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Belgian-Dutch Drug Ring Caught On Koh Samui


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Prohibition was tried and is ineffective, the slow drip of time works far better for social engineering.

and that is the same point we are making here by being pro the legalization of drugs.

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Prohibition was tried and is ineffective, the slow drip of time works far better for social engineering.

and that is the same point we are making here by being pro the legalization of drugs.

I am saying that the efforts to prevent drug consumption must continue. Cigarettes are an interesting problem because governments are trying to internalise the social costs of consumption through taxation. In most western countries they are taking massively more in tax than is spent on health costs.

However, what has been discovered is much as everyone new, demand for cigarettes is massively inelastic so taxes will not reduce consumption. It is only for the last 10 years that goverments have got their act together to fight tobacco consumption and eventually there is a downturn in consumption, very little of it related to taxation. Bans and restrictions on where cigarettes can be consumed are proving much more effective in restricting consumption. The cigarette companies knew this for donkeys years and have fought restrictions whilst not really fighting taxation control at all.

There is a massive amount of conflicting evidence about the real health and social costs of tobacco consumption. There is a perfect correlation between growth of the combustion engine and lung cancer but anti tobacco groups don't dare let that out into the public domain. There is very little conflicting evidence on the effects of hard drug consumption.

Politically and economically tobacco has become so woven into society that it is pointless to enforce prohibition. However, in 100 years time does anyone think that 30% of humanity will still be smoking. I doubt it very much. The commercial tobacco industry has only been around about 80 years, the clock on its existence is ticking, and all governments have to do is restrict places where one can consume cigarettes, slowly raise the age of consumption and educate young people and lo and behold in a couple of generations cigarette consumption will reduce massively.

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Sorry to hear this again after the paedophile case and also John Carr .

Does not surprise me that again some of my fellow countrymen are on to this .

The Netherlands has got many many drug criminals and I am very happy they got caught ,

they are not only destroying the Dutch society but also the expats life of us expats

overall in Thailand . it is for us expats very sad that there are so many bad examples

coming out lately !

I am afraid that the tightening of visas does give a reason to continue to do so for

Thai immigration , rightfully though , but not so good news for us good willing expats

who's reputation is getting more and more tarnished , sadly so .

Anyway it is a good thing that these 'criminals' are caught and now will going to know

that they messed it up big time doing this in Thailand , Klong prem prison I suppose .......

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Yeah in Belgium they will be free after 5 years or so if they behave good. I think the law on criminals here are not tough enough to these bad ppl (not only this case).

And they'll have a good life in prison too. Internet, tv and living free on ppl taxes. Gosh i would send them to Devils Island like those Frence did some decades ago.

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hmm looks like a death sentence case

play with mtaches you might get burnt. you would think if last year they made 100 billion baht or what ever it was then that would be enough to live off. looks the they got greedy. only a matter of time till they went over 21 and got busted

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So you want to legalize every drug in the world, your all screwed up if you think that will happen. People are still going to beg, borrow and STEEL to get that drug whether its legalized or not (I suppose some of you are forgetting that drugs are addictive). So who ends up paying for it then, the general public.

With regards to the death penalty, no they shouldn't get it, it would be far worse for them to be tied up in a Thai jail for the next 40years. But an eye for an eye, yes I do believe in that.

Good day to you all.

Oh, the IRONy of it all!! :o

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Yeah in Belgium they will be free after 5 years or so if they behave good. I think the law on criminals here are not tough enough to these bad ppl (not only this case).

And they'll have a good life in prison too. Internet, tv and living free on ppl taxes. Gosh i would send them to Devils Island like those Frence did some decades ago.

If Thailand wait long enough with the extradiction, there might be no Belgium at all.

Belgium still has no governement 6 months after the elections and political paries are discussing the possibility of a separated North and South Belgium.


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all of us who struggle in life to get ahead in thailand are kick in the butt by a holes like these giving all of us a bad name :o

No, it's the guy's who are struggling in life to get ahead in Thailand who are giving the rest of us a bad name.

mr nice guy in action

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Hmm - From this news report and previous ones re the bikers etc, it seems that the island of Samui is not such an 'exclusive' and jetsetting destination after all ...


Indeed it does... from the other thread earlier this morning

In the latest, the Post still hasn't picked up on the fifth suspect, the Belgian arrested in the hospital... but otherwise, more details, including their Great Escape attempt, the missing gang leader, the first mention of local seizures during the arrest, and the impact of the burgeoning international criminal gangs on Samui.....

'Most-wanted' Belgium drugs gang captured

About 50 police, including nine from Belgium, raided four houses in a five-rai compound of tambon Boh Pud early yesterday, said Pol Maj-Gen Wut. As police waited for maids to lock up fierce guard dogs, the suspects scaled the backyard fence and tried to flee into the mountain, only to meet waiting policemen.

Police could not find the leader identified as Lota Gariel, a Belgian who runs a kick-boxing establishment. Police seized four cars and bank passbooks with deposits totalling more than 100 million baht. A source in the local tourism business said Koh Samui has become a bustling mafia hub. Earlier this year, four members of the Bandidos motorcycle gang and four Thai accomplices were arrested. In March, John Fowler, 57, was arrested for masterminding the biggest robbery in British criminal history had bought an expensive house on Koh Samui.

Continued here:



Related threads on the topics raised in the article:

100 Police Officers Raid Koh Samui



Samui Loses One Of Its Prestigious Residents


I just haven't seen this place over run with 'mafia'.

Lots of guys in suits trying to make bucks on the boom.

More guys in floral shirts doing the same, but much smaller.

Lots of guys drinking hard, and trying to make the moves on girls 24/7.

And many nice mellow people relaxing and enjoying life

or an extended vaction.

But German mafia controlling the restaurant biz... HUH.

The food scene here has people from ALL over.

Most of them quite nice too.

Any time you get some exclusive compounds

and quiet, mind your own business luxury,

you will also get assorted newly rich low lifes too.

For awhile.

I seriously doubt this new bunch's... 'product'

ever was here for a moment. Don't poop in your own house.

Sorry, this is a place to go for people with cash.

And some few of them happen to want to hide out.

Ex wives and alimony, bad bsuiness deals etc.

Most are totally legit.

These guys got caught from the Belgian end,

and finally tracked down here. Where they seem

to have been keeping a low profile.

Never seen ANY of their faces around Bophut at all.

There seems to be a certain element that wants

to paint Samui development, as a 'mafia plot

to rip of Thai land owners', And they take ever chance

to make it look as bad as possible.

One of the 'alleged Banditos', was nothing of the kind,

and was released 3 days later after his documents were obtained,

to try and get 'the head Bandito, for crimes back in Holland',

and the 'wannabe bearded Bandito, as poster boy for bad land deals here.'

2 may have been bikers, one was a wannabe,

and the other quietly let out

cause he had little to do with anything.

Just a legit real-estate transaction,

nowhere near the alleged land encroachment.

But still the story is 4 Banditos, even a year plus later.

It was a choice plot and some powerful cats in Bangkok wanted it.

Easy enough to do, find a good excuse. Lock up ALL the guys who

own the deeds, cause 1 guy is rotten.

Like the missing 40 mil baht cash from the Thai local drug bust.

Yeah ALL the money got to the station house.

And this will be more hype for the political machine,

to take back the best plots etc. It just got confused after the coup,

and they lost their footing, wait till next year.

I wonder who will get these Belgian/Dutch guy's compound

at bargain basement, closed auction rates?

Business as usual.

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Oh please, what a bunch of hypocritical BS, The incident and and many of the comments too! If you want to know about Justice here just look into the motorcycle helmet issue. Freeloading cops looking for handouts from people who have no power to complain. How many fancy cars get pulled over and ticketed? How about 0. What happens when VIPs kids run over everyday folks in mad rage? Nothing much, A campaign to feel for sorry for his mental problems, Im sure there will be bus loads of idiots paid to protest for him at any trial if that ever happens.

This is just more of the same, easy money and pointing fingers screaming devils, In the end it don't mean nothing. There will be lots of headlines and pictures but it will be about as important as John Marc Carr at the end of the day, A bunch of nothing photo opps and A few uniforms getting more than they already have the greedy &(*&(*&(*&(*&)(*)(*)(*)(*&&&&&&&!

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There is so much outcry about Thailand's reputation here! However Thailand remains a minor producer of illicit drugs such as opium and heroin and is the main regional transit point for illicit heroin produced in South East Asia to other countries.

Thailand also remains a major laundering center for drug money.

Thailand is also still a major consumer of methamphetamines, and is a minor producer of them.

While illicit drug production has decreased in Thailand there remains a significant amount and it has proliferated to other countries in the region.

Having been a major producer of opiates in the past, Thailand is a country soaked in drug blood money and many of the controlling elements in this country built their fortunes on such a trade.

One should be quick to remember these important facts, especially when rushing to condemn a few Westerners on the run from the authorities in their home country and rushing to protect Thailand's already tarnished image when it comes to production and distribution of illicit drugs.

Spot on. :o

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Funny, I used to live next to these guys. They spend money like crazy, but still kept a relatively low profile. Their story never made much sense to me, but never really questioned it, but now I know why things did not add up.

Don't think any drugs were ever smuggled here, they just "retired" here, probably thought it was a safe heaven. Any way the punishment in Belgium/Netherlands is nothing compared to here.

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If found guilty, THROW THE BOOK AT 'EM.

It's people (!) like those who force immigration to really clamp down on visa rules, and law abiding residents suffer more stringent rules (sometimes to the point of departing LoS forever).

Law abiding residents should not have anything to worry about more stringent visa rules i would have thought.

I would have thought the hang em high brigade would like the rules as stringent as possible.

Unless of course they are "Bending" those rules to stay in Thailand themselves in either the spirit or letter of the law?

I have been here for 10 years and recently have changed to a Non O multi entry. I have never failed to pay taxes, always have paid road tax and 1st class insurance, donated to temples, never broken any laws (OK, littering the odd time and not crossing at a designated place), but may be subject to getting only a single entry visa (or tourist visa) the next time I apply because immigration sometimes tar falangs with the same brush. Please do not lecture a law abiding person.

Why would they change your visa type if you are abiding by the rules for that visa type?

So, if I never break any laws in the future and keep my nose clean, I am guaranteed (visa-wise) to live here all my days? I mean....this forum is littered with posters saying they are in uncharted waters because of visa changes to the norm over the last few years

I really do not know - if you qualify for O through say marriage etc and you do not get divorced then why would they change it?

I can only really remember it being tightened for 30 day visa runners???

Hmmmmm. Please see the thread entitled

40k Baht Per Month For Non-o, Be careful! This could happen to you

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There is so much outcry about Thailand's reputation here! However Thailand remains a minor producer of illicit drugs such as opium and heroin and is the main regional transit point for illicit heroin produced in South East Asia to other countries.

Thailand also remains a major laundering center for drug money.

Thailand is also still a major consumer of methamphetamines, and is a minor producer of them.

While illicit drug production has decreased in Thailand there remains a significant amount and it has proliferated to other countries in the region.

Having been a major producer of opiates in the past, Thailand is a country soaked in drug blood money and many of the controlling elements in this country built their fortunes on such a trade.

One should be quick to remember these important facts, especially when rushing to condemn a few Westerners on the run from the authorities in their home country and rushing to protect Thailand's already tarnished image when it comes to production and distribution of illicit drugs.

Spot on. :o

The British royal family did the same, that and people trafficking.

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hmm looks like a death sentence case

I hope so...they deserve it!!!

I can't believe how many of you <deleted> are cheering for the death penalty over dealing marijuana & herion. I don't think herion has ever killed anyone and I'm positive that marijuana hasn't! Alcohol and nicotine kill thousands every year but, due to commercial greed and taxes, they remain legal. Use of any drug should be a personal choice based on health risks and whether it endangers anyone around you.

What kind of fool are you? Heroin never killed somebody? You must be out of your mind!!!About 110 people in a small city in Germany got killed by Heroin over the last 20 years. The last I've heard was a 23 year old girl, who died overdosed in Kitzingen/ Germany. And she was a friend of mine. Many had HIV and other diseases. All of them are dead. Because Heroin doesn't kill anybody? You really don't know what's going on. Mike

I forgot to add something. Have you ever seen living Zombies, like in Frankfurt near the train station? people who're trying to stick the needle in, but they can't find a vene? Other;s on crack, who think they're a bird, or something else...? But you can't even write HEROIN. You've got access to the Internet, why don't you check something before you're writing such stupid things?

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hmm looks like a death sentence case

I hope so...they deserve it!!!

I can't believe how many of you <deleted> are cheering for the death penalty over dealing marijuana & herion. I don't think herion has ever killed anyone and I'm positive that marijuana hasn't! Alcohol and nicotine kill thousands every year but, due to commercial greed and taxes, they remain legal. Use of any drug should be a personal choice based on health risks and whether it endangers anyone around you.

What kind of fool are you? Heroin never killed somebody? You must be out of your mind!!!About 110 people in a small city in Germany got killed by Heroin over the last 20 years. The last I've heard was a 23 year old girl, who died overdosed in Kitzingen/ Germany. And she was a friend of mine. Many had HIV and other diseases. All of them are dead. Because Heroin doesn't kill anybody? You really don't know what's going on. Mike

I forgot to add something. Have you ever seen living Zombies, like in Frankfurt near the train station? people who're trying to stick the needle in, but they can't find a vene? Other;s on crack, who think they're a bird, or something else...? But you can't even write HEROIN. You've got access to the Internet, why don't you check something before you're writing such stupid things?

Okay, enough already! I made a couple of mistakes in my earlier posting. First, I was thinking the article said "hashish" & marijuana; not "HEROIN" (is that spelling better, Mike?). I also want to apologize for calling all of you intolerant rightwing hardliners "<deleted>"; very imprudent of me. Mia culpa. That's just my opinion of people that want to kill others for having anything to do with drugs they don't happen to use. (And yes, I'm sure a lot of people think I'm an ###### due to many of my expressed opinions.)

I don't make any pretense of knowing a lot about 'hard' drugs but I have been in favor of legalizing marijuana since I first tried it back in the mid-50s. I'm a septuagenarian now so it isn't likely to happen in my lifetime...but, hopefully, it will become a legal alternative to alcohol some day!

I don't advocate any drugs for kids, or adults, but I do firmly believe that adults should be free to decide whatever they might want to ingest so long as it does no harm to others. I don't want the State (or church/religion) dictating personal, moral choices made in private.

I would also like to add that G.W. Bush is my president also, although certainly not by choice! I don't think he measures up to a comparison with Hitler, yet...but he is gaining on him rapidly. He is definitely the worse U.S. President ever! He has destroyed our reputation and goodwill worldwide, practically bankrupted our treasury, devalued the U.S. dollar, ignored our Constitution & Bill of Rights and should be IMPEACHED by the U.S. Congress and found guilty of "crimes against humanity" by some international tribunal. Not to mention his responsibility for the deaths of hundreds of thousands in his illegal war over oil...despite his hypocritical claims about WMDs and 'spreading democracy'! He's not the only one that has betrayed "we the people" (Cheney, Rice, inept members of Congress, et al) but that smirking Texas turd needs to be kicked out of office before his tenure expires! [For those of you that don't know, a "turd" is American slang for 'a piece of shit'! I can say that because I'm a citizen of a democracy with a Bill of Rights guarantee of "freedom of speech". Can't threaten him, but can insult him!]

Other than that, I just want to live quietly & peacefully in this wonderful Thai countryside. I share the opinion that law-breaking falanges reflect poorly on all of us but I think the big SUVs, ostentatious homes, and bossy attitudes do us as much harm as the occasional outlaw(s).

My apologies to any of you that I have offended---NOT!

Grumpy old ###### fsuthai

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Yeah in Belgium they will be free after 5 years or so if they behave good. I think the law on criminals here are not tough enough to these bad ppl (not only this case).

And they'll have a good life in prison too. Internet, tv and living free on ppl taxes. Gosh i would send them to Devils Island like those Frence did some decades ago.

If Thailand wait long enough with the extradiction, there might be no Belgium at all.

Belgium still has no governement 6 months after the elections and political paries are discussing the possibility of a separated North and South Belgium.


The separate part is Brussel-Halle-Vilvoorde not the country itself. I dont believe that it will happen as i dont belive in Thailand giving up on Pattani no matter how much problems it bring along. Sorry this is a little off topic. :o I dont like politics it make me headache :D

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Hmmmmmmmm! Now I wonder how much of that confiscated money (frozen money) the police are going to put

in their pockets.

Now its time to bust all the corrupt cops here and throw them all in jail...The thought occurs to me that there probably

isn't enough jails or prisons here to hold them all!

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hmm looks like a death sentence case

I hope so...they deserve it!!!

I can't believe how many of you <deleted> are cheering for the death penalty over dealing marijuana & herion. I don't think herion has ever killed anyone and I'm positive that marijuana hasn't! Alcohol and nicotine kill thousands every year but, due to commercial greed and taxes, they remain legal. Use of any drug should be a personal choice based on health risks and whether it endangers anyone around you.

Heroin has never killed anyone??? Ever hear of the term "overdose"??? Sounds to me like you're on the stuff.


I agree that stupid laws only fill the pockets of criminals and corrupt officials (ha ha in Thailand surely not) But those who advocate legalising heroin obviously haven't woken up in a guesthouse where the Japanese guy in the next room died 6 days earlier stinking the joint out. Or seen the brain-fried whacko who would steal from his parents/family. Or watched as the naked junkie thought he could fly from the 6th floor. There is lots of sadness emanates from junkies to their family, their community. The plane holds are filled with the remains of these misguided travellers being returned to their homes and families from this country where heroin is so freely available. Some say it's their choice but ask a junkie if he or she has a choice..... most would love to be able to stop and say 'NO' but no longer have the will to do so. These Belgian guys..... I wonder if they were users?

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May they rot in H*ll

People like this give all foreigners a bad name,

to say nothing of the harm that they do to the youngsters who buy the drugs. :o

did it say anywhere that they were catering their services to minors?

Firstly I said youngsters, not minors.

Secondly, as a father I can assure you these drugs DO get to all age level. :D

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hmm looks like a death sentence case

I hope so...they deserve it!!!

Yeah!! Hang them from the highest yardarm without trial... in fact, hanging's too good for these people the police say trafficked drugs. Let's torture them publicly and sell tickets!!

Or here's a novel idea... let's not be facists right off the bat as the instincts of some seem to dictate, but wait to hear a bit more "evidence" against them before we start preparing the lethal injection. You don't suppose there is a possibility that the police have set up anyone do you? Is it possible that there could even have been some police involvement/complicity/profit sharing along the way?? Kind of tough to sell billions of baht worth of drugs without the police cottoning on at some point and demanding their fair share of the proceeds.

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There is so much outcry about Thailand's reputation here! However Thailand remains a minor producer of illicit drugs such as opium and heroin and is the main regional transit point for illicit heroin produced in South East Asia to other countries.

Thailand also remains a major laundering center for drug money.

Thailand is also still a major consumer of methamphetamines, and is a minor producer of them.

While illicit drug production has decreased in Thailand there remains a significant amount and it has proliferated to other countries in the region.

Having been a major producer of opiates in the past, Thailand is a country soaked in drug blood money and many of the controlling elements in this country built their fortunes on such a trade.

One should be quick to remember these important facts, especially when rushing to condemn a few Westerners on the run from the authorities in their home country and rushing to protect Thailand's already tarnished image when it comes to production and distribution of illicit drugs.

Spot on. :o

The British royal family did the same, that and people trafficking.

And we can shout about that from the highest rooftops if we wish to do so

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