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Bed Bugs ?


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i have been incredibly itchy this week

been scratching myself silly :D

i shower minimum 3 times a day

im not allergic to anything !

my gf concures with me that if i sit on the lounge

after 5 mins i feel like i'm being eaten alive

do bed bugs get out of the bed and follow me ???

im in a serviced apartment so should i tell them to fumigate

or is there something i can do ? :o

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I am itchy a great deal of the time on my legs

and feet. My TGF is constantly applying lotion

to me to no avail.

I am Italian American so I perspire a lot and

bugs and mosquitos have always been a problem

for me.

I would ask your service apt to fumigate just in

case. They do it standard at my service apt.

In Florida where my mom lives, they have what they

call "no see ems". Can drive you crazy.

A friend told me to try something called DEET.

I have not yet.

If you beat this annoying problem, please post.


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update :

my room has apparently been sprayed but

i am still itchin all night long

i asked to see what the house keeping people used

and they returned with a big green can of baygon !

i'm not sure i but think its not intended for bed bugs

although, i have done a bit of research and

i now fear it to be "scabies"

any thoughts ???

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FWIW there is another possibility.

Sometimes hotels will use too much bleach

when washing the sheets and pillowcases.

This can make you very itchy too.

This once happened to me. Bringing in my

own sheets and cases solved the problem.

Maybe worth a try for your 'bedbugs'

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i now fear it to be "scabies

That was my initial thought on reading your first post. Get yourself checked out and if it is scabies then you smother yourself from the neck down in a cream, sleep in it overnight and in the morning, bingo, no itchiness. I had it once - I had to fingerprint a minging Nigerian who gave it to me.


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There is a good medicine now against scabies. Only 3 or 4 tablets.IVERMECTINE

I got it from the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp - BG

once , and at that time it was not widely distributed, I spent a scratching 11 hours in a plane before getting help.

pls contact [email protected],

The other treatments described above didnt help in my case (cream , lotions)

Actually they are microscopic spiders walking under your skin, it was terrrible.

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its dust mites and they hate sunshine (UV light)

best to get someone more sensitive than you to sit on the couch and then the mites are attracted to them

or Baygon the sofa - smells a lot - then buy a silk sheet or something nice to throw over the sofa - they will die off

in the bed - get a low allergy soap powder to wash the sheets - hang em out to dry in the sunlight - bring em in before sundown

last and this is serious

get some head and shoulders with the ZPT in it - the menthol one

get in the shower with a hand scrubber and lather up in this stuff - wait a minute or 2 and rinse

do this every day for a while - you wont itch no more - kills itchy scalp and body too - get the GF to help out in those hard to reach places - :o

I was going to put it in a very small bottle and sell it for 5 bucks but i know itching is a bugger and a mood killer

so now someone tell me - i have itchy balls - and besides rubbing them on a thai - what else can i do


just kidding

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