawful sexual intercourse in 2005.

He allegedly always claimed he was innocent and said he wanted the case heard.

The victim reportedly received an out of court settlement earlier this year.

"Over recent years the church has had to confront some disturbing issues related to the abuse of those in its care and I take this opportunity to encourage anyone who has been affected by abuse to make contact with our professional standards director," Archbishop Driver said.

- AAP / 2009-07-21

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I went to a Catholic school & church, and always wondered what the Monsignors did for fun, as they were not

allowed to marry, in the conventional sense. I soon found out - luckily I was big and didnt have any problems.

Between the church & scouts they must deploy the largest contingent of 'legal' fudge in the free world.

Having said that, maybe laddo was the only straight cat in the world. Dont get much trippier than Tripoli though.

Victims mostly pull out of lawsuits because of the public shaming.


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I know some of the people involved in this case and I have information that the man who made the false allegations is a scum bag. He is spoilt rich kid from a wealthy powerful family who went off the rails at an early age. He has had mental problems almost all his life, drug addict, brought legal actions against people before and dropped in the last minute. He is heavily involved in criminal activities and wanted by the police in another State. He is well known as a liar and a cheat and all he was after was money - $3millions. He should be out behind bars for making untrue allegations but we can't even mention his name. Because of supression orders nothing can come out about him at all - mores the pity!

Wait and see what will happend next!!!

another Michael Jackson case.....

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Mr Martin's lawyer, Peter Humphries, says the news of Mountford's death brings no joy.

"There is however a sense of considerable relief that the events that have caused the family such distress over the years can finally be put behind them," he said.

How on earth does his death make it able for them to put this behind them?

"Yay, he is dead, now I feel great again!"

That isn't how it works.

And this kids description of reading police transcripts and throwing up or laying in bed in fetal position for days...sounds more like acute shame from family and friends of repressed homosexuality not lining up with the families religion.

Frankly, it sounds like hogwash.

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The alleged victim has withdrawn his complaint - police will not offer any evidence. A man's reputation is in tatters - and the truth will never come out in court. Whether Reverend John Mountford is guilty or innocent - he deserves his day in court. If guilty - to have the full weight of the law on him ... if innocent - to have his name cleared and the chance to clear his name. Guilty or innocent now - mud has been thrown - and some of it will stick.


Innnocent until proven guilty? try spending a night in central booking for an arraignment which ends in disposition. The quote made is so true and carries weight. Why not sue? Another 5 - 10 years to settle, yes the govt usually settles after a long ass time and if you're lucky enough to win by jury , appeals court suckasssss.

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It is just me.....

But if were acused of being a kiddy fiddler, I don't beleive I would flee to Thailand.... the sex capital of the world.... and at times known for "deviant" sex, and I for sure would not suround myself with more potential victims....

I see a pattern here....

sounds like karma in this case

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If it had been serious at the time, would the child's parents not have known?

Are you really that naive? Anyone able to abuse a child is also able to scare that child enough into keeping their dirty little secret. Maybe the victim was too ashamed. Maybe he thought no-one would believe his word against a so-called pillar of the community.

But then, we will never know the truth as it will never go to trial.


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Excuse me for adding a reply, but I saw this article and found myself needing to add something. John Mountford is my cousin and I have to say that all the things that he has faced coming up to and during his 'trial' were hard enough without the press clinging to his every move.

There have got to be more important things than something that happened perhaps ten years ago involving a man that had left the country and had a life elsewhere. If not then the world is a very very sad place to be and it is a pity that we all lead such introverted lives.

Why this has caused such a fuss I can understand however... There were a lot of claims made and nasty ones at that. As a character witness, I can say that my cousin is many things, but a peodophile he is NOT. If anyone knew what all this had done to his family then maybe they might have been able to see past allegations that were unfounded and unfair.

If it had been serious at the time, would the child's parents not have known? If anything had happened, wouldn't there have been signs before now, nearly ten years on?

I present these questions not only as a family member, but also as someone that believes in other people, and hope that someone somewhere may actually look at both sides rationally and without prior bias.

child sexual abuse can go on for years undetected by even those closest to the situation ,this sick and depraved act is hidden at all costs even murdering the victim to hide it ,
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Being found not guilty does not infer the accused is innocent

Being found Not Guilty in a court of law is precisely that NOT GUILTY - There is no room in the law for 'Oh well he might have been guilty'

Jing joe is actually spot on....

If a jury finds a defendant not guilty it merely means that they found that prosecution had not proven the case beyond reasonable doubt, They declare a person to be "Not Guilty".....They do not declare a person "Innocent"

If a judge directs a not guilty verdict it means that the under law the person cannot be found guilty. I know of a case where not guilty verdicts were ordered because the offences had to be tried under the law as it was when the offences were committed, under the law at that time there were time limits that applied and also the offence definitions were different.

If the prosecution withdraws the charges it usually means that there is a strong likelihood that a not guilty verdict would be given, or that there has been a change in the circumstances of the case that means that it can no longer be pursued.

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A Priest up on kiddy fiddling charges?

I'm shocked.

The total payouts to victims of child abuse by the Cathoilic Church has already reached the $Billions.(uncontested)

I don't know of any other organisation who can boast this and still be in operation.

The coffers of His Holiness are indeed deep. :)

Big big business indeed.

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It is just me.....

But if were acused of being a kiddy fiddler, I don't beleive I would flee to Thailand.... the sex capital of the world.... and at times known for "deviant" sex, and I for sure would not suround myself with more potential victims....

I see a pattern here....

sounds like karma in this case

Actually he didn't flee to Thailand... he was in Thailand and working at a school in Phuket... and came under investigation for alleged acts there. He then was caught up with this Australian case.

A long thread on all this and his case in Thailand from around 2 years ago is gone. :)

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