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Jobs For Fillipinas

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sunbelt one of our forum sponsors has written on this from time to time.

If she is interested in becoming a nanny, she can do so perfectly legally with work permit etc. Pay can be the market rate (ie not very much) but with the right expat family it can all be sorted but that the only thing she needs to do is a visa run every 90 days.

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sunbelt one of our forum sponsors has written on this from time to time.

If she is interested in becoming a nanny, she can do so perfectly legally with work permit etc. Pay can be the market rate (ie not very much) but with the right expat family it can all be sorted but that the only thing she needs to do is a visa run every 90 days.

This used to be the case. Now only grandfather cases are allowed to get the work permit. The exception is the Labor Dept in Nitchada Thani. They will allow it if the human employer paid tax of 50,000 Baht last year. Must get a Wp3 and then go to Penang for the visa then the wp.

Companies that my wife or I own, now employ five Fillipinos. They are very hardworking and clients love working with them. Resentment from some Thais with a couple but others have had no problems getting respect and working with Thais.


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How can she find a job here?

Thanks for replies so far, she flying home at the end of the month so it's doubtful she will find something before then, but I guess she could apply online when back home.

So she needs a family to sponsor her and then she just needs to get herself back over - is there any way I could help from over here?

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Just out of interest how much do Filipino's maids/nanny's make in Thailand?

Here in Singapore I think it might be about 350 SGD (just under 8000THB) plus food and board.

My boss is Filipino and has a Filipino maid but gives more than the minimum and she does get flown around the region too depending upon school holidays etc. Not all get treated this well though and some nationalities seem to be reported upon more.

A friends maid is Filipino and she was a midwife back in the PI - he will get it paid for by the UK govt.s and he does talk of having to keep the peace between her and his wife over how to bring up the kids :o

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