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Aggressive Annoying And Barking Dogs


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The main types of diseases which people can pick up from cats are toxoplasmosis, rabies, cat scratch disease, salmonella, campylobacter, giardia and cryptosporidium, roundworm and ringworm.

Here KItty

sukanyacondo's post has been haunting me for a while

i am a cat fan

yet i avoid touching most cats in Thailand

however i do make exceptions from time to time if the cat appears domestic and well taken care of

that doesn't mean it isn't carrying one of the above!

without doing my research yet

is anyone familiar with how likely these diseases are to be caught from cats? :o

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People who are unhappy about soi/stray dogs should consider the alternative, I have just returned from a short stay in Hat Yai and the centre is virtually dog free...........but is alive with rats.

I prefer dogs.

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Killing is NOT the way.. :D

Nor scaring them fo' LIFE :o

- No Acid

- No Rat Poison


I mean not that I am endorsing the use of rat poison for noisy dogs ( lost 3 pets that was as a kid) but dose anyone find that post slightly funny coming from someone named MoziKILLAH with a HITMAN avatar :D

I usually find that a bone crusher, solid steel 3 piece dose the trick. You needn't hit them unless they come close, the sound of it rapidly extending, alone is usually enough to scare them away

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Soi dogs or dogs in general.

Where I live are two reasonably large male dogs and when I moved in they would come out of below cars, one would growl so the next would, one would bark so would the next. then one would come after me...yes so would the other. I would be talking to them quietly as I openened the gate and swiftly (but not noisily) behind me. Would go in the house, get some chicken out of the house, go to the gate and give them the food. After a few days they would appear during daylight chasing away any other dogs at the bottom of the Soi. Reckon I was now there buddy.

First time I went to the GF village (9 houses) there was dog that was the father of "Hound of the Baskervilles". Okay I made that up. But believe me it was the size of a Shetland pony. It had been castrated but that did not stop it savaging the dogs from the other part of town (village 9 houses). When I turned up it did not like me the howls it made when being held back had the hairs on my body sticking out in fear. Took a long time of throwing it food, talking to it when it stared at me............. (The look was one of Right leg, Left leg, naw left shoulder??)

Now it follows me everywhere when I go up there (Go up every leave for one week, do 4on/off oil industry offshore)

Yes I like dogs,

Feed a dog and a starving man...... You can trust the dog, not to do you harm. The man, thats why you need the dog.

These inanne ramblings have gone on long enough, apologies....sorry...bye, bye

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We have a neighbor with a yappy little mutt. He's mostly harmless, but he always charges from the gate, full bark on and scares the bejesus out of my little ones, which is totally unacceptable.

I tried introducing the little chappie to my kids, but neither party was having that and the behavior continued.

Finally, one terrified kid episode too many, I knocked on my neighbors door and simply explained enough was enough. I kept calm with her about it and explained it just wasn't right having her little dog scaring the <deleted> out of my kids and occasionally depositing fecal matter in the street (but admittedly, not often).

She kindly agreed and the little guy has been locked inside ever since, as my offer to help discipline the little guy rather worried her I think.

They aren't as friendly with us when we walk by as before, but they do keep the dog locked away so sometimes common sense and manners do work here.

Dr. B

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Or move them yourself to a temple..

That's the problem, many get dumped in temples. I was down the south at a famous wat, there were several mutts which had been dumped by the villagers and I use to avoid them like the plague. I avoid dogs at the best of times (they're filthy and they stink, besides they do my sinus problem no good), so these mangy ones I gave a wide berth.

Problem was, the stupid mutts thought I was afraid of them and used to bark at me continuously. No problem with that, I thought. After all, if all they do is bark, no big deal.

Until one afternoon when I proceeded to enter the dining hall for tea when two ran out and looked like they were going to attack me. Startled, I lost my balance, fell on the ground and dislocated my elbow.

That was bad enough, but then the monks said it was all my fault! Never mind the fact that the previous year one Polish guy also got attacked and had to have four stitches in his leg.

Did they get rid of the dogs? No way!


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A unharmful way is using a device called "pet trainer". It looks like a remote control and it sends a ultrasonic sound that dog don´t like. Google it.

Tried one of those, completely useless with stray dogs. Best thing is pepper spray, if you can get it. Renders them senseless for 20 mins or so.


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especailly at night

how do you cope / deal with them???

here is a tip

besides standing tall avoiding eye contact and walking away:

you can stoop down and touch the ground like you are going to throw something

(or actually follow through)

they usually run away

it works like a charm!!! you will be amazed

got any more tips???

The old saying still applies today"Walk softly, but carry a big stick".

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Very funny albert.tongue in cheek but i get your drift.too many do-gooders regarding soi dogs.many have disease and should be put down not send to a temple.any vicious dog should be muzzled or destroyed.dead simple to me.

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you have to make friends with them, then they will leave you alone everytime you see them. i always just stand still and hold my hand out for their head. talk nicely to them, maybe give them a little snack. easy peasy. this does not however work on a determined pack.

"We sat down to dinner around 7PM, raost(sic Roast) lamb with boiled baby carrots and new potatoes, with a red wine sauce. "

AlbertTD, didn't you know Thai's don't like lamb!!!! You should have started the evening with a little more class (maybe a spicy somtum salad and a Chateau De Loei wine, would have been more appropriate)!

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