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Fox News On Small Dish


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I am amazed at how some people foam at the mouth at the mention of Fox News. Everyone has a right to their own oppinions, unless they don't agree with yours I guess.

For those of you who assume that the lack of Fox News being carried universally by broadcasters in Thailand, I would point out that it is a US centric station with large amounts of US political content, as opposed to CNN International which takes a more world view. CNN created a special station for export while Fox is exporting it's US centric product.

The majority of English language TV consumers in Thailand are not Americans so would have little interest in a largely US political content (not to mention the Americans who wouldn't be interested in political content). Of the Americans in Thailand there is a sizable segment that would not want to hear information from any source that didn't push a left leaning agenda. I find it surprising that Fox is carried by anyone in Thailand considering the small pool of potential viewers.

You may now use your freedom of speach to continue to deny that Fox and it's supporters should have the same right to speak their views.

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I am amazed at how some people foam at the mouth at the mention of Fox News. Everyone has a right to their own oppinions, unless they don't agree with yours I guess.

You may now use your freedom of speach to continue to deny that Fox and it's supporters should have the same right to speak their views.

Here's the problem Tim

Fox, and this is true of a good proportion of US TV, appears to me to treat their viewers like imbeciles. This is of course the same for the Sun readers in England....they appeal to base emotion....remember "Gotcha!" as several thousand perfectly nice young Argentinians drowned? I believe they know that the vast majority of their viewers are in concrete operations and are incapable of personal opinion it's only a question of who repeats the message the most. This is exactly the same method Persil used to sell washing powder in Africa. THey knew if they repeated it enough people would act against their own interest. They didn't care that bush folk didn't need washing powder and it would be ruinous to their household economy. Fox, in my opinion, doesn't care about suffering and pain.

That's why although I'm far from a rabid left winger I'm using my free speech to persuade others not to support it.

Edited by sleepyjohn
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it's only a question of who repeats the message the most.

It seems to me this is exactly the tactic of Fox detractors. In this very thread the OP simply asked how he can get Fox and several posters jumped in with their negative oppinions of Fox and made derrogatory remarks about those who watch it. This behavior happens whenever Fox is mentioned on this forum. A little pot calling the kettle black going on but I guess that doesn't matter as long as you agree with the pot's politics.

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Fox is news none the less, no better or greater than the other slanted mass media outlets as CNN, BBC, SKY ECT. They all are horrid news sources, I suggest you watch them all, then make up your own mind on any particular issue.

What I find silly is the constant whinging from people who don't like Fox - obviously they must be in the minority because its the most watched cable news service in the world. Luckily one can flip the channel if you don't like smth.

Edited by britmaveric
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  • 2 weeks later...
Fox is news none the less, no better or greater than the other slanted mass media outlets as CNN, BBC, SKY ECT. They all are horrid news sources, I suggest you watch them all, then make up your own mind on any particular issue.

What I find silly is the constant whinging from people who don't like Fox - obviously they must be in the minority because its the most watched cable news service in the world. Luckily one can flip the channel if you don't like smth.

Ah no, but maybe the most watched USA based news service on cable world wide, but there again with the recent growth of cable in India and China, I suspect they need to narrow that down to the most usa based american speaking cable news channel.watched worldwide with a usa prepective. I must say though Fox 5 is a great channel (Navada News) .

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What I find silly is the constant whinging from people who don't like Fox - obviously they must be in the minority because its the most watched cable news service in the world.

i don't understand why some people don't like FAUX. i also can't understand that most people don't like sh*t. can billions of flies -who consider sh*t a delicacy- be wrong? :o

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Useless? Presidential Debates, The Factor, Shep Smith, Fox and Friends, Best Coverage on Issues.. don't be a hater. Respect others choices.

Stop watching. Start LIVING. (Especially if you watch FNC, cause the average age of their viewers is something like 71, so you probably don't have that much time left.)

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Looks great, but it's not available in my area. I don't have DSL access, which is needed for True to work.

Presuming you have one or more hotels in your area, have you asked them if their SAT/Cable provider carries Fox News? Another option is checking with any pirate (unlicensed) providers in your area. Example: According to TrueVisions (UBC), BKK allegedly has approx. 150 pirate providers. UBC had the gall to ask me if I was actually a UBC member when I called one time to report a service outage. And, UBC wonders why they're widely despised; outages, poor customer service, lackluster programming, etc...but hey, I digress.

Good luck in your quest and pay no attention to the detractors.

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Speaking for myself, I like to watch Fox News - just like I like to watch BBC News, Al Jazeera, Australian News, etc

Seeing the world from many different perspectives allows me to come to my own "Fair and Balanced" conclusions about what's going on.

Seems that there are quite a few on this board who take a much narrower view, and more's the pity.

So to all of you vitriolic whiners, I offer you the sage advice of Sgt. Hulka from the movie "Stripes" - to wit: "Lighten up, Francis. . . ."


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I'd like an example of "phrase of the day"

How about this gem: FOX NEWS INTERNAL MEMO: "Be On The Lookout For Any Statements From The Iraqi Insurgents...Thrilled At The Prospect Of A Dem Controlled Congress"...

See also, http://www.poynter.org/forum/?id=thememo :

...the roots of FNC's day-to-day on-air bias are actual and direct. They come in the form of an executive memo distributed electronically each morning, addressing what stories will be covered and, often, suggesting how they should be covered. To the newsroom personnel responsible for the channel's daytime programming, The Memo is the bible. If, on any given day, you notice that the Fox anchors seem to be trying to drive a particular point home, you can bet The Memo is behind it.
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